President Encyclopedia 1861-1877

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An In-Depth Look At The American Presidents, Lincoln, Johnson, And Grant.

Cumulative Glossary and Index

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A look at the American vice presidents, a complete index and a cumulative glossary.

President Encyclopedia 1877-1889

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An In-Depth Look At The American Presidents, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland.

President Encyclopedia 1829-1849

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An In-Depth Look At The American Presidents, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, And Polk.

Presidents Encyclopedia Yearbook

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An Update To The Presidents Encyclopedia Set. Features Detailed Sections On The Economy, The White House, And The 2012 Race To The White House.

President Encyclopedia 1889-1909

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An In-Depth Look At The American Presidents, Harrison, Cleveland, McKinley, And Roosevelt.

President Encyclopedia 1909-1929

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An In-Depth Look At The American Presidents, Taft, Wilson, And Harding

President Encyclopedia 1809-1829

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An In-Depth Look At The American Presidents, Madison, Monroe And Adams.

President Encyclopedia 1953-1969

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An In-Depth Look At The American Presidents, Eisenhower, Kennedy, And Johnson

Bush & Obama

Book Description

An in-depth look at the American presidents Bush and Obama.