Road and Airfield Surface Characteristics. Test Methods. Assessment of the Skid Resistance of a Road Pavement Surface by the Use of Dynamic Measuring Systems

Book Description

Road surfacing, Roads, Airports, Surface properties, Surfaces, Pavements (roads), Friction tests, Construction materials, Surface water, Surface texture, Test equipment, Testing conditions

Road and Airfield Surface Characteristics. Test Methods. Measurement of Transverse and Longitudinal Profiles in the Evenness and Megatexture Wavelength Ranges

Book Description

Road surfacing, Roads, Airports, Surface properties, Surfaces, Pavements (roads), Profile measurement, Flatness measurement, Profilometers, Transverse, Longitudinal, Profile, Calibration

Road and Airfield Surface Characteristics. Test Methods. Measurement of Pavement Surface Macrotexture Depth Using a Volumetric Patch Technique

Book Description

Road surfacing, Roads, Airports, Surface properties, Surfaces, Depth measurement, Volumetric analysis, Construction materials, Depth, Surface texture, Road surfaces [characteristics & testing], Airports [airfield surface characteristics]

Road and Airfield Surface Characteristics. Test Methods. Irregularity Measurement of Pavement Courses. the Straightedge Test

Book Description

Road surfacing, Roads, Airports, Surface properties, Surfaces, Pavements (roads), Pavements (sidewalks), Straight, Defects, Irregular, Straightness measurement, Dimensional measurement, Test equipment, Reports, Bibliography