De-Colonizing the Subject

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El Gran Silencio

Book Description

El Gran Silencio es individual, lo siento en mí con tal intensidad que poco importa si me creen o no. Hace tiempo que ya pasé la fase de la aprobación. Aunque sería bueno saber que soy comprendido, no tengo ninguna expectativa en ese sentido. Simplemente he tratado aquí de expresar una vez más lo inexpresable, de dar testimonio de lo que Yo Soy. Al entrar en el Gran Silencio he capitulado. He dejado de creer que la humanidad podía en su conjunto despertarse a la consciencia. No obstante, creo firmemente que algunos individuos lo pueden lograr ya que es su deseo más preciado. Es para ellos que escribo esta obra, es hacia ellos que dedico mi obra. Me gustaría recordarles que es el deber de cada uno el liberarse a sí mismos incluso antes de tratar de hacerlo para los demás.

Competing Models of Linguistic Change

Book Description

The articles of this volume are centered around two competing views on language change originally presented at the 2003 International Conference on Historical Linguistics in the two important plenary papers by Henning Andersen and William Croft. The latter proposes an evolutionary model of language change within a domain-neutral model of a 'generalized analysis of selection', whereas Henning Andersen takes it that cultural phenomena could not possibly be handled, i.e. observed, described, understood, in the same way as natural phenomena. These papers are models of succinct presentation of important theoretical framework. The other papers present and discuss additional models of change, e.g. invisible hand-processes, system-internal models, functional and cognitive models. Most papers do not subscribe to the evolutionary model; instead, they focus on functional factors in the selection and propagation of variants (as opposed to factors of code efficiency), or on cognitive and pragmatic perspectives. Several papers are inspired by the late Eugenio Coseriu and by Henning Andersen's theories on language change. In particular, the volume contains articles proposing interesting grammaticalization studies and extended models of grammaticalization. The clear presentation of important and competing approaches to fundamental questions concerning language change will be of high interest for scholars and students working in the field of diachrony and typology. The languages referred to in the papers include Cantonese, the Chukotko-Kamchatkan languages, Danish, English, Eskimo languages, German, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.

The Collected Works of Langston Hughes

Book Description

The sixteen volumes are published with the goal that Hughes pursued throughout his lifetime: making his books available to the people. Each volume will include a biographical and literary chronology by Arnold Rampersad, as well as an introduction by a Hughes scholar lume introductions will provide contextual and historical information on the particular work.


Book Description

VALKIRIE narra la historia de México durante los últimos dos sexenios dominados por la cruenta guerra contra los carteles del narcotráfico y sus conecciones con importantes políticos, empresarios y corporaciones globales. Vivian camina dentro de una nube púrpura luego de la destrucción de México, entre muertos que no saben que lo están. Es una novela compuesta en capítulos que representan cabezas degolladas, manos mochadas, corazones arrancados. Como dice ella, "me lo dictaron las voces de los desaparecidos que por ahí están". Y es la reacción de las mujeres que cuando se les mete algo en la cabeza, nadie las puede parar. VALKIRIE es un oscuro viaje, un trance, con una mirada profunda, seria, pero también magnética, en otra dimensión, en donde se planea el asesinato de un presidente...o dos. VALKIRIE tells the story of contemporary Mexico ́s history, specially through the last twelve years dominated by an erratic and strange drug war against the cartels and its connections with important politicians, business men and global corporations. Vivian walks inside a purple cloud after Mexico ceased to exist, walking among mexicans who doesn ́t know they are already dead. Its a novel composed in chapters that represent heads, hands, legs and hearts dismembered. VALKIRIE may be a fiction but its well documented in reality. As Vivian, one of its characters, says, "it ́s written by the voices unheard, by the lost ones, the dissapeared: the testimony of the dead that still walk around us". VALKIRIE its a trip, a trance, a dark tour de force inside the mind of a girl induced by a new and powerful illegal drug in a plot that has to do with the attempt to kill the president...or two.

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Divergent Modernities

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DIVA classic work, now available in English for the first time, that examines major intellectual figures including Sarmiento, Bello and Marti and the interrelations of literature, history, and nation-building in the origins of Latin American modernism in the/div

State Course of Study

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