Righteous Soul Living “Front Line”

Book Description

Righteous Soul “Front Line” is for “righteous soul do real love wicked soul to be create righteous soul” in the micro concept world in me. Wicked soul moving, so here is my feeling, is wicked soul but where is righteous soul. This is as mind one per limitless then appared up, righteous soul, that is space. Space of silent and clean clear is righteous soul, so then here space righteous soul doing real love. Wicked soul to be righteous soul that is righteous soul font line.

Righteous Soul Doing Real Love

Book Description

Do you know doing real love? Righteous soul doing real love is? Righteous soul meet a lover of wicked soul, then do real love lover of wicked soul to be creating righteous soul of lover. Righteous soul me and lover of creature of righteous soul both safe returning to the Righteous soul living in destination place.

Poem Righteous Soul

Book Description

Poem righteous soul is created. During writing book “the poor & righteous soul” and “Excitement” I thought that Righteous soul living actor behave and living. It may be can be written “Poem righteous soul” Truly I’m not poet I’m not well in English I try to say “Righteous soul living” During write I realized To be peace do real love and forgive

Righteous Soul Living and Creature

Book Description

In this book “Righteous soul living actor and creature” what I try to say? It start “living in custody go around was so hard to me so that getting out from in this custody living” I live in writing this book. I found that creature defined that is creature is “hearing righteous soul living in destination place broadcasting” and righteous soul living actor runs for the righteous soul living in destination place. So long, an actor in the custody how to runs to the righteous soul living in destination place, this is solutions is “Creature” helping creature righteous soul living actor runs to the righteous soul living in destination place.

Righteous Soul Living Traveling on the Macro Concept World.

Book Description

Righteous soul voyage from micro concept world to macro concept world then safe return to righteous soul living in destination place of 360° traveling completion. Righteous soul living vertical time traveling by helping of righteous soul living in destination creator of creation of knowledge. Righteous soul macro concept world voyage mission; meets lover of righteous soul through doing real love to wicked soul of lover, as macro voyage completion, righteous soul being creator of righteous soul to be being voyage macro concept world.

Righteous Soul Living Front Line

Book Description

Righteous Soul "Front Line" is for "righteous soul do real love wicked soul to be create righteous soul" in the micro concept world in me. Wicked soul moving, so here is my feeling, is wicked soul but where is righteous soul. This is as mind one per limitless then appared up, righteous soul, that is space. Space of silent and clean clear is righteous soul, so then here space righteous soul doing real love. Wicked soul to be righteous soul that is righteous soul font line.

A Book of Philosophy: All of World Going from “Righteous Soul Me”

Book Description

A book of philosophy: All of world going from “righteous soul me”. If I living in excitement or bad living all from righteous soul me. All of my living circumstance all create by me no other. So that to be macro concept world voyage complete, then all from righteous soul me no other. There for all of world righteous soul me create, if I live righteous soul me, then macro concept world to be righteous soul living in destination place.

Love Engineering

Book Description

Love Engineering is after book micro concept, my second book, so that micro concept knowledge is adopt, living in the macro concept world “wicked soul, righteous soul, mind and body” so then, righteous soul doing real love which mission tools from righteous soul living in destination place creator, righteous soul doing real love meet a lover in the macro concept world, so that righteous soul living doing real love of wicked soul of lover, creating righteous soul and safe returning to the righteous soul living in destination place.

Essentials for Frontline Living

Book Description

According to the author, frontline living is not a place or position but a lifestyle of readiness led by the Holy Spirit to advance the Kingdom of God in the Earth. (Practical Life)