Risky Living

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45 revealing interviews with fearless workers that will appeal to fans of Studs Terkel and television s Deadliest...

Living is Risky

Book Description

It has been suggested that the best hope for achieving a longer and healthier life lies in voluntary efforts derived from personal choices. This means that individual change must be directed toward the modification of lifestyles and the choices associated with them. Every lifestyle is a complex of related attitudes, habits, and other behaviors that, in essence, constitute a death style. Each death style in turn carries with it various degrees of risk-taking. Our survival potential both in terms of quality and longevity is significantly enhanced or diminished by certain attitudes and habits and their associated risks. This dimension of survivor education is a central focus of this book. While it largely concentrates on individual culpability, the societal context is also emphasized. Indeed, threats to our welfare often come from institutional or corporate activities that are beyond our control.

Risky Living

Book Description

Why is happiness in life so elusive – even for Christians who are “walking in the Spirit”?Is happiness even possible? Will I always scream at the children? Do I have to live with this lustful spirit forever? Why am I fat and miserable? Will I ever reach the place where I won't lose my temper with my spouse? Why does my stomach get all knotted up when I think about that hurtful event in the past? If you have ever asked yourself one of these questions, or countless others like them, then you need to know this: The Holy Spirit came not only to comfort the afflicted, but to afflict the comfortable.Unfortunately, too many of us who call ourselves “Spirit filled” have grown comfortable, finding it easier to wear a mask than to permit ourselves to live transparently—and run the risk of being seen for who we really are.That's what this book is all about. Transparency. Openness. Risky living—the kind that, if practiced, will allow the Holy Spirit to take off your mask, peel back the layers, and heal you from the inside out. All who are self-sufficient should stop here. This book won't apply to you. But if you are not really happy—if your inner person is lonely, empty, and confused—if you know your mask is keeping you from experiencing authentic relationships with people and with God—then read on. Real happiness is possible. Are you willing to take the risk?Risky Living Ministries, Inc.www.rlmin.com

Risky Living

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Risky Gospel

Book Description

How do you access a real, thriving, vibrant faith? You trust a big God, and you start living like he’s real. It’s time to put our comfort and ease and false security on the line. If we know God is real, let’s pray as if he’s actually listening. If we know he’s good, let’s reflect that goodness in the world. When our problems feel big, let’s lean on the One who is bigger. Is that risky? “Sure,” says Owen Strachan. “Embrace it anyway. It’s literally the only way to live.”

The Living Age

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Littell's Living Age

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Global food security: ethical and legal challenges

Book Description

Food security will exist when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life (as stated in the Rome Declaration in 1996). Given the dimension of the current global food crisis, food security means adopting effective and specific actions at individual, household, national, regional and global levels. Food security invites us to reflect upon ethical principles like human equity, justice between current and future generations, respect for human dignity and sustainable food production. We strive to maintain our basic ethical convictions and engage in societal debates about other important values. While we do this, we may have to change our ways of life and learn to create new priorities in the face of global responsibility. Science and technology are key tools to reach the Millenium Goals, providing both society and decision makers alike with relevant information and new options within an ethical framework. The contributions found in this publication bring together the perspectives of a diverse group of authors. Coming from the academic world, the public sector and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), they provide the latest views on ‘Global food security: ethical and legal challenges’.

Power for Living

Book Description

God loves you. And if you will let Him, He will not only direct your path, but He will give you power to live. That's what this book is all about: Power for living. Let God give you power, not only to live, but to live abundantly. The prophet Isaiah said it best: "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint (Isaiah 40:31). Our problem is we are trying to do life in our own strength, and it's not enough. We need God. We need His Son, Jesus. And with God's strength working within us, we can have power for living.