Rise Of The Anti-Christ Vol. III

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Book Description

It has been nearly two years since the day of the mass disappearances. In one cataclysmic instant, millions all over the globe simply vanished, leaving everything but flesh and bone behind. Global war has erupted, and the Tribulation Force sets a suicidal course that places them in direct opposition to the rise of Antichrist. A repackage of the third book in the New York Times best-selling Left Behind series.

The Rise Of The Antichrist

Book Description

The Rise of The Antichrist carefully investigates the measurable effects of politics, religion, science and technology on the human psyche. All mainstream religions traditionally share similar perspectives regarding the Antichrist and his developing systems, which have been foretold by all prophets or messengers dutifully sent to every nation over time. This book carefully explores the much-debated topic of the Antichrist, regarding his future emergence. Will he lead humanity to eternal darkness, or enlightenment? Although modern science and human history popularly refer to the last 5,000–15,000 years of development, in reality, there are signs and evidence that human development is considerably older, with possibilities of supernatural or otherworldly intervention. This book explores stories such as the Nimrod who meticulously researched into longevity and occult magic, with a possibility of alien or supernatural influence which was captured on stone glyphs. Throughout history, there have been developed, mighty empires whose chosen kings proclaimed to be Gods... But were they actually inter-dimensional beings? This book will ideally suit readers with an active interest in religion, historical events and those interested in a thought-provoking read.

Rise Of The Anti-Christ Vol. II

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Rise Of The Anti-Christ Vol. I

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The 12th Imam Rise of the Antichrist

Book Description

Today the news is filled with accounts of the rising tide of Islamic governments across the Middle East based on Sharia Law leading into an Islamic caliphate. Iran is now closer than ever to developing a nuclear weapon and Muslim terrorism against the United States is increasing as the events in Benghazi have shown. Against this backdrop, in the not too distant future, Iran has successfully developed several nuclear bombs and decided to use them against Israel and the West. The attack goes better than planned as the nuclear attacks coincide with the biblical event known as the rapture, which devastates America, but leaves the Muslim world virtually untouched due to the small number of Christians within their borders. This disparity now leaves the Islamic countries in a perfect situation to continue their move to take over the world and to unite it under Islam. Iran receives unexpected help from the Mahdi, the long awaited Islamic messiah, whose coming was predicted 1,200 years ago. The 12th Imam is based on actual prophecies found in the Bible, Jewish and Islamic writings that parallel each other, making for an exciting read leaving one to wonder how much is fiction and how much is soon to be reality. In a story ripped from today's headlines, Iran has launched a nuclear attack on Israel and the Great Satan, the United States. The president of Iran has little idea that his grand plan would initiate a series of events that fulfills prophecies in both Islamic and Christian holy writings. The return of the Islamic Messiah, the one the Bible calls the Antichrist, is imminent. The missiles go astray and destroy the Dome of the Rock. While the Israeli attack fails, Iranian agents succeed in destroying the nation's capital as well as several American cities. At the same time, Christians are removed from the earth in a mass exodus. The 12th Imam, the long awaited Islamic Messiah, returns from the Jamkaran well, from a slumber of nearly 1,200 years. These events unite Jewish, Islamic and the remaining Christian adherents as each of their end-times writings converge on a single individual. The Twelfth Imam: Rise of the Antichrist is a fast-paced thriller that will keep the reader on a roller-coaster ride that never slows down. The book is not your normal work of Christian end-times fiction. Its doomsday premise is based not just on real-world events, but actual threat assessments from national security experts and think tanks regarding scenarios that can plunge America back to the dark ages. About 1.8 billion live under Islam, the second largest religion. Islam has been trying to take over the world since Mohamed established it in the 6th century. Shia Islam, Iran being one of the largest Shiite countries, believes in a coming Islamic Messiah, the 12th Imam, who will come and rule the world for 7 years at the end of time. Antichrist? Many Shiites believe they can hurry his return by destroying Israel. Islamic details about the 12th Imam line up with Bible details about the Antichrist. Could the Religion of the Antichrist be with us already? James Parker has taken the well-established Bible doctrine of the rapture and presented it with a fresh look by tying it to Islamic end-time prophesies. Parker has shown there is a clear Islamic connection to Christian end-time prophesies regarding the antichrist. His first novel is a fast-paced political action thriller that will appeal to religious and secular lovers of mystery and mayhem. The action takes place mostly in New York City and the Islamic countries of the Middle East. Parker skillfully weaves together end times theology from the three great Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - and explores a maze of ancient prophecies that, if unchecked, might lead to "the end of days."

Rise Of The Anti-Christ Vol. IV

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The Rise of the Antichrist

Book Description

Does the idea of Biblical Prophecy seem ... well, laughingly absurd, galactically improbable? Good! It's supposed to seem that way. In fact, for Biblical prophecy to work properly, its readers have to be highly skeptical. Biblical prophecy requires, even promotes uber-skepticism at times to evoke the intended response in its readers. The credibility of its message, that its words were authored by God, gains increased potency as the highly improbable happens again and again. When the absurdly improbable actually occurs, over and over, in documented, historically verifiable situations, our fundamental assumptions are challenged. We are confronted with the possibility that, on a truly foundational level, everything we thought we knew may really be wrong or radically incomplete. That's what Biblical prophecy is about on a macro level. That's its big idea. Biblical prophecies also seek to warn about particularly important slices of future history. Not because that future can be changed, but so it can be met with integrity and intact faith. This book is obviously focused on those Biblical prophecies involving the Antichrist's rise to power. By using careful time honored traditional methods of Biblical investigation, we'll have a serious and sober look at what the Scriptures really say about this future world ruler. There are also some new discoveries that many would find surprising, even shocking. Now, that's a lot to swallow all at once. That the future is knowable on some level, and that it's going to be so horrible. Why would anyone want to believe this could happen? Deep down, I don't want to believe it. It's so much easier to reject it, than to allow it to threaten your whole frame of reference. That tug of war, that vague unease, that's supposed to happen too. It's Biblical prophecy doing its thing. It takes a lot of guts to consider ideas that have the power to explode your comfortable world view. If you decide to read this book, remember, it's ok to be skeptical. It's absolutely required for a healthy mind. But resist the awful temptation to reject out-of-hand. Aside from being an addictive and lazy habit, it just may deprive you someday of knowing that wonderful excruciating panic of having your mind blown open.

The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist

Book Description

These days, more people than ever are looking to the Book of Revelation for answers. The only book of the Bible that Jesus personally signed as author, the Book of Revelation holds the key to understanding our future. But its complex and multilayered meanings are often misunderstood. Now, author and Bible expert Charles Massegee unlocks the secrets of Revelation to expose the life-changing messages you need to know. Youll learn:?ÇóThe 7 secrets to understanding the Book of Revelation?ÇóThe most important symbols and definitions that will change everything you thought you knew about the Bible?ÇóWhich prophecies in the Book of Revelation have already come true and what it means for the future?ÇóWhy we are now living in the so-called end times ?ÇóWhat to expect during the last days and why the coming of Christ is something to celebrate not fear?ÇóThe evidence showing Islams connection to the antichrist and the last days?ÇóMuch, much more Appropriate for a Christian scholar or newcomer to Jesus, this accessible book is based on solid scriptural evidence and analysis and skilled insight into todays news and culture.