Roman Pottery in the Near East: Local Production and Regional Trade

Book Description

Presents papers presented at an international workshop dedicated to the study of Roman common ware pottery in the Near East held in Berlin on 18th and 19th February 2010.

Roman Pottery in the Near East

Book Description

Presents papers presented at an international workshop dedicated to the study of Roman common ware pottery in the Near East held in Berlin on 18th and 19th February 2010.

Kom Tuman II

Book Description

This book consists of a detailed and comprehensive study of the pottery found in the course of the excavations of the Persian and Ptolemaic period site Kom Tuman (Memphis).

Journal of Roman Pottery Studies

Book Description

The Journal of Roman Pottery Studies continues to present a range of important new research in the field by both established and early career scholars. Volume XVIII has a strong theme on pottery production with papers on kiln sites, mortaria and late Roman pottery production in East Anglia and at a small town in Belgium. A major new third century assemblage from civitas Cananefatium in South Holland is presented. The second part of an important gazetteer of less common samian ware fabrics and types in northern and western Britain covers fabrics from Central and East Gaul

Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record

Book Description

A rich portrayal of how Romans used their pottery and the implications of these practices on the archaeological record, considering an array of evidence including Latin and ancient Greek texts and representations in Roman art. It will appeal to specialists and academics interested in archaeology, Roman pottery and ceramics.

A Corpus of Roman Pottery from Lincoln

Book Description

This is the first major analysis of the Roman pottery from excavations in Lincoln (comprising more than 150,000 sherds). The pottery is presented in seven major ware groups. Fine wares include a modest range of imports and are dominated by Nene Valley products. Oxidised wares are mostly local products with a few imports as are the shell- and calcite-tempered wares and reduced wares. The final three are the standard specialised wares: mortaria, mostly of German and Mancetter-Hartshill manufacture; amphorae (80% Spanish Dressel 20) and samian, mostly from Les Martres/Lezoux and 75% undecorated! The discussion explores the chronological range of the entire ceramic assemblage across the three discrete parts of the Roman fortress and later colonia.

Roman Pottery in Context

Book Description

This study focuses on the evidence for internal and external cultural influences in north-eastern Greece, examined through ceramic assemblages of the Roman period found near Amphipolis, Philippi, Kepia, Abdera and Thasos. The typology is based on analysis of the stratigraphy where the pottery was found, and on non-ceramic material, such as coins, inscriptions and architectural members, and the chronology is supported by identifiable imported pottery found elsewhere. The fine pottery is arranged according to type: Terra Sigillata wares, Red Slip wares and other minor groups such as Macedonia Grey and Glazed pottery. The coarse wares are classified, arranged according to their fabric, shape, and function. Along with the catalogue is a discussion of the ceramic types, their quantity and chronology. Finally, through the results of this study, the wider area of north-eastern Macedonia and Thrace is re-examined with attention to cultural influences during the Roman period.

Pottery of the Near East

Book Description

Roman Syria and the Near East

Book Description

Table of contents