Rock Agamas of Eurasia

Book Description

Rock Agamas of Eurasia / Горные агамы Евразии

Book Description

Книга представляет собой первый обзор на английском языке систематики и биологии компактного таксона ящериц (около 20 видов), обитающих в пересеченных аридных и высокогорных ландшафтах Евразии и северо-восточной Африки. Эти рептилии в последнее время привлекают пристальное внимание герпетологов из-за своей заметности, обязанной сугубо дневному образу жизни и высокой численности и плотности популяций, характерной для большинства видов. До сих пор интерес герпетологов был сосредоточен главным образом на систематике и номенклатуре горных агам, а серьезные исследования по их образу жизни, экологии и поведению крайне немногочисленны. В этой книге наряду с обзором наиболее важной опубликованной информацией по изученным представителям таксона дана развернутая картина всех сторон биологии модельного вида – кавказской агамы Paralaudakia caucasia и его взаимоотношений с другим – хорасанской агамой P. erythrogaser. На протяжении 10 лет полевых исследований прослеживались биографии многих конкретных особей и изучались тонкие детали коммуникативного процесса в нескольких локальных популяциях. В основу исследования положен анализ социального поведения как фактора, интегрирующего дем в некую общность системной природы. Главной задачей было рассмотреть структуру в ее трансформациях из года в год как процесс изменений в поведении и социальных ролях взрослых особей и детенышей, ежегодно пополняющих контингент дема.Другие важные темы, затронутые в книге – это разнообразие носителей коммуникативной информации (оптическая, химическая, тактильная) у модельного и ряда других видов, а также характер взаимоотношений между близкородственными формами в зонах их контакта.

The Reptiles of Northern Eurasia

Book Description

Elsevier's Dictionary of Reptiles

Book Description

This dictionary gives an overview of the English, German, French and Italian names of reptiles. The basic table contains the scientific names of families, genera, species and some sub-species with their identified names, which are given in the singular for species and sub-specis and in the plural for other terms.

Animal Life

Book Description

If you think that watching all the nature programs on television qualifies you as an expert on the subject, think again! Do you really know what makes animals tick? Here are the answers, portrayed in stunning, awe-inspiring action sequences and explained in fascinating, in-depth prose. Thematically arranged by behavior trait, Animal Life explores and explains every aspect of animal behavior, including courtship rituals and sex lives, family relationships and defense mechanisms, hunting techniques and feeding habits. Side panels explore some of the field research on animal behavior and explain important conservation issues. The introductory chapters on the Animal Kingdom and on animal anatomy help explain how different animals have evolved and adapted to their environments, adaptations that may be relevant to particular behaviors. Destined to be the ultimate authority on animal behavior, this book also looks at key behavioral concepts such as how animals learn to behave and the role of instinct in the learning process.

The Physical Geography of Georgia

Book Description

This book is the first to give a comprehensive and detailed overview of the complete physical geography of Georgia in English. It discusses natural and environmental conditions, hydrology, geomorphology, landscapes, and resources and elaborates issues of environmental protection, natural hazards, resource potentials, tourism and many other topics of this multifaceted country. This volume will appeal to researchers, educators and students in the fields of natural and environmental sciences, geography, geology, regional studies and related areas.

The Turkmen Lake Altyn Asyr and Water Resources in Turkmenistan

Book Description

This book offers a concise description of the environment and water resources in Turkmenistan. The focus is on the water bodies of Turkmenistan – the Caspian Sea, Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay, Sarykamysh Lake, Amu Darya River, and the Karakum Canal. Respected experts from six different countries cover the landscape-geographical features, the Karakum Desert, biodiversity (especially of birds and fishes) and ecosystems, as well as regional climate change. Special attention is paid to the Altyn Asyr Lake water reclamation project, to the morphometric characteristics of the Karashor Depression, and to the four-year-long satellite monitoring of the construction area in the vicinity of the Karashor Depression. The information presented is based on observational data and scientific literature, mainly published in Russian. This is the first English book on the Altyn Asyr Project. It addresses specialists working in various fields of environmental problems and ecology, water resources and management, land reclamation and agriculture, regional climate change, and international cooperation in the water sector in Turkmenistan and Central Asia.

European Ecosystems

Book Description

There are many works, written in several European languages, on general, animal, and more especially vegetational ecology, but the space devoted to the study and description of the various ecosystems - both terrestrial and aquatic - of Europe is very limited, and this even in the books of European workers. Indeed, today we are in the strange position that, while some extra-European continents or parts of continents such as South Africa, the west part of South American, Australia, the arid zones of the Old World, not to mention Antarctica (that recentlY has at tracted the attention of a great number of students) have been very thoroughly studied and illustrated - for European ecosystems we have very scant informa tion, if we make allowance for the many analytical works on single natural or artificial environments (generally belonging to Central or Northern Europe). We have a beautiful book on the animal ecology of Palestine (today comprising Israel plus Jordan) written in the mid-thirties by Bodenheimer. However, Palestine does not belong to Europe, although some of the ecological and geographical peculiar ities of the western part of the country do correspond very closely to those of Southern Europe.

Global Biodiversity

Book Description

This is the first volume in the new multi-volume set, Global Biodiversity. Each volume in this series aims to provide insightful information on the biodiversity of selected nations in particular regions. The volumes summarize the available data on both wild and cultivated plants, wild and domesticated animals, and microbes of the different nations. Global Biodiversity, Volume 1: Selected Countries in Asia focuses on selected countries of Asia, providing an abundance of biodiversity information on Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, and Vietnam. The first chapter in the volume provides an informative overview of what is biodiversity along with biogeographic classifications. It provides explanations of biodiversity patterns and species number; biodiversity conservation, protection, and international commitments and cooperation; biodiversity threats and drivers of change (such as human population growth, climate change, land use change); and the economics of biodiversity as well.

Animal Kingdom of the World

Book Description