Road Traffic Coordinated Actuated Signal Control

Book Description

Road Traffic Coordinated Actuated Signal Control: Global Practices examines the major principles and distinct practices on signal control systems tailored to unique traffic network and intersection design around the world. The book shows how multimodal traffic is handled at signalized intersections and arterials, addressing the expected changes and requirements on all transport modes due to the emerging connected and automated vehicle technologies. A valuable reference in countries where fixed-time control is still predominant, this book will serve as a comprehensive practical reference for practitioners and classroom teaching.

Traffic Control Systems Handbook

Book Description

This handbook, which was developed in recognition of the need for the compilation and dissemination of information on advanced traffic control systems, presents the basic principles for the planning, design, and implementation of such systems for urban streets and freeways. The presentation concept and organization of this handbook is developed from the viewpoint of systems engineering. Traffic control studies are described, and traffic control and surveillance concepts are reviewed. Hardware components are outlined, and computer concepts, and communication concepts are stated. Local and central controllers are described, as well as display, television and driver information systems. Available systems technology and candidate system definition, evaluation and implementation are also covered. The management of traffic control systems is discussed.

Traffic Signal Timing Manual

Book Description

This report serves as a comprehensive guide to traffic signal timing and documents the tasks completed in association with its development. The focus of this document is on traffic signal control principles, practices, and procedures. It describes the relationship between traffic signal timing and transportation policy and addresses maintenance and operations of traffic signals. It represents a synthesis of traffic signal timing concepts and their application and focuses on the use of detection, related timing parameters, and resulting effects to users at the intersection. It discusses advanced topics briefly to raise awareness related to their use and application. The purpose of the Signal Timing Manual is to provide direction and guidance to managers, supervisors, and practitioners based on sound practice to proactively and comprehensively improve signal timing. The outcome of properly training staff and proactively operating and maintaining traffic signals is signal timing that reduces congestion and fuel consumption ultimately improving our quality of life and the air we breathe. This manual provides an easy-to-use concise, practical and modular guide on signal timing. The elements of signal timing from policy and funding considerations to timing plan development, assessment, and maintenance are covered in the manual. The manual is the culmination of research into practices across North America and serves as a reference for a range of practitioners, from those involved in the day to day management, operation and maintenance of traffic signals to those that plan, design, operate and maintain these systems.

Improved Traffic Signal Coordination Strategies for Actuated Control

Book Description

This report documents research conducted to develop better strategies to use with traffic actuated control in coordinated signal systems. Recommendations are presented on more efficient strategies for coordination using actuated control. Representative arterial traffic control problems were modeled into a statistical testbed using TRAF-NETSIM. A set of scenarios covering a range of arterial geometry, traffic volumes and traffic actuated control settings were tested and evaluated. PASSER II-90 was used to develop base signal timing plans. Chapter One describes the various objectives that were intended to be achieved by this research. It also discusses signal coordination strategies for actuated control. Chapter Two presents the background information and various traffic engineering simulation models available for use in this study. Chapters Three and Four explain the study methodology adopted for this research and the results obtained for the various study scenarios, respectively. Chapter Five presents the conclusions and recommendations of the research.

Operation, Analysis, and Design of Signalized Intersections

Book Description

Before they begin their university studies, most students have experience with traffic signals, as drivers, pedestrians and bicycle riders. One of the tasks of the introductory course in transportation engineering is to portray the traffic signal control system in a way that connects with these experiences. The challenge is to reveal the system in a simple enough way to allow the student "in the door," but to include enough complexity so that this process of learning about signalized intersections is both challenging and rewarding. We have approached the process of developing this module with the following guidelines: * Focusing on the automobile user and pretimed signal operation allows the student to learn about fundamental principles of a signalized intersection, while laying the foundation for future courses that address other users (pedestrians, bicycle riders, public transit operators) and more advanced traffic control schemes such as actuated control, coordinated signal systems, and adaptive control. * Queuing models are presented as a way of learning about the fundamentals of traffic flow at a signalized intersection. A graphical approach is taken so that students can see how flow profile diagrams, cumulative vehicle diagrams, and queue accumulation polygons are powerful representations of the operation and performance of a signalized intersection. * Only those equations that students can apply with some degree of understanding are presented. For example, the uniform delay equation is developed and used as a means of representing intersection performance. However, the second and third terms of the Highway Capacity Manual delay equation are not included, as students will have no basis for understanding the foundation of these terms. * Learning objectives are clearly stated at the beginning of each section so that the student knows what is to come. At the end of each section, the learning objectives are reiterated along with a set of concepts that students should understand once they complete the work in the section. * Over 70 figures are included in the module. We believe that graphically illustrating basic concepts is an important way for students to learn, particularly for queuing model concepts and the development of the change and clearance timing intervals. * Over 50 computational problems and two field exercises are provided to give students the chance to test their understanding of the material. The sequence in which concepts are presented in this module, and the way in which more complex ideas build on the more fundamental ones, was based on our study of student learning in the introductory course. The development of each concept leads to an element in the culminating activity: the design and evaluation of a signal timing plan in section 9. For example, to complete step 1 of the design process, the student must learn about the sequencing and control of movements, presented in section 3 of this module. But to determine split times, step 6 of the design process, four concepts must be learned including flow (section 2), sequencing and control of movements (section 3), sufficiency of capacity (section 6), and cycle length and splits (section 8). Depending on the pace desired by the instructor, this material can be covered in 9 to 12 class periods.

Robust-Intelligent Traffic Signal Control Within a Vehicle-to-Infrastructure and Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Environment

Book Description

Modern traffic signal control systems have not changed significantly in the past 40-50 years. The most widely applied traffic signal control systems are still time-of-day, coordinated-actuated system, since many existing advanced adaptive signal control systems are too complicated and fathomless for most of people. Recent advances in communications standards and technologies provide the basis for significant improvements in traffic signal control capabilities. In the United States, the IntelliDriveSM program (originally called Vehicle Infrastructure Integration - VII) has identified 5.9GHz Digital Short Range Communications (DSRC) as the primary communications mode for vehicle-to-vehicle (v2v) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (v2i) safety based applications, denoted as v2x. The ability for vehicles and the infrastructure to communication information is a significant advance over the current system capability of point presence and passage detection that is used in traffic control systems. Given enriched data from IntelliDriveSM, the problem of traffic control can be solved in an innovative data-driven and mathematical way to produce robust and optimal outputs. In this doctoral research, three different problems within a v2x environment- "enhanced pseudo-lane-level vehicle positioning", "robust coordinated-actuated multiple priority control", and "multimodal platoon-based arterial traffic signal control", are addressed with statistical techniques and mathematical programming. First, a pseudo-lane-level GPS positioning system is proposed based on an IntelliDriveSM v2x environment. GPS errors can be categorized into common-mode errors and noncommon-mode errors, where common-mode errors can be mitigated by differential GPS (DGPS) but noncommon-mode cannot. Common-mode GPS errors are cancelled using differential corrections broadcast from the road-side equipment (RSE). With v2i communication, a high fidelity roadway layout map (called MAP in the SAE J2735 standard) and satellite pseudo-range corrections are broadcast by the RSE. To enhance and correct lane level positioning of a vehicle, a statistical process control approach is used to detect significant vehicle driving events such as turning at an intersection or lane-changing. Whenever a turn event is detected, a mathematical program is solved to estimate and update the GPS noncommon-mode errors. Overall the GPS errors are reduced by corrections to both common-mode and noncommon-mode errors. Second, an analytical mathematical model, a mixed-integer linear program (MILP), is developed to provide robust real-time multiple priority control, assuming penetration of IntelliDriveSM is limited to emergency vehicles and transit vehicles. This is believed to be the first mathematical formulation which accommodates advanced features of modern traffic controllers, such as green extension and vehicle actuations, to provide flexibility in implementation of optimal signal plans. Signal coordination between adjacent signals is addressed by virtual coordination requests which behave significantly different than the current coordination control in a coordinated-actuated controller. The proposed new coordination method can handle both priority and coordination together to reduce and balance delays for buses and automobiles with real-time optimized solutions. The robust multiple priority control problem was simplified as a polynomial cut problem with some reasonable assumptions and applied on a real-world intersection at Southern Ave. & 67 Ave. in Phoenix, AZ on February 22, 2010 and March 10, 2010. The roadside equipment (RSE) was installed in the traffic signal control cabinet and connected with a live traffic signal controller via Ethernet. With the support of Maricopa County's Regional Emergency Action Coordinating (REACT) team, three REACT vehicles were equipped with onboard equipments (OBE). Different priority scenarios were tested including concurrent requests, conflicting requests, and mixed requests. The experiments showed that the traffic controller was able to perform desirably under each scenario. Finally, a unified platoon-based mathematical formulation called PAMSCOD is presented to perform online arterial (network) traffic signal control while considering multiple travel modes in the IntelliDriveSM environment with high market penetration, including passenger vehicles. First, a hierarchical platoon recognition algorithm is proposed to identify platoons in real-time. This algorithm can output the number of platoons approaching each intersection. Second, a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) is solved to determine the future optimal signal plans based on the real-time platoon data (and the platoon request for service) and current traffic controller status. Deviating from the traditional common network cycle length, PAMSCOD aims to provide multi-modal dynamical progression (MDP) on the arterial based on the real-time platoon information. The integer feasible solution region is enhanced in order to reduce the solution times by assuming a first-come, first-serve discipline for the platoon requests on the same approach. Microscopic online simulation in VISSIM shows that PAMSCOD can easily handle two traffic modes including buses and automobiles jointly and significantly reduce delays for both modes, compared with SYNCHRO optimized plans.