Riding The WIND of The HOLY GHOST

Book Description

Riding The WIND of The HOLY GHOST is sharing my growth in the Lord through the testing of my faith, trials and tribulations, training, miracles, encouragement, and blessings. It testifies of what happens when you completely yield unto the Holy Ghost and His working power living in you and through you. It reveals the power of Salvation, regarding sanctification, justification, and obedience. I pray this brings you much encouragement in the Lord and opens spiritual doors of revelation allowing the Holy Ghost to lead in you in all Truth concerning Jesus Christ and the Cross. Bobbi Lynn Campbell has been a Born-Again Believer since 2003. She has served in the pharmacy field for 17 years as a Certified Pharmacy Technician. Her hobbies are studying the Word of God, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, painting and spending time with her family. She comes from a family of four and has one adult son. She grew up in Muskegon Michigan and now resides in Tennessee.


Book Description

Pneumaticos is made up of the Greek word "Pneuma" which means a current of air, breath or breeze. It is used to refer to the Spirit of God. The word "ticos" also means activity of. Therefore Pneumaticos means "of the Activities of the breath of God" or "the Activities of the Spirit of God" or "the Manifestation of the Holy Spirit". The Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit to complete the work and the purpose of God on earth. The Holy Spirit came fully to stay, do and complete His work on earth from the day of Pentecost as stated in Acts chapter two. It is worth noting that when the Holy Spirit came, He came upon the disciples of Jesus Christ, living in them and working in/with them through various manifestations. The earliest manifestations or activities of the Holy Spirit the disciple took note of was that the Holy Spirit manifested as rushing wind and tongues of fire. As the disciples were filled with the Spirit, they learnt and then ride on the wind of the Holy Spirit and this is known as Pneumaticos. Riding on the wind of the Holy Spirit means manifesting the Holy Spirit in every area of our Christian lives. Riding on the wind of the Spirit includes;-Being full of the Spirit (Acts 6:3) (Eph 5:18)-Living by the Spirit (Galatians 5:17)-Walking in the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25) (Galatians 5: 16)-Speaking by the Spirit (1 Cor 12:3)-Being led of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:18)-Operating with the gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor 12:7)-Bearing the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22)-Worshipping the Father in spirit by Spirit (John 4:24) The purpose of this book is introduce readers and seekers to the Holy Spirit with the aim of creating an avenue for them to encounter the Holy Spirit and develop an intimate relationship that will serve as their foundation for riding the wind of the Spirit and manifesting the Holy Spirit in every area of their lives.Did you know that the entire creation is waiting for us to manifest as God's sons?Romans 8:19 says "For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God".Yes, the earth is eager for us to bring to fruition our godly identities. The book is tailored to help readers find their identity in Christ so they can reflect their godly identities in the world being the cities set on a hill that Jesus said cannot be hidden. If you are interested not only to be baptize by the Holy Spirit but desire to lead people to receive Spirit baptism with evidence of speaking in tongues or interested in being equipped to clearly hear the voice of the Lord, flow with the gifts of the Spirit and operate in the supernatural realm. If you are interested in receiving impartation and become activated for impactful ministry, then this book is a must read for you.I pray that you will encounter the Holy Spirit through this book as you read and your life and ministry will never be the same again.

Riding the Wind

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Riding the Wind

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The Second Wind of the Holy Spirit

Book Description

Salvation in Christ is a onetime experience, but God's second wind of the Holy Spirit fills and refills us again and again with unspeakable joy when we seek God's presence. The gift of the Holy Spirit was always God's plan for all of his followers. In Second Wind of the Holy Spirit, fresh fillings of the Holy Spirit are explored. Remember, Jesus promised his followers peace in life and power for service. With the Spirit's help, believers can live a Spirit-filled life. Would you like to help others grow spiritually? Do you yearn for God's comfort in times of grief for yourself and others? Are you bored with your spiritual life? God's second wind of the Holy Spirit opens new and challenging ways to serve Jesus. How do you feel about death? Second wind of the Holy Spirit goes to Calvary and listens to Jesus as he deals with his death and speaks his Seven Words from the cross. God's second wind of the Holy Spirit shatters doubts, melts fear, changes indifference, reveals scripture, and creates a bold prayer life. The Holy Spirit helps God's people serve him in ways they never thought possible. Lazarus died and was buried. Jesus said, "Lazarus, come out." He came out of the tomb wrapped in grave clothes. "Untie him and let him go," Jesus said (John 11:43-44)--in the same way God's second wind of the Holy Spirit frees his followers and releases them to live in the fullness of his amazing grace.

When the Holy Ghost Is Come

Book Description

It is the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin, who makes us feel how good and righteous, and just and patient God is, and how guilty we are, and how unfit for Heaven, and how near to Hell. It is the Holy Spirit who leads us to true repentance and confession... -from "Preparing His House" This joyful work of devotion and "experiential" religion is part testimony, part prayer book. The author, a preacher who was instrumental in the development of the theology of the Salvation Army, the Protestant evangelical organization, relates stories of the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives and save souls, and offers meditations, excerpts from Scripture, on His authority. First published in 1906, this is an invaluable volume for anyone seeking to understand the history and ideology of this important Christian sect. American preacher SAMUEL LOGAN BRENGLE (1860-1936) was instrumental in the development of the theology of the Salvation Army. He is also the author of Heart Talks on Holiness (1897), The Way of Holiness (1902), Love Slaves (1923), and Resurrection Life and Power (1925).

The Wind Around the World

Book Description

What does the Bible say about the Holy Spirit of God? Was it in the Old & New Testament? What did Jesus really say about entering the Kingdom of Heaven? What does 'born again' mean? What does wind have to do with the Holy Spirit?

The Prophet's Devotional

Book Description

Daily encouragements to tend the prophetic flame The Prophet's Devotional was written to equip and encourage you in your prophetic gift. No matter where you are in your prophetic journey, this essential resource will sharpen your discernment and hone your delivery of prophetic words. Bestselling author, spiritual warfare leader, and prophetic trainer, Jennifer LeClaire delivers a devotional experience unlike any other, providing rich, daily teachings and powerful prayers to empower you in your prophetic adventure with the Lord. Over the course of 365 days, you will: Discover different functions of the prophetic gift. Avoid common pitfalls for prophetic people. Receive protocol for operating in the prophetic. Engage multiple dimensions of the spirit of prophecy. Discern the spirit realm with increased clarity. Hear God’s voice more distinctly and frequently. As you continue to steward your prophetic gift, you will hear God’s voice with greater clarity, and speak His words with greater confidence. What are you waiting for? The adventure begins today!

Chasing The Wind

Book Description

Chasing The Wind is a book that carries the reader to a new level in their relationship with the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. Through Biblical stories combined with the author's own personal experiences, the reader comes to know the precious person of the Holy Spirit, bringing the reader into the knowledge that the Holy Spirit truly wants to be a part of their lives...each and every day...each and every moment. Peggy's own personal encounters with the Holy Spirit began after suffering an illness...an illness that was cured by our great physician, the Lord Jesus. Her spiritual eyes and her spiritual ears were opened so that during times of prayer, she found herself being taught through amazing visions that the Lord shared with her. Travel through the pages of this book...you will find that as you read about the precious Holy Spirit...that He is reading it with you. You will come to know Him...in a way you never dreamt was possible... Peggy Mosley Lack is a native Mississippian. She and her husband, Doug, have two children, Stephen and Kendal. Peggy's journey is that of a former teacher and youth director. It was in the year of 2009, however, that she had her "Damascus Road" experience...her face to face encounter with the Lord Jesus. The Holy Spirit has been her teacher and her guide, moving in marvelous ways within her life and in the lives of those around her. Her journey is told in the book, Choose Wisely... a story that is filled with the miraculous works of the Lord. For more information about Peggy Mosley Lack and her book, Choose Wisely...go to [email protected]

Spirit Rising

Book Description

Nothing will change your prayer life, your church, or your study of God's Word more than opening your heart to the Holy Spirit. Join Pastor Jim Cymbala as he invites you to discover a deeper understanding of how the Holy Spirit moves, and let Spirit Rising be your guide along the way. What will God do when you open your life to the Holy Spirit? Christianity is impossible without the Holy Spirit. So why do we talk so little about him? In Spirit Rising, Jim Cymbala combines biblical insights with stunning stories of the Holy Spirit's work to help you experience God's power in a new way. For so many of us, faith is harder than it should be. Discouraged, anxious, and worn down, we wonder what happened to the power and the joy that Jesus promised. But Jim believes that many of us are missing something vital. In Spirit Rising, Jim teaches us that if you aren't vitally in touch with God's Spirit, you are missing out on the life God has for you. With stunning stories of God at work and biblical teaching about the Holy Spirit, Jim invites you to experience God as the Bible intended, teaching us how to: Tap into the power of the Holy Spirit Look for signs and symbols of renewal in your life Surrender to the Holy Spirit Praise for Spirit Rising: "Jim Cymbala invites you and me to raise our sails and ride the warm winds of God's Spirit. His careful study and personal credibility merge to create this guide to power-packed living." --Max Lucado, pastor; New York Times bestselling author "The blend of solid biblical teaching from an anointed pastor and heart-moving personal testimonies gives extra spiritual power to this book. Whether you are a young believer or a mature saint, Spirit Rising will help you experience a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit." --Warren W. Wiersbe, author; professor; preacher