Rules for a Flat World

Book Description

Technology and globalization are uprooting and reshaping daily life. Global supply chains are now deeply embedded, and digital platforms connect almost everyone in complex networks of data and exchange. This "flat world" is one of tremendous possibility, but it also poses challenges to stability and shared prosperity. In Rules for a Flat World, Gillian Hadfield argues that the legal rules that currently guide global integration are no longer working. They are too slow, costly, and localized for increasingly complex advanced economies, and fail to address issues such as poverty, instability, and oppression for the billions living in the developing world. Hadfield proposes a new set of rules that enhance complex societies and economic interdependence and makes the case for building a more agile infrastructure. In this paperback edition, she presents a new prologue to her sweeping historical overview and vision of the relationship between law and economic and social prosperity.

Rules for a Flat World

Book Description

How can we promote economic progress in a staggeringly complex global system? In the bestselling book The World is Flat, Thomas Friedman argued that technology and globalization have leveled the playing field among workers and innovators worldwide. But why, ten years after he proposed thisthesis, are billions of people around the world still locked out of global prosperity and security?In Rules for a Flat World, law and economics professor Gillian Hadfield points to an outdated legal infrastructure as the cause of stagnating progress in the global economy. The world's biggest corporations are struggling to manage workers, and advance a consistent strategy, in dozens of countriesat once. Small businesses are being crushed by disruption a hemisphere away. Billions of people who constitute the bottom of the economic pyramid are still shut out of the technological, legal, and medical advancements that the other half of the world enjoys. Put simply, the law and legal methods onwhich we currently rely have failed to evolve along with technology. Hadfield argues not only that these systems are too slow, costly, and localized to support an increasingly complex global economy, but also that they fail to address looming challenges such as global warming, poverty, andoppression in developing countries.Instead of growing more agile and less expensive, our legal infrastructure is drowning in costs and complexity, all the while growing less capable of responding to the needs of businesses, governments, and ordinary people. Through a sweeping review of the emergence and evolution of law overthousands of years, Hadfield makes the case that our existing methods of producing law-via legislatures, courts, and bureaucracies-need supplementing. Markets, she argues, have the capacity to spur investment in regulation so that we can better manage smarter, faster, and more complicated economicsystems. Combining an impressive grasp of the empirical details of economic globalization with an ambitious re-envisioning of our global legal system, Rules for a Flat World is a crucial and influential intervention into the debates surrounding how best to manage the evolving global economy.

The World Is Flat [Further Updated and Expanded; Release 3.0]

Book Description

Explores globalization, its opportunities for individual empowerment, its achievements at lifting millions out of poverty, and its drawbacks--environmental, social, and political.

Economic Justice in a Flat World

Book Description

Writers urge the church to help identify the essentials of Christian perspective on the societal, environmental and economic implications of globalization and to live accordingly.

Modernizing Legal Services in Common Law Countries

Book Description

Most people understand that regulations have a direct bearing on their access to things such as clean air and water and safe working environments. However, in the United States, few people make the connection between how legal services are regulated and how difficult it is for them to access legal services. Indeed, on the question of affordable and accessible civil justice, the World Justice Project ranks the US 94th out of 113 countries, behind Albania, Belarus, Myanmar, and Russia. For decades academics and others have debated whether the legal profession is self-regulated and, if it is, whether it should be. But is it the right debate? Self-regulation—or not—does not obviate the need for effective regulation. Independent, accountable, and transparent regulatory bodies, effective oversight of those bodies, the genuine engagement of citizens in the regulatory process, evidence-based research to fully assess the impact of regulation, and an approach to regulation that is proportionate and targeted to actual risks are essential for effective regulation. Through the lens of the adoption of alternative structures, this book explains how England, Wales, and Australia have, by embracing these essential elements, successfully modernized their regulatory environments for legal services, and how Canada has taken firm steps down its own path to the same. In contrast, by rejecting these elements, the United States remains paralyzed in an unproductive regulatory environment for legal services. This book provides a blueprint for how the US can take inspiration from its common law sisters to breathe new life into its regulatory environment for legal services. Ultimately, modernization will require more—and better—regulation that is financed publicly through equitable, progressive revenue sources.

A Voyage in Consciousness

Book Description

A Voyage in Consciousness is an adventure in self-exploration, revealing a path to peace that emerges from the simple act of attending to one's own ordinary experience. All human beings are adventurers. We are all exploring what it is to be and know, to live and die, to sleep and awaken. Each of us has his or her own path to follow. Every one of us is destined to realize a peculiar enlightenment and make his or her unique contribution to the brilliance of creation. Within the spectrum of human experience great treasures wait to be discovered. The work of only a few explorers is not enough to unearth them. These treasures are vast, but undiscoverable without the deepest appreciation of our joy. As more of us become involved in this exploration, the greater our discoveries shall be. The greater the peace of humankind, the greater the ecstasy of all living beings. A Voyage in Consciousness is both an invitation and a unique set of tools that facilitate experiential exploration. The information presented comes from the author's own discoveries gleaned from more than 20 years of experiential research. A Voyage in Consciousness doesn't just tell stories about experiential exploration, it is an adventure which each reader navigates in his or her own way. The book includes detailed, guided exercises specifically designed to facilitate the reader's own journey. (An audiobook version and related lectures are available on audio cassette through the author's website:

World 3.0

Book Description

Since the financial crisis of 2008, many of us have had to reexamine our beliefs about markets and globalization. How integrated should economies really be? How much regulation is right? Many people fuse these two dimensions of choice into one, either favoring both globalization and deregulation—or opposing both of them. It doesn’t have to be that way. In World 3.0, award-winning author and economist Pankaj Ghemawat reveals the folly in both of these responses. He calls for a third worldview—one in which both regulation and cross-border integration coexist and complement one another. Ghemawat starts by exposing common assumptions about globalization to hard data, proving that the world is not nearly as globalized as we think. And he explains why the potential gains from further integration are much larger than even pro globalizers tend to believe. He then tackles market failures and fears—job losses, environmental degradation, macroeconomic volatility, and trade and capital imbalances—that opponents of globalization often invoke. Drawing on compelling data, he shows that increased globalization can actually alleviate some of these problems. Finally, Ghemawat describes how a wide range of players—businesses, policy makers, citizens, media—can help open up flows of ideas, people, and goods across borders, but in ways that maximize the benefits and minimize the potential side effects. World 3.0 dispels powerfully entrenched—but incorrect—assumptions about globalization. Provocative and bold, this new book explains how people around the world can secure their collective prosperity through new approaches to cross-border integration. Ghemawat’s thinking will surprise and move you—no matter where you stand on globalization.

Principles for a Free Society

Book Description

The country's leading libertarian scholar sets forth the essential principles for a legal system that best balances individual liberty versus the common good.

In Defense of Globalism

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Countering our divisive times, this innovative book makes the conservative case in favor of international organizations and cooperation. Dalibor Rohac persuasively argues that far from undermining national sovereignty, the mechanisms of international cooperation have been instrumental to humankind’s freedom, prosperity, and peace. Moreover, he shows that unlike the caricature of international cooperation as a top-down imposition, in reality it is characterized by extreme institutional diversity. Its structures have typically emerged from the bottom up, in response to concrete challenges transcending national borders. Moving beyond empty political rhetoric, Rohac's meticulous research and clear analysis assess and explains the strengths, flaws, and relevant trade-offs of different forms of global governance. A powerful rebuttal to the temptations of nationalist populism, his work is a call to arms for thoughtful people on the center right to defend the central tenets of the post-WWII international order.

The Cambridge Companion to the Rule of Law

Book Description

Introduces students, scholars, and practitioners to the theory and history of the rule of law.