Routine and Atypical Wetland Determinations According to CE Wetlands Delineation Manual

Book Description

This article summarizes the methods for delineating wetlands that have been published as the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. It provides an abbreviated version of the manual and lists the wetland indicators and steps in the basic procedure for making routine and atypical wetlands determinations.

Environmental Effects of Dredging. Routine and Atypical Wetland Determinations According to CE Wetlands Delineation Manual

Book Description

This article summarizes the methods for delineating wetlands that have been published as the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. It provides an abbreviated version of the manual and lists the wetland indicators and steps in the basic procedure for making routine and atypical wetlands determinations. This procedure does not replace that described in the manual, but serves as a reminder of steps required for making wetland determinations. The user should be familiar with both the manual and the terms used in this reference; many details and cautionary statements contained in the manual are omitted here. The user is referred to the manual for details. This abbreviated version is also being printed on waterproof paper in a size that will fit into the loose leaf binder used for the Munsell soil color charts and will serve as a field reference.

Corp of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual

Book Description

This document presents approaches and methods for identifying and delineating wetlands for purposes of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. It is designed to assist users in making wetland determination s using a multiparameter approach. Except where noted in the manual, this approach requires positive evidence of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology for a determination that an area is a wetland. The multiparameter approach provides a logical, easily defensible, and technical basis for wetland determinations. Technical guidelines are presented for wetlands, deepwater aquatic habitats, and nonwetlands (uplands). Hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology are also characterized, and wetland indicators of each parameter are listed. Methods for applying the multiparameter approach are described. Separate sections are de voted to preliminary data gathering and analysis, method selection, routine determinations, comprehensive determinations, atypical situations, and problem areas. Three levels of routine determinations are described, thereby affording significant flexibility in method selection. Four appendices provide supporting information. Appendix A is a glossary of technical terms used in the manual. Appendix B contains data forms for use with the various methods. Appendix C, developed by a Federal interagency panel, contains a list of all plant species known to occur in wetlands of the region. Each species has been assigned an indicator status that describes its estimated probability of occurring in wetlands of the region. Morphological, physiological, and reproductive adaptations that enable a plant species to occur in wetlands are also described, along with a listing of some species having such adaptations.

Wetlands Research Program. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual

Book Description

This document presents approaches and methods for identifying and delineating wetlands for purposes of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. It is designed to assist users in making wetland determinations using a multiparameter approach. Except where noted in the manual, this approach requires positive evidence of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology for a determination that an area is a wetland. The multiparameter approach provides a logical, easily defensible, and technical basis for wetland determinations. Technical guidelines are presented for wetlands, deepwater aquatic habitats, and nonwetlands (uplands). Hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology are also characterized, and wetland indicators of each parameter are listed. Methods for applying the multiparameter approach are described. Separate sections are devoted to preliminary data gathering and analysis, method selection, routine determinations, comprehensive determinations, a typical situations, and problem areas. Three levels of routine determinations are described, thereby affording significant flexibility in method selection. Four apendices provide supporting information.