Rosas y Reflexiones

Book Description

Este libro contiene mensajes de las cosas mas importantes para nosotros: la vida, Dios y el amor. Y otras cosas que nos afectan: soledad, miedos, pruebas, dudas y no entender por que. Estos mensajes se pueden usar como devocional, estudio biblico o predicacion.

Rosas Y Reflexiones

Book Description

Este libro contiene mensajes de las cosas mas importantes para nosotros: la vida, Dios y el amor. Y otras cosas que nos afectan: soledad, miedos, pruebas, dudas y no entender por que. Estos mensajes se pueden usar como devocional, estudio biblico o predicacion.


Book Description

Reflexiones es un libro con un poco de niñez, otro de amor y un poco de pasión. Es una mezcla de realidad y sueños platónicos. Tiene un poco de fantasías, frustraciones y agradecimientos a personas queridas. No es recomendable para niños menores de 15 años. Le incluí dibujos, para hacerlo mas emocionante..

Cantos y Reflexiones para el Amor

Book Description

"Escapa a la vejez, que no te alcance en la vida una tumba. Con afan y buenas ganas, y una sonrisa muy sincera, hagamos nuestra vida productiva y solucionemos los dilemas. Encontraremos la verdad que la madurez exuda, con la habilidad que resulta de afrontar todo problema. Caminemos en busca de nuevos horizontes, por la ruta que nos traza la sabiduria y la experiencia, obteniendo nuevos gozos para nuestra corta existencia. Si nos sumimos en recuerdos y si vivimos del pasado, el final de nuestros dias ha llegado, y seremos viejos y cansados y amargados, a pesar de que en optimismo todavia podamos, vivir sin llegar a ser tan viejos."


Book Description

REFLEXIONES Y EXPERIENCIAS DE MI VIDA...Este libro es un verdadero mensaje urgente de superacion familiar.El lector tiene en sus manos uno de los libros mas utiles de todos los tiemposapenas abra la primera pagina del libro quedara atrapado en una apasionante novela, que es solamente la vida del escritor con su familia, tambien ira descubriendo un manual indispensable para lograr una buena superacion personal.No podemos seguir fingiendo cuando un hogar cada dia se desintegra mas.Si le es posible detectar en su casa uno solo de los siguientes puntos:Rebeldia y falta de respeto de los hijosProlongados periodos de indiferenciaPoca confianza para compartir sentimientosFrialdad de alguno de los padres,Vicios,sexualidad.Explica como fundamentar una relacion amorosa hacia los hijos.Es el tratado de conducta sexual para jovenes.

Un Ojo a la Reflexion #1

Book Description

Trata de invertir de transformar lo malo en reflexión. Que todavía es tiempo de reflexionar, de encontrar la paz con nosotros mismos. Que todos somos participes. Que no ahí que juzgar a nadie, si no ponerle atención. A la reflexión de nuestro interior. Que le echen un ojo a la reflexión de los escritos. Y si alguien se siente familiarizado con alguno, que piense que todavía es tiempo de reflexionar. Que dios los bendiga.

Handbook of Latin American Studies

Book Description

Contains scholarly evaluations of books and book chapters as well as conference papers and articles published worldwide in the field of Latin American studies. Covers social sciences and the humanities in alternate years.

Apogee of Empire

Book Description

Once Europe's supreme maritime power, Spain by the mid-eighteenth century was facing fierce competition from England and France. England, in particular, had successfully mustered the financial resources necessary to confront its Atlantic rivals by mobilizing both aristocracy and merchant bourgeoisie in support of its imperial ambitions. Spain, meanwhile, remained overly dependent on the profits of its New World silver mines to finance both metropolitan and colonial imperatives, and England's naval superiority constantly threatened the vital flow of specie. When Charles III ascended the Spanish throne in 1759, then, after a quarter-century as ruler of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Spain and its colonial empire were seriously imperiled. Two hundred years of Hapsburg rule, followed by a half-century of ineffectual Bourbon "reforms," had done little to modernize Spain's increasingly antiquated political, social, economic, and intellectual institutions. Charles III, recognizing the pressing need to renovate these institutions, set his Italian staff—notably the Marqués de Esquilache, who became Secretary of the Consejo de Hacienda (the Exchequer)—to this formidable task. In Apogee of Empire, Stanley J. Stein and Barbara H. Stein trace the attempt, initially under Esquilache's direction, to reform the Spanish establishment and, later, to modify and modernize the relationship between the metropole and its colonies. Within Spain, Charles and his architects of reform had to be mindful of determining what adjustments could be made that would help Spain confront its enemies without also radically altering the Hapsburg inheritance. As described in impressive detail by the authors, the bitter, seven-year conflict that ensued between reformers and traditionalists ended in a coup in 1766 that forced Charles to send Esquilache back to Italy. After this setback at home, Charles still hoped to effect constructive change in Spain's imperial system, primarily through the incremental implementation of a policy of comercio libre (free-trade). These reforms, made half-heartedly at best, failed as well, and by 1789 Spain would find itself ill prepared for the coming decades of upheaval in Europe and America. An in-depth study of incremental response by an old imperial order to challenges at home and abroad, Apogee of Empire is also a sweeping account of the personalities, places, and policies that helped to shape the modern Atlantic world.

Beyond the Metafictional Mode

Book Description

The term metafiction invaded the vocabulary of literary criticism around 1970, yet the textual strategies involved in turning fiction back onto itself can be traced through several centuries. In this theoretical/critical study Robert C. Spires examines the nature of metafiction and chronicles its evolution in Spain from the time of Cervantes to the 1970s, when the obsession with novelistic self-commentary culminated in an important literary movement. The critical portions of this study focus primarily on twentieth-century works. Included are analyses of Unamuno's Niebla, Jarnés's Locura y muerte de nadie and La novia del viento, Torrente Ballester's Don Juan, Cunquiero's Un hombre que se parecía a Orestes, and three novels from the "self-referential" movement of the 1970s, Juan Goytisolo's Juan sin Tierra, Luis Goytisolo's La colera de Aquiles, and Martín Gaite's El cuarto de atrás. Seeking a stronger theoretical basis for his critical readings, Spires offers a sharpened definition of the term metafiction. The mode arises, he declares, through an intentional violation of the boundaries that normally separate the worlds of the author, the fiction, and the reader. Building on theoretical foundations laid by Frye, Scholes, Genette, and others, Spires also proposes a literary paradigm that places metafiction in a position intermediate between fiction and literary theory. These theoretical formulations place Spires's book in the forefront of critical thought. At the same time, his full-scale analyses of Spanish metafictional works will be welcomed by Hispanists and other students of world literature.