
Book Description

Rich Zubaty relates his adventures living and loving his way through 25 countries. Romance is glorious and frightening, stimulating and enervating, loud and quiet – a rare atmosphere beyond pleasure and pain. Romance is not about "feeling", it is about "being". It is about cooking monkeys on a balsa fire in the Peruvian jungle, catching sharks in a too-small boat, landing on uninhabited coral atolls, scraping bat droppings from your hair in a Honduran cave, cooking a slab of tuna on a beach in Marseilles, having raw animal sex with Asian girls in Paris and Thailand, singing Christian hymns with brown kids on the shore of a turquoise lagoon. Forgoing food and drink, radio, TV, speech, smoke – any and all sense distractions – on a ten day forest retreat in a Thai/Buddhist monastery – coming face to face with your demons. Romance is watching kangaroos scamper away from the lush grass around your garden when you go to pick tomatoes in New South Wales, burning your draft card and leaving the country when your government has lied to you, watching a young girl herding geese from your train window rolling across the golden plains of Slovakia, watching the swallows swarm around medieval castle turrets on the cliffs of Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia.Romance is escaping Prague hours before a Russian invasion, watching the birth of your son in a wood stilt hospital in Hawaii, and watching your daughter born on a mattress on the floor of the house you made with your own hands – a house you built with your brother, sleeping in a tent in the mud and rain, during the months of construction. Planting her placenta beneath a lime tree seedling and watching it, and her, swell with life.Romance is living with petty thieves in Paris and London, working as a ticket-taker in a strip club in Soho, stealing carrots from the Covent Garden market to survive, ordering a burger at Wimpy’s then sneaking out without paying, living with an English woman with a black baby who rips off all your money in a hash deal gone awry, flying from London to Toronto and sneaking across the U.S. border knowing the F.B.I. is looking for you.Romance is tracking rabbits in the snow, catching a live pheasant with your hands when it thought it was hiding, huddled in a clump of grass. Romance is catching a tail-dancing 200 pound blue marlin off the Kona coast of Hawaii, and another one off Bimini.Romance is falling in love again and again and again, so many times that it becomes obvious you don’t know what love is. And don’t care. Romance is being married to a woman who eats your soul...And then there's more.

Accidental Presidents

Book Description

This New York Times bestselling “deep dive into the terms of eight former presidents is chock-full of political hijinks—and déjà vu” (Vanity Fair) and provides a fascinating look at the men who came to the office without being elected to it, showing how each affected the nation and world. The strength and prestige of the American presidency has waxed and waned since George Washington. Eight men have succeeded to the presidency when the incumbent died in office. In one way or another they vastly changed our history. Only Theodore Roosevelt would have been elected in his own right. Only TR, Truman, Coolidge, and LBJ were re-elected. John Tyler succeeded William Henry Harrison who died 30 days into his term. He was kicked out of his party and became the first president threatened with impeachment. Millard Fillmore succeeded esteemed General Zachary Taylor. He immediately sacked the entire cabinet and delayed an inevitable Civil War by standing with Henry Clay’s compromise of 1850. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded our greatest president, sided with remnants of the Confederacy in Reconstruction. Chester Arthur, the embodiment of the spoils system, was so reviled as James Garfield’s successor that he had to defend himself against plotting Garfield’s assassination; but he reformed the civil service. Theodore Roosevelt broke up the trusts. Calvin Coolidge silently cooled down the Harding scandals and preserved the White House for the Republican Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression. Harry Truman surprised everybody when he succeeded the great FDR and proved an able and accomplished president. Lyndon B. Johnson was named to deliver Texas electorally. He led the nation forward on Civil Rights but failed on Vietnam. Accidental Presidents shows that “history unfolds in death as well as in life” (The Wall Street Journal) and adds immeasurably to our understanding of the power and limits of the American presidency in critical times.

What Men Know That Women Don't

Book Description

Here's a book for both men and women that is guaranteed to start some heated discussions!FOR WOMEN: Eavesdrop on the secret codes of masculinity. Discover what makes men tick. Penetrate the brain-fog of masculine thinking. Peel the cerebral onion of guy-hood. Find out how to get your way with your man.FOR GUYS: Here's a fishing trip down the river of your natural self. A vacation from "relationships." A holiday from all things feminine. A trout stream for your brain, naturally cleansed of "shopping," feminism and other female-borne viruses. A chance to drain the blackened oil from your cerebral engine, and fill it with five clean quarts of good feelings about yourself. Kick off your boots and wiggle your frozen toes on the fireplace of your masculine soul. You'll never be the same again.

Effortless English

Book Description

Famous for training corporate and government leaders, A.J. Hoge gives you a step by step program teaching you the system that will help you achieve ultimate success with English. --from back cover.

Noun Phrase in the Generative Perspective

Book Description

The goal of this book is twofold. On the one hand we want to offer a discussion of some of the more important properties of the nominal projection, on the other hand we want to provide the reader with tools for syntactic analysis which apply to the structure of DP but which are also relevant for other domains of syntax. In order to achieve this dual goal we will discuss phenomena which are related to the nominal projection in relation to other syntactic phenomena (e.g. pro drop will be related to N-ellipsis, the classification of pronouns will be applied to the syntax of possessive pronouns, N-movement will be compared to V-movement, the syntax of the genitive construction will be related to that of predicate inversion etc.). In the various chapters we will show how recent theoretical proposals (distributed morphology, anti-symmetry, checking theory) can cast light on aspects of the syntax of the NP. When necessary, we will provide a brief introduction of these theoretical proposals. We will also indicate problems with these analyses, whether they be inherent to the theories as such (e.g. what is the trigger for movement in antisymmetric approaches) or to the particular instantiations. The book cannot and will not provide the definitive analysis of the syntax of noun phrases. We consider that this would not be possible, given the current flux in generative syntax, with many new theoretical proposals being developed and explored, but the book aims at giving the reader the tools with which to conduct research and to evaluate proposals in the literature. In the discussion of various issues, we will apply the framework that is most adequate to deal with problems at hand. We will therefore not necessarily use the same approach throughout the discussion. Though proposals in the literature will be referred to when relevant, we cannot attempt to provide a critical survey of the literature. We feel that such a survey would be guided too strongly by theoretical choices, which would not be compatible with the pedagogical purposes this book has. The book is comparative in its approach, and data from different languages will be examined, including English, German, Dutch (West-Flemish), Greek, Romance, Semitic, Slavic, Albanian, Hungarian, Gungbe.

Water People

Book Description

Man and World in the Light of Anthroposophy

Book Description

A sense of alienation and isolation is part of the experience of every modern man. Social and political life are governed by fear and uncertainty. People are strangers both to one another and to the world. Why are these conditions more acute now than ever before in history? What meaning can be found in our modern crises? In the light of anthroposophy show how the human being's relationship to the world has changed with each historical epoch. In this book, Stewart Easton gives the reader a clear overview of the complex trrain along this path, explaining that anthroposophy is not so much a philosophical system as a "seed" of new consciousness. Through the very act of becoming conscious of one's true relationship to the world, this relationship changes once again. The alienation is gradually bridged; life begins to have purpose; the seed had beun to grow. The many practical fruits of the tree that grows from this seed are described in the second part of this work: a medical science that is truly holistic, an agricultural system that is in harmony withnature and the cosmos, an educational method that nurtures head, heart, and hand towrd the freedom that comes from reaching one's full potential, and much more. This book provides an informative and comprehensive introduction to snthroposophy and to Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), the inaugurator of anthroposophy. Stewart C. Easton recieved his doctorate in history from Columbia University and taught for many years at the City College of New York. He is the quthor of several books on western civilization and currently resides in Ireland.

Tough Without a Gun

Book Description

Humphrey Bogart: it’s hard to think of anyone who’s had the same lasting impact on the culture of movies. Though he died at the young age of fifty-seven more than half a century ago, his influence among actors and filmmakers, and his enduring appeal for film lovers around the world, remains as strong as ever. What is it about Bogart, with his unconventional looks and noticeable speech impediment, that has captured our collective imagination for so long? In this definitive biography, Stefan Kanfer answers that question, along the way illuminating the private man Bogart was and shining the spotlight on some of the greatest performances ever captured on celluloid. Bogart fell into show business almost by accident and worked for nearly twenty years before becoming the star we know today. Born into a life of wealth and privilege in turn-of-the-century New York, Bogart was a troublemaker throughout his youth, getting kicked out of prep school and running away to join the navy at the age of nineteen. After a short, undistinguished stint at sea, Bogart spent his early twenties drifting aimlessly from one ill-fitting career to another, until, through a childhood friend, he got his first theater job. Working first as a stagehand and then, reluctantly, as a bit-part player, Bogart cut his teeth in one forgettable role after another. But it was here he began to develop a work ethic; deciding that there were “two kinds of men: professionals and bums,” Bogart, for the first time in his life, wanted to be the former. After the Crash of ’29, Bogart headed west to try his luck in Hollywood. That luck was scarce, and he slogged through more than thirty B-movie roles before his drinking buddy John Huston wrote him a part that would change everything; with High Sierra, Bogart finally broke through at the age of forty—being a pro had paid off. What followed was a string of movies we have come to know as the most beloved classics of American cinema: The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, The Big Sleep, The African Queen . . . the list goes on and on. Kanfer appraises each of the films with an unfailing critical eye, weaving in lively accounts of behind-the-scenes fun and friendships, including, of course, the great love story of Bogart and Bacall. What emerges in these pages is the portrait of a great Hollywood life, and the final word on why there can only ever be one Bogie.