La Quinta Ola. La transformación digital del aprendizaje, de la educación y de la escuela

Book Description

Somos productos, y agentes, de las sucesivas olas transformadoras de la información, la comunicación y el aprendizaje. La primera ola, impulsada por el lenguaje y la educación, integró y produjo la hominización. La segunda, por la escritura y la escuela artesanal, hizo posible la civilización. La tercera, con la imprenta y los sistemas escolares, fue parte vertebral de la modernización. La cuarta, con la explosión de los medios de comunicación de masas y las reformas escolares comprehensivas, ha sido y es un periodo de desencuentro. La quinta ola, la transformación digital ubicua que vivimos, más amplia, más rápida y más profunda que cualquier otra anterior, cuestiona profundamente la organización educativa heredada, abriendo un sinfín de oportunidades, desatando no pocos riesgos y descolocando a quienes crecimos en un sistema y nos vemos ya en otro. Esta obra analiza los elementos esenciales de esta ola transformadora: el artilugio o la tríada digital formada por el dispositivo personal, el software como metamedio y la conectividad ubicua; el hipertexto y su extensión a los hipermedia, frente al languideciente dominio del libro de texto; la hiperaula, como radical transformación del aula, es decir, de la arquitectura física y organizativa del espacio, el tiempo, los recursos y la actividad escolares; la codocencia y la ciborgdocencia, que se abren paso entre el paisaje heredado de la docencia balcanizada y fragmentaria; la inteligencia aumentada de la profesión, gracias al desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial desde las primitivas máquinas de enseñar hasta los tan espectaculares como inciertos modelos generativos actuales.

Actas del VI Simposio Las Sociedades ante el Reto Digital

Book Description

Desde 2008, el Simposio Las Sociedades ante el Reto Digital, se ha venido desarrollando en el marco de la Cátedra Europa, organizado por la Universidad del Norte en Barranquilla, Colombia. En sus seis ediciones, se ha consolidado como un espacio de encuentro académico interesado en el abordaje interdisciplinar de las TIC desde tres grandes áreas, las ciencias sociales, las comunicaciones y la educación.

Is Technology Good for Education?

Book Description

Digital technologies are a key feature of contemporary education. Schools, colleges and universities operate along high-tech lines, while alternate forms of online education have emerged to challenge the dominance of traditional institutions. According to many experts, the rapid digitization of education over the past ten years has undoubtedly been a ‘good thing’. Is Technology Good For Education? offers a critical counterpoint to this received wisdom, challenging some of the central ways in which digital technology is presumed to be positively affecting education. Instead Neil Selwyn considers what is being lost as digital technologies become ever more integral to education provision and engagement. Crucially, he questions the values, agendas and interests that stand to gain most from the rise of digital education. This concise, up-to-the-minute analysis concludes by considering alternate approaches that might be capable of rescuing and perhaps revitalizing the ideals of public education, while not denying the possibilities of digital technology altogether.

Equality in Education

Book Description

A text for students of education and sociology with up-to-date data on equality in education in Ireland

Higher Education Administration with Social Media

Book Description

New technologies provide new ways of delivering the programs and services of higher educational (HE) institutions. This book examines how social media are redefining what university communities are and the purposes and practices of the various functional areas in HE.

Augmented Reality in Education

Book Description

This is the first comprehensive research monograph devoted to the use of augmented reality in education. It is written by a team of 58 world-leading researchers, practitioners and artists from 15 countries, pioneering in employing augmented reality as a new teaching and learning technology and tool. The authors explore the state of the art in educational augmented reality and its usage in a large variety of particular areas, such as medical education and training, English language education, chemistry learning, environmental and special education, dental training, mining engineering teaching, historical and fine art education. Augmented Reality in Education: A New Technology for Teaching and Learning is essential reading not only for educators of all types and levels, educational researchers and technology developers, but also for students (both graduates and undergraduates) and anyone who is interested in the educational use of emerging augmented reality technology.

Digital Technologies in Designing Mathematics Education Tasks

Book Description

This book is about the role and potential of using digital technology in designing teaching and learning tasks in the mathematics classroom. Digital technology has opened up different new educational spaces for the mathematics classroom in the past few decades and, as technology is constantly evolving, novel ideas and approaches are brewing to enrich these spaces with diverse didactical flavors. A key issue is always how technology can, or cannot, play epistemic and pedagogic roles in the mathematics classroom. The main purpose of this book is to explore mathematics task design when digital technology is part of the teaching and learning environment. What features of the technology used can be capitalized upon to design tasks that transform learners’ experiential knowledge, gained from using the technology, into conceptual mathematical knowledge? When do digital environments actually bring an essential (educationally, speaking) new dimension to classroom activities? What are some pragmatic and semiotic values of the technology used? These are some of the concerns addressed in the book by expert scholars in this area of research in mathematics education. This volume is the first devoted entirely to issues on designing mathematical tasks in digital teaching and learning environments, outlining different current research scenarios.