Rusty Wilson's Alaskan Bigfoot Campfire Stories

Book Description

Always wanted to go see Alaska, the 49th state, but never could work it out? Well, never fear, because after reading these stories, you'll probably change your mind and decide to instead visit someplace safe and predictable. In this baker's dozen of all new and original stories from Rusty Wilson, the World's Greatest Bigfoot Storyteller, you'll see an Alaska that few see, an Alaska that maybe even fewer want to see, and an Alaska that puts all the other states to shame for mysterious places and happenings, as well as having the highest number per capita of people who go missing without a trace. Come read about a photographer who finally gets his wish to see the Northern Lights, only to find there are other things that glow in the Arctic wilds-then read about the Kodiak bear guide who finds much more than he was hunting for-and there's the soldier who ends up finding something just a little unusual while out surveying the Alcan Highway-then read about the native Alaskan who's haunted by a dream of epic proportions-and, if you dare, ride along with a young native girl on a snowmachine as her attempt to save her mother's life looks like it may end in sinister disaster-and there's the strange sight seen by two roustabouts out checking an oil pipeline-and the bush pilot who sees a chilling sight on one of Alaska's largest glaciers-and the story of almost catching something besides salmon in fish camp-then read about the elusive and very destructive Copper People-two guys who go hunting with a drone and find exactly what they were looking for after they've changed their minds-and a woman who finds there's much more to the deep wilderness than what can be seen-then read about unexpected trouble in Alaska's version of the Bermuda Triangle-and finally, explore the deep rainforest of strange and mysterious Yakobi Island, hoping you live to tell about it. All these and more great campfire tales are guaranteed to make you happy you're safe and sound in your house instead of listening to a strange howling in the darkness from inside your thin nylon tent, deep in the Alaskan wilds. Or, if you're truly the adventurous type, maybe you'll want to buy a thin nylon tent and head to Alaska, but good luck if you do! Fly-fishing guide Rusty Wilson spent years collecting these stories from his clients around the campfire, stories guaranteed to scare the pants off you-or make you want to meet the Big Guy! "I don't typically get a lot of clients from Alaska, as they have their own great fishing holes up there, but I do have many who were originally from Alaska and have moved Outside (what the Alaskans call the rest of the world). Some of the absolute best stories I've ever heard came from these intrepid souls, many who are far braver than I think I could ever be, given the often hairy circumstances they experienced." -Rusty Wilson

Rusty Wilson's Bigfoot Campfire Stories

Book Description

"Flyfishing guide Rusty Wilson spent years collecting these stories from his clients around the campfire, stories guaranteed to scare the pants off you - or make you want to meet the Big Guy"--Cover

Rusty Wilson's Favorite Bigfoot Campfire Stories

Book Description

A compilation of tales focusing on human interactions with bigfoot.

Rusty Wilson's More Bigfoot Campfire Stories

Book Description

Another great book from Rusty Wilson, Bigfoot expert and storyteller. This is the sequel to Rusty's first collection of Bigfoot campfire stories, tales for both the Bigfoot believer and those who just enjoy a good story! Flyfishing guide Rusty Wilson spent years collecting these stories from his clients around the campfire, stories guaranteed to scare the pants off you-or make you want to meet the Big Guy! Come read about a Bigfoot ghost town - being stalked in the high mountains of Colorado - a Bigfoot and his stolen dogpack - a BIgfoot caught in a pothole deep in a canyon of Utah - the Bigfoot who tried to hijack a train in Oregon - what happened when a Bigfoot finally revealed itself to its caretaker - and many more great campfire tales...but only if you don't want to go to sleep at night... "It always amazes me how the quietest person can often have the scariest tale. I think Bigfoot is attracted to thinkers." -Rusty Wilson Also available in Kindle format on Amazon.

Rusty Wilson's Rocky Mountain Bigfoot Campfire Stories

Book Description

Welcome to another book of Bigfoot stories by the World's Greatest Bigfoot Storyteller, none other than Rusty Wilson! These all new stories from all over the Rocky Mountains are sure to give you chills, yet also make you want to meet a Bigfoot-well, maybe theoretically, at least. Are you brave enough to read them at night by headlamp while camped in the deep forest? Or will you read them at home, after locking all the windows? Fly-fishing guide Rusty Wilson has spent years collecting these tales from his clients around the campfire, stories guaranteed to make sure you won't want to go out after dark. Come spend your night with a brave snowcat driver grooming an extreme ski slope in a most dangerous way, then join a scuba diver in Glacier National Park who meets a most unusual underwater companion. Come along as a woman discovers that her neighborhood harbors the perfect solution to cold winter nights, then experience the terror of being stalked in one of the planet's deepest and most extreme canyons. If you survive all that, read how a newly divorced doctor finds that his idyllic rental near the Tetons has a hidden secret that comes with a flyswatter, then follow along as a lone hiker discovers the high mountains of Idaho hold more than he bargained for. Next, help an old Wyoming rancher decide whether to sell out or stay, then visit a remote campground where rocks are the incoming thing. And finally, hike into the rugged Wind River Range of Wyoming as a strange rescue party provides a most unusual relief from hurricane-force winds. Another great book from Rusty Wilson, Bigfoot expert and storyteller-tales for both the Bigfoot believer and those who just enjoy a good story.

Rusty Wilson's Montana Bigfoot Campfire Stories

Book Description

Ever thought about visiting the beautiful and rugged state of Montana? If so, be sure to read these stories before you go, for there may be more there than you ever imagined in your wildest dreams.These all new stories are sure to make you want to hide deep in your sleeping bag if you're brave enough to read them at night by headlamp while camped in one of the state's beautiful campgrounds. And what just brushed against your tent? A wolf? Grizzly bear? Or was it something even bigger and more terrifying?Fly-fishing guide Rusty Wilson, known as the World's Greatest Bigfoot Storyteller, has spent years collecting these tales from his clients around the campfire, stories guaranteed to make sure you won't want to go out after dark. Come join a botanist in Glacier National Park who discovers a most unusual use for a mudpack, then watch a strange sight in the Sweet Grass Hills of northern Montana. Come along as a tow-truck driver tries to figure out why a tourist won't abandon his car in the winter cold, then join a campground host as he faces his deepest fears.And if you survive all that, come along on an experiment in terror in a resort in the wilds. Next, join in the discovery of a very unusual find on a dinosaur dig in Montana's badlands, then learn why it's not a good idea to feed the wildlife, nor to harass them. Climb a tall peak with a filmmaker to discover a terrifying and dangerous sight that almost costs him his life, and finally, visit with a musician as he discovers the real meaning of an appreciative audience.You'll want to be sure you're not alone in the woods while reading these stories, or maybe even alone inside your house! Another great book from Rusty Wilson, Bigfoot expert and storyteller-tales for both the Bigfoot believer and those who just enjoy a good story.

Rusty Wilson's Glacier Bigfoot Campfire Stories

Book Description

Ever thought about visiting beautiful Glacier National Park? The park is famous for its dramatic hiking and backpacking, but you might want to be sure you learn about the flora and fauna before you go, especially the fauna, which can also be quite dramatic.It's best to go prepared, and these all new stories will help you be aware of what you might encounter out there, far from civilization and other people and, well, maybe even from possible rescue. This book also includes two excerpts from Rusty's Montana Bigfoot Campfire Stories.Fly-fishing guide Rusty Wilson, known as the World's Greatest Bigfoot Story Teller, has spent years collecting these tales from his clients around the campfire, stories guaranteed to make sure you won't want to go out after dark. Come join a disgruntled high-school kid and his flatlander uncle in their first-ever backpacking trip, one they're sure to never forget, then come along with a young girl who nearly loses her life in one of the park's icy streams, then faces ridicule because of how she was rescued. Join an artist as he experiences a strange mind-control game high on a dreamy pass, and if you live to tell about all that, come visit a fire lookout tower, where the lookout finds that he prefers spotting fires over spotting strange creatures. Still have your wits about you? Read about an "imaginary" young Sasquatch "cub" found injured in the woods, and if that's not enough to make you shake your head, join a park ranger as he's nearly trapped in a tunnel through one of Glacier's high arêtes. Or how about getting caught in a Sasquatch rock fight along the trail to one of the park's hike-in chalets? And wait-a Bigfoot doctor? You'll want to be sure you're not alone in the woods while reading these stories, and the audio book will keep you entertained as you drive those lonely backroads at night-just don't panic and run off the road!Another great book from Rusty Wilson, Bigfoot expert and storyteller-tales for both the Bigfoot believer and for those who just enjoy a good story.

Rusty Wilson's Canadian Bigfoot Campfire Stories

Book Description

Ready for some stories from the vast wilderness of Canada, home to the Sasquatch, revered and feared by the natives there since before time was recorded? Settle back with a cup of hot chocolate, lock the doors, and be ready to call your best friend in case you start seeing big hairy faces in the window (but be aware that your friend may also be reading these stories, so have a backup plan). These 12 all new and original stories from Rusty Wilson, the World's Greatest Bigfoot Storyteller, will keep you intrigued, hanging onto the edge of your seat, or wishing you could travel up north and see what all the excitement's about for yourself. Come read about a young man who finally gets his wish to visit one of the world's wildest places, where he quickly realizes that maybe his parents were right after all-then read about the strange case where a Sasquatch discovers a rare fossilized dinosaur skeleton-and then, if you dare, read about a woman who stops for a break on a remote Canadian backroad and ends up taking something home with her that she really doesn't want-and there's the Sasquatch that ends up saving peoples' lives by stealing all their food in the dead of winter-and a Sasquatch that brings a couple together through its death-one who decides it wants to be in a painting-another who likes the taste of loons-and a man who discovers a secret Bigfoot food source-all these and more great campfire tales are guaranteed to make you happy you're safe and sound in your house instead of listening to a Sasquatch screaming in the darkness from inside your thin nylon tent, deep in the Canadian wilds. Or, if you're truly the adventurous type, maybe you'll want to buy a thin nylon tent and head to British Columbia or Alberta. Fly-fishing guide Rusty Wilson spent years collecting these stories from his clients around the campfire, stories guaranteed to scare the pants off you-or make you want to meet the Big Guy! "I suspect that Canada has more wild things than we could imagine in our wildest dreams. If you take a look at a map, you'll see just how immense and rugged many parts of this country are, especially those regions in the north and around the Canadian Rockies and Coastal Mountains. I'm sure there are things out there we could only imagine, one of them being Bigfoot-or Sasquatch, as our northern friends call him." -Rusty Wilson