Road Infrastructure Concession Practice in Europe

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Europe has a wealth of experience with motorway concessions and the issues associated with concession contracts and other infrastructure funding systems, toll charges and other parts to remuneration, and risk sharing between concession authorities and concession companies.

Road Infrastructure Concession Practice in Europe

Book Description

September 2001 Europe has a wealth of experience with motorway concessions and the issues associated with concession contracts and other infrastructure funding systems, toll charges and other paths to remuneration, and risk sharing between concession authorities and concession companies. In a road infrastructure concession, a public authority grants specific rights to a private or semi-public company to construct, overhaul, maintain, and operate infrastructure for a given period. By contract, the public authority charges that company with making the investments needed to create the service at its own cost and to operate it at its own risk. The price paid to the company comes from the service's users, the public authority, or both. In 1999, out of roughly 51,000 kilometers of European motorways, about 17,000 kilometers (33 percent) were concessioned--16,400 kilometers by toll and 670 kilometers by shadow toll (design, build, finance, and operate arrangements). Of these, 73 percent are managed by the public sector and 27 percent by private companies. State-owned companies have been important in European motorway concessions. Systems vary among countries, for example, in how they share risks between the concession authority and the concession company. As the motorway network has grown denser, attributing commercial risk has become more difficult. Increasingly, public authorities must play a greater regulatory role. Already, bad experiences have made the private sector reluctant to bear the commercial risk. And the commercial risk is sometimes too great to be carried by the concession company alone. Commercial risk should be controlled by mechanisms incorporated in the contract, but control of the commercial risk must not eliminate incentives. In addition to safeguarding the community's interests, the public concession authority must increase citizen awareness about concession decisions, to ensure their social acceptability. Formulas for determining toll charges differ through Europe. So do criteria for selecting concession companies. In 1999, the main criteria used were these: * The amount of public subsidy required. * The credibility of the financial arrangements. * The project's technical quality. * The operating strategy and price policy. * The reputation of the concession company (whether it has a construction company among its shareholders, for example). The increasingly frequent use of private funding must be taken into account when defining the training required by personnel responsible for monitoring the concessions. This paper--a product of the Governance, Regulation, and Finance Division, World Bank Institute--is part of a larger effort in the institute to promote best practice in the regulation of privatized infrastructure. The authors may be contacted at [email protected] or [email protected].

Procurement and Financing of Motorways in Europe

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This volume raises many challenging and controversial issues surrounding motorway procurement and finance in Europe. A somewhat surprising outcome is that a general appraisal bias can be identified in the following sense: Experts from countries which have introduced concession schemes for managing and financing of their motorways are very critical of these schemes, stressing their shortcomings and caveats. Some even conclude that public management under a regime of welfare maximisation would be desirable as a sustainable option. Experts from countries which have been sticking to public procurement and tax finance of motorways strongly attack the inefficiency of public planning regimes and the general tendency to allocate the revenues from special transport related taxes to the public budget, eventually spending them on other purposes rather than transport. A typical feature of the latter regime seems to be the chronic lack of funds for infrastructure investment. Although a single ideal country concept for motorway procurement and finance obviously cannot be identified, every paper gives some insights into possible future improvements. Therefore, beyond the rich documentation of national solutions it is the perspective on workable future concepts which makes the book a valuable guide through the jungle of manifold options for public/private partnerships. This book is a selection of papers presented to the international conference "Highways: Costs and Regulation in Europe", held in Bergamo on the 26th - 27th of November 2004. The Conference was organised by the University of Bergamo, and sponsored by the European Investment Bank.

The Privatisation and Nationalisation of European Roads

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Presenting an evaluation of the critical elements of the contractual and regulatory design of the public-private collaboration that determines the likelihood of success and failure, this unique book will be of special interest to academics, graduate st

Interurban Road Charging for Trucks in Europe

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Charging for the use of transport infrastructure has very different traditions in the various modes, reflecting the different nature of their infrastructure (nodal vs. linear), but also different historical traditions of open access, system integration, etc. Since the early 90's various European Commission initiatives took on this issue, looking mainly at the road sector, where many countries had no (direct) access charges. Heavy goods vehicles were systematically identified as the primary targets for a renewed approach to this problem. What seemed an easy catch has proved to be much harder, with the various countries adopting almost exclusively national approaches, and the European institutions unable to drive the process. This book looks at the challenges posed by this objective, recognising that there are multiple objectives for application of road tolls and charges, and discussing the various possible solutions, in the technical, institutional and legal dimensions. The multiplicity of national situations in Europe is put in perspective, the impacts of various charging schemes on regional development and on the environment are estimated, and the recent policy process is analysed, allowing a global view of the remaining difficulties and to make recommendations about the next steps in the process.

Financing European Transport Infrastructure

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Financing European Transport Infrastructure examines organisational arrangements for planning and financing transport infrastructure in Western Europe. It covers all modes of transport - road, rail, sea, air, urban, and inland waterways - and asks why their financing arrangements are so different. It looks at the division of responsibilities between central and local government, and the growing role of autonomous public bodies, the European Commission and private finance. It examines the consequences of investment failing to keep up with demand - in congestion, environmental damage and slower growth - and the impact of new approaches, including public-private partnerships.

ECMT Round Tables Tolls on Interurban Road Infrastructure: An Economic Evaluation

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This Round Table provides a broad view of both the theoretical aspects of tolling and the practical problems posed by its introduction. It takes a scientific look at what is a burning issue, at a time when a number of countries are envisaging the widespread adoption of electronic tolls.

The Costs of Road Infrastructure and Congestion in Europe

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This book presents the results of the study "Infrastructure Capital, Maintenance and Road Damage Costs for Different Heavy Goods Vehicles in the EU" which was commissioned by the European Commission, DG VII. This study supported the preparation of the white book on transport infrastructure charging. The study an European consortium consisting of DIW (German has been conducted by Institute for Economic Research, project leader and responsible for the country reports for Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Sweden), INFRAS (responsible for the country reports for Switzerland, Denmark, Portugal and Greece), Consultancy Dr. Herry (responsible for the country reports for Austria, Finland, France and Italy) and NERA (National Economic Research Associates, responsible for the country reports for the UK, Ireland and Spain). The project ran from November 1997 to March 1998 and was monitored by a steering committee with representatives of the EU-member states. This book is dealing with the calculation of costs for road infrastructure and congestion and the allocation of these costs to vehicle types. It focuses on heavy goods vehicles. This is a topic of high relevance for transport policy both on the national and the EU-Ievel with a long tradition of political and scientific debate. The study contains a comprehensive methodological comparison of existing models for calculating road capital values and capital costs and for allocating infrastructure costs to vehicle types.