Sacred Mandates

Book Description

Contemporary discussions of international relations in Asia tend to be tethered in the present, unmoored from the historical contexts that give them meaning. Sacred Mandates, edited by Timothy Brook, Michael van Walt van Praag, and Miek Boltjes, redresses this oversight by examining the complex history of inter-polity relations in Inner and East Asia from the thirteenth century to the twentieth, in order to help us understand and develop policies to address challenges in the region today. This book argues that understanding the diversity of past legal orders helps explain the forms of contemporary conflict, as well as the conflicting historical narratives that animate tensions. Rather than proceed sequentially by way of dynasties, the editors identify three “worlds”—Chingssid Mongol, Tibetan Buddhist, and Confucian Sinic—that represent different forms of civilization authority and legal order. This novel framework enables us to escape the modern tendency to view the international system solely as the interaction of independent states, and instead detect the effects of the complicated history at play between and within regions. Contributors from a wide range of disciplines cover a host of topics: the development of international law, sovereignty, state formation, ruler legitimacy, and imperial expansion, as well as the role of spiritual authority on state behavior, the impact of modernization, and the challenges for peace processes. The culmination of five years of collaborative research, Sacred Mandates will be the definitive historical guide to international and intrastate relations in Asia, of interest to policymakers and scholars alike, for years to come.

Sacred Mandates of Conscience

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The Sacred Mandates of Conscience contains insights from among the best in Baptist scholarship interpreting several of the most central affirmations in the Baptist Faith & Message.

The Divine Mandates

Book Description

Two rival analogies compete for our attention: the law of the jungle, and the sacred canopy. As for the former, life consists of the survival of the fittest. As for the latter, the divine mandates serve as a framework for social ethics. This is in keeping with the conviction that we live in God's world, by his grace, and for his glory. The first major segment consists of a paper trail, where the topic is explored in context of biblical narrative. The second discusses the four traditional mandates, as pertains to labor, family, government, and church. The third touches on the endowments, with reference to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. All things considered, the text is calculated to contribute to a Christian world and life view. In greater detail, the mandates serve in a dual capacity. Obviously, to establish the credentials for select social institutions, but also by insisting persons to comply with legitimate social obligations. Meant to superintend God's creation, humans continue to fall short of their appointed task. Along with the diminishing of God's glory. Calling for a commitment to the divine mandates, and their extended implications.

The Holy Land Under Mandate

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The Constitutional Case for Religious Exemptions from Federal Vaccine Mandates

Book Description

The Constitutional Case for Religious Exemptions from Federal Vaccine Mandates by the Rev. Dr. George Gatgounis, Esq., leads off with a legal brief by attorney Gatgounis arguing why mandating a vaccine despite a religious objection of an individual is unconstitutional. This very thorough volume also includes an extensive digest of South Carolina legal cases regarding religion and the full text of several other key lawsuits also arguing against forcing vaccines despite religious objections.

The Way to Heaven

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A Sacred Trust

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The second volume explains how the League of Nations mandates system fused two of the predominant and compelling global forces of the twentieth century: imperialism and Wilsonian internationalism. After the First World War, Britain and France administered most of Germany's former tropical African colonies as "mandates" under the supervision of the League as "a sacred trust of civilization." This system of international trusteeship changed British and French rule in Africa. In short, "mandates" were not "colonies." Mandates meant less militarism, more commercial equality, a greater emphasis on the interests of Africans, and an end to the extension of European national sovereignty over colonized peoples. Accountability to the League also required the British and French to reconsider traditional economic, strategic, and ideological assumptions about their empires. In the process, the "sacred trust" sowed the seeds of self-doubt about the very purpose and future of European imperialism. The mandates system continued to represent a genuine internationalisation and reformation of colonialism and had long-term economic, political, and cultural consequences for Africans and Europeans within the mandated territories. Despite the Depression, repeated Anglo-French foreign policy failures, growing humiliations for Geneva, and war in Africa and Europe, the principles and practices of international trusteeship proved persistent. Mandates demonstrated the relevance of international law, the importance of the League of Nations, and the impact of Wilsonian principles on international relations and European imperialism.

The Echo of Silence

Book Description

In the year 2035, scientist Ewing is the last person left alive on earth. With an all-encompassing mantle of ice overtaking the planet, he has just three days of energy left; then, he too, will succumb, just as the others. He's the only one able to communicate the final episode in humanity's long, sad story. In the time he has left, Ewing examines the main causes that are responsible for the planet's demise. How did man's undisciplined actions jeopardize the future of his planet? The Echo of Silence addresses these issues and is an in-depth consideration of God, creation, and the time continuum. This narrative covers the birth of the universe, the origins of man, and the inept stewardship of the planet. It discusses the two most powerful and destructive factions that kept the masses in a perpetual state of confusion and doubt over the source of creation. It shows how the debate, lasting four hundred years, was self-defeating, as neither science nor religion could claim ownership of the genesis until they recognized the omnipotent nature and true function of the time continuum.