Role of Media in Nation Building

Book Description

The concept of nation building is a multi-dimensional process, addressing various components simultaneously. It takes into account the various historical and geographical perspectives of the country in question, noting the peculiarities and diversity of its cultural ethos, including its social, economic and political structures. This volume addresses these inter-linked aspects, and the innovative development of these structures and institutions. However, such changes and development must be directed to create a more culturally homogenous and productive society, so that basic human needs like food, shelter, healthcare and education are fulfilled at the optimum level. All-round development and growth for the nation can be achieved only with a robust economy and political stability. As such, the process of nation building and development is a multifaceted phenomenon. In the context of India, this process is associated with the central values embodied in the preamble of the country’s constitution, which advocates for the establishment of secular, socialist and democratic society based on well-defined fundamental rights. This anthology reflects these academic spirits and vistas.

Media and Nation Building

Book Description

With the end of the Cold War and the proliferation of civil wars and "regime changes," the question of nation building has acquired great practical and theoretical urgency. From Eastern Europe to East Timor, Afghanistan and recently Iraq, the United States and its allies have often been accused of shirking their nation-building responsibilities as their attention — and that of the media -- turned to yet another regional crisis. While much has been written about the growing influence of television and the Internet on modern warfare, little is known about the relationship between media and nation building. This book explores, for the first time, this relationship by means of a paradigmatic case of successful nation building: Malaysia. Based on extended fieldwork and historical research, the author follows the diffusion, adoption, and social uses of media among the Iban of Sarawak, in Malaysian Borneo and demonstrates the wide-ranging process of nation building that has accompanied the Iban adoption of radio, clocks, print media, and television. In less than four decades, Iban longhouses ('villages under one roof') have become media organizations shaped by the official ideology of Malaysia, a country hastily formed in 1963 by conjoining four disparate territories.

Enhancing Positivity in Mass Media for Nation Building

Book Description

This research paper examines the role of mass media in fostering positivity for the purpose of nation building. The mass media, including television, radio, print, and online platforms, holds significant influence over public opinion and societal attitudes. However, in recent years, there has been a growing concern about the predominance of negative news and content, which can have detrimental effects on the overall well-being of individuals and the development of a cohesive society. This study explores strategies and approaches to enhance positivity in mass media for the betterment of nations. It investigates the potential benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations associated with promoting positivity through various media channels. This paper provides recommendations for media organizations, policymakers, and society at large to cultivate a more positive media landscape that contributes to nation building.

Modernization, Nation-Building, and Television History

Book Description

This innovative collection investigates the ways in which television programs around the world have highlighted modernization and encouraged nation-building. It is an attempt to catalogue and better understand the contours of this phenomenon, which took place as television developed and expanded in different parts of the world between the 1950s and the 1990s. From popular science and adult education shows to news magazines and television plays, few themes so thoroughly penetrated the small screen for so many years as modernization, with television producers and state authorities using television programs to bolster modernization efforts. Contributors analyze the hallmarks of these media efforts: nation-building, consumerism and consumer culture, the education and integration of citizens, and the glorification of the nation’s technological achievements.

Media Policy and Nation Building

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Why Nation-Building Matters

Book Description

Why Nation-Building Matters establishes a framework for building security forces, economic development, and political consolidation that blends soft and hard power into a deployable and effective package.

Nation-Building, Propaganda, and Literature in Francophone Africa

Book Description

What characterizes the relationship between literature and the state? Should literature serve the needs of the state by constructing national consciousness, espousing state propaganda, and molding good citizens? Or should it be dedicated to a different kind of creative social endeavor? In this important book about literature and the politics of nation-building, Dominic Thomas assesses the contributions of Francophone African writers whose works have played a key role in the recent transition to democracy in the Congo. Exploring the works of Sony Labou Tansi, Henri Lopes, and Emmanuel Dongala, among others, Thomas highlights writers intimately involved with government and politics -- whether in support of the state's vision or with the intention of articulating a more open view of citizens and society. Focusing on themes such as collaboration, reconciliation, identity, history, and memory, Nation-Building, Propaganda, and Literature in Francophone Africa elaborates a broader understanding of the circumstances of African colonization, modern African nation-state formation, and the complex cultural dynamics at work in Africa since independence.

World trends in freedom of expression and media development

Book Description

In the face of such challenges, this new volume in the World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development series offers a critical analysis of new trends in media freedom, pluralism, independence and the safety of journalists.