Liberty for All?-v.5

Book Description

The Story of Liberty

Book Description

If truly God had specific plans for this country and the people who were to inhabit it, have God's plans reached their fulfillment? Does America still have a rendezvous with destiny? Is there yet a generation to come forth from this nation which will turn the hearts of not only its countrymen back to the living God, but the hearts of the world as well? It is with this in mind that we have endeavored to republish Charles Coffin's The Story of Liberty, originally published in 1879. The Story of Liberty is not America's story alone. It belongs to all those who are enjoying freedom and liberty in any part of the world. And it belongs to all nations that will yet serve Him. As we reach back into the records of history to observe the hand of the Great Author of all liberty, we will find direction for the days ahead and discover the keys we need to understand and interpret the future. As we look at that which preceded our nations history and led to its founding, we will begin to have an idea of what liberty cost those who love the truth and how much still is at stake. We cannot neglect the present and hope to enjoy in the future the blessings of the past. Liberty was purchased by Christian courage, self-sacrifice, and unceasing vigilance. Only by these virtues can we hope to keep it. We must, by God's grace, be as determined to protect our liberties as our forefathers were to win them. 'Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.' (Gal. 5:1 KJV).