Romanesque Art in the MNAC Collections

Book Description

Aquesta publicació ofereix un recorregut pel romànic català, una de les etapes m és enriquidores de la història de l'art català, que va de l'inici del segle XI f ins a mitjan segle XIII, a través d'algunes de les seves obres mestres, com lesp intures de l'absis de Sant Climent de Taüll, el frontal d'Avià o la Majestat Bat lló. El llibre inclou apartats dedicats al context general del romànic, a la his tòria de les col·leccions i a l'interès que va despertar en els artistes de l'av antguarda del segle XX, reflex de la importància i la vigència del romànic en l' actualitat.

Romanesque Catalan Art

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Romanesque Catalan Art

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Romanesque Catalan Art

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Romanesque Painting

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Romanesque Catalan Art

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Romanesque Catalan Art

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A Handbook of Romanesque Art

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Romanesque Patrons and Processes

Book Description

The twenty-five papers in this volume arise from a conference jointly organised by the British Archaeological Association and the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya in Barcelona. They explore the making of art and architecture in Latin Europe and the Mediterranean between c. 1000 and c. 1250, with a particular focus on questions of patronage, design and instrumentality. No previous studies of patterns of artistic production during the Romanesque period rival the breadth of coverage encompassed by this volume – both in terms of geographical origin and media, and in terms of historical approach. Topics range from case studies on Santiago de Compostela, the Armenian Cathedral in Jerusalem and the Winchester Bible to reflections on textuality and donor literacy, the culture of abbatial patronage at Saint-Michel de Cuxa and the re-invention of slab relief sculpture around 1100. The volume also includes papers that attempt to recover the procedures that coloured interaction between artists and patrons – a serious theme in a collection that opens with ‘Function, condition and process in eleventh-century Anglo-Norman church architecture’ and ends with a consideration of ‘The death of the patron’.