Ricardo and the Theory of Value Distribution and Growth

Book Description

The book presents a rigorous reconstruction of Ricardo's contribution to economic theory and a unifying interpretation of the key issues of Ricardo's research. Part One deals primarily with the problems of value and distribution Part Two deals specifically with the issues of distribution and growth. * Contemporary economic literature in the fields of value, distribution and growth is witnessing a renewed interest in the approach of the classical school, notably in the work of David Ricardo.

David Ricardo

Book Description

This book completes the record on Ricardian value theory and fills the last gap in our knowledge of the development of Ricardo's thinking.

Ricardo's Economics

Book Description

This book, together with Marx's Economic and Walras' Economics, completes a sequence of titles by Professor Morishima on the first generation of scientific economists. The author's assessment of Ricardo differs substantially from the established views adopted by economists and historians of economic thought. While economists such as Pasinetti, Caravale and Samuelson have concentrated on macroeconomic interpretations of Ricardo, and historians of economic thought have emphasised his labour theory of value, Morishima takes a different course. In this book the author concentrates on Ricardo's main work, The Principles, and shows that his economics is the prototype of mathematical economies without the symbols and formulae. Morishima then translates Ricardo's economics into mathematical language to find a general equilibrium system (very similar to Walras') concealed within. The analysis also contradicts the conventional view that marginalism emerged in opposition to classical economics, showing instead that Ricardian analysis is firmly based on marginalist principles, using prices, wages and profits rather than labour values. The book ends with a discussion of the historical character of economic theory and an attempt to specify the epoch of Ricardian economics.

Adam Smith’s Theory of Value and Distribution

Book Description

This book looks at the value and distribution debates on the theories of Adam Smith. A variety of the aspects of his work are covered in this book such as his labour command measure, as are a number of interpretations and criticisms.

Theories of Value and Distribution Since Adam Smith

Book Description

Mr Dobb examines the history of economic thought in the light of the modern controversy over capital theory and, more particularly, the appearance of Sraffa's book The Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities, which was a watershed in the critical discussions constituted a crucial turning-point in the history of economics: an estimate not unconnected with his reinterpretation of nineteenth-century economic thought as consisting of two streams or traditions commonly confused under the generic title of 'the classical tradition' against which Jevons so strongly reacted.

The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo: Volume 11, General Index

Book Description

Part of an eleven-volume set which contains all of Ricardo's published and unpublished writings, and provides great insight into the early era of political economics.

The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo: Volume 10, Biographical Miscellany

Book Description

Part of an eleven-volume set which contains all of Ricardo's published and unpublished writings, and provides great insight into the early era of political economics.

A Brief History of Economic Thought

Book Description

A clear and concise history of economic thought, developed from the author's award-winning book, The Wealth of Ideas.