Sacred Polities, Natural Law and the Law of Nations in the 16th-17th Centuries

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A fresh look at the importance of natural and international law in the religious politics at the heartlands of the Reformation, from the Low Countries, the German principalities up to Transylvania; from Niels Hemmingsen to Gian Battista Vico; from religious reasons for the universalist claims of natural law to political arguments for the sacred polity, their tension and creative potential.

Natural Law and the Law of Nations in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Italy

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The open access publication of this book was financially supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. This volume sheds new light on modern theories of natural law through the lens of the fragmented political contexts of Italy in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and the dramatic changes of the times. From the age of reforms, through revolution and the ‘Risorgimento’, the unification movement which ended with the creation of the unified Kingdom of Italy in 1861, we see a move from natural law and the law of nations to international law, whose teaching was introduced in Italian universities of the newly created Kingdom. The essays collected here show that natural law was not only the subject of a highly codified academic teaching, but also provided a broader conceptual and philosophical frame underlying the ‘science of man’. Natural law is also a language wherein reform programmes of education and of politics have taken form, affecting a variety of discourses and literary genres. Contributors are: Alberto Clerici, Vittor Ivo Comparato, Giuseppina De Giudici, Frédéric Ieva, Girolamo Imbruglia, Francesca Iurlaro, Serena Luzzi, Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina, Emanuele Salerno, Gabriella Silvestrini, Antonio Trampus.

The Law of Nations

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The Law of Nations and Natural Law 1625–1800

Book Description

The Law of Nations and Natural Law 1625-1800 offers innovative studies on the development of the law of nations after the Peace of Westphalia. This period was decisive for the origin and constitution of the discipline which eventually emancipated itself from natural law and became modern international law. A specialist on the law of nations in the Swiss context and on its major figure, Emer de Vattel, Simone Zurbuchen prompted scholars to explore the law of nations in various European contexts. The volume studies little known literature related to the law of nations as an academic discipline, offers novel interpretations of classics in the field, and deconstructs ‘myths’ associated with the law of nations in the Enlightenment.

Pufendorf's International Political and Legal Thought

Book Description

Samuel Pufendorf (1632-1694) is regarded as one of the eminent thinkers of the early-modern era, critical in the shaping of the period's natural jurisprudence. In this interdisciplinary collection of essays, esteemed scholars examine Pufendorf's contributions to international political and legal thought.

Varieties of Religious Space. Freedom, Worship and Urban Justice

Book Description

Negli ultimi anni si è sovente parlato di de-secolarizzazione. Al tempo stesso, tuttavia, non si è mai spenta la voce di chi afferma che la modernità ha inaugurato un'epoca in cui la religione è in via di estinzione e la secolarizzazione ha vinto la partita della storia. Se così fosse, un libro sullo 'spazio religioso’ sarebbe poco più che un testo su un tema di nicchia. C’è da chiedersi, tuttavia: lo 'spazio religioso' può davvero considerarsi scisso e categoricamente distinguibile dallo spazio in generale? Le città europee sono state storicamente costruite intorno a una chiesa collocata accanto alla sede del governo, generando a sua volta lo ‘spazio' della piazza pubblica principale. Nella maggior parte dei siti urbani, questa distribuzione topografica urbana permane, e l’Italia costituisce, da questo punto di vista un esempio paradigmatico. Proprio in Italia, i conflitti sull’utilizzo delle chiese cattoliche in disuso, sulle comunità musulmane che necessitano di spazi per la preghiera, sugli spazi interreligiosi e sul connesso uso dello spazio urbano nel suo complesso, riflettono preoccupazioni pressanti su come vivere le nostre città, sempre più plurali, e su come definire i confini tra la libertà degli uni e la libertà degli altri. Su questo terreno di scontro entra in gioco il diritto, che regola lo spazio e tutte le pratiche che si svolgono al suo interno. La ‘liturgia’, intesa attraverso la sua radice etimologica di ‘azione nello spazio pubblico,’ serve come chiave ricostruttivo-cognitiva che potrebbe supportare il diritto a qualificare in modo più adeguato gli oggetti e i destinatari della regolamentazione da esso offerta. Se il tempo e lo spazio sono impossibili da separare, guardare indietro è l'unico modo per scandagliare il futuro (e viceversa). A questo scopo, nel testo vengono offerte alcune brevi incursioni storiche accanto all'analisi giuridica dell’esperienza contemporanea, e ciò con l’obiettivo di illuminare un percorso possibile verso un orizzonte di giustizia spaziale. Nei tre capitoli che lo compongono, il volume tratta rispettivamente del rapporto tra spazio sacro e spazio secolare della città; delle questioni teorico-giuridiche e giurisdizionali che ruotano attorno al problema della disponibilità dei luoghi di culto all’interno del tessuto urbano; e, infine, dei presupposti storici e metodologici per l’elaborazione di una ‘giustizia spaziale’ costituzionale. DOI: 10.13134/979-12-5977-322-7

Infidels and Empires in a New World Order

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Examines early modern Spanish contributions to international relations by focusing on ambivalence of natural rights in European colonial expansion to the Americas.

Crisis and Renewal in the History of European Political Thought

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This volume advances a better, more historical and contextual, manner to consider not only the present, but also the future of ‘crisis’ and ‘renewal’ as key concepts of our political language as well as fundamental categories of interpretation.

Varieties of Voluntarism in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy

Book Description

This book considers different forms of voluntarism developed from the thirteenth to eighteenth centuries. By crossing the conventional dividing line between the medieval and early modern periods, the volume draws important new insights on the historical development of voluntarism. Voluntarism places a special emphasis on the will when it comes to the analysis and explanation of fundamental philosophical questions and problems. Since the Middle Ages, voluntarist considerations and views played an important role in the development of different theories of action, ethics, metaethics, and metaphysics. The chapters in this volume are grouped according to three distinct kinds of voluntarism: psychological, ethical, and theological voluntarism. They address topics such as the threat of irrationality as the standard objection to voluntarism, incontinent actions and their explanation, the nature of the will as rational appetite, the relationship between intellect and will, the implications of conceptions of the will for political freedom, and the relations between divine freedom and the modal status of eternal truths. The chapters not only consider towering figures of the Middle Ages—Thomas Aquinas, Henry of Ghent, William of Ockham, Francisco de Vitoria—and early modern period—René Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Samuel Pufendorf—but also engage with less well-known figures such as Peter John Olivi, John of Pouilly, Catharine Trotter Cockburn, and Christian August Crusius. Varieties of Voluntarism in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy will appeal to scholars and advanced students working in medieval philosophy, early modern philosophy, the history of ethics, and philosophy of religion.