
Book Description


Book Description

"Sadhana: The Realisation of Life" is Rabindranath Tagore's excellent collection of essays on the subject of Indian spirituality. Tagore's objective in this work was to give the reader an understanding not only of the scripture but as to the practice, as he writes, "So in these papers, it may be hoped, western readers will have an opportunity of coming into touch with the ancient spirit of India as revealed in our sacred texts and manifested in the life of to-day."

The Philosophy of Sadhana

Book Description

After presenting a general survey of spiritual practice in the different schools of Indian philosophy, the author focuses on the Trika School, popularly called Kashmir Shaivism. He deals clearly and exhaustively with such topics as Shaktipat (the descent of Divine Grace), Diksha (initiation), and the role of the Guru. His treatment of the various paths (upayas) appropriate for the different types of practitioners is especially useful. The book ends with a chapter on enlightenment (jivanmukti). This chapter not only presents the meaning of self-realization-in-this-lifetime, but offers material on this topic for the first time in English.


Book Description

Christian Exercises in Eastern Form Truly a one-of-a-kind, how-to-do-it book, this small volume responds to a very real hunger for self-awareness and holistic living. It consists of a series of spiritual exercises for entering the contemplative state -- blending psychology, spiritual therapy, and practices from both Eastern and Western traditions. Anthony de Mello offers here an unparalleled approach to inner peace that brings the whole person to prayer -- body and soul, heart and mind, memory and imagination. In forty-seven exercises that teach things such as awareness of physical sensations, stillness, healing of hurtful memories, and consciousness of self and world, de Mello succeeds in helping all who have ever experienced prayer as difficult, dull, or frustrating. The essential key, he notes, is to journey beyond mere thought-forms and discover satisfying new depths in prayer from the heart. This allows for a greater sense of awareness amid silence, and disposes the one who prays to untold riches, spiritual fulfillment, and ultimately, a mystical experience of God-centeredness. Drawing on Scripture, as well as insights from Eastern and Western spiritual masters, the author has a unique appeal that transcends time, culture, and religious background. For many years a bestseller in the English language, Sadhana has now been translated into more than two dozen foreign languages. Readers the world over have eagerly received this sincere spiritual leader, who has led many toward the wealth of insight and spirit that dwells within them.


Book Description

Sadhana: The Path to Enlightenment

Book Description

The focus of the second volume of Yoga the Sacred Science is sadhana, spiritual practice. In this volume Swami Rama reminds us that we are here in this world because we have a purpose to fulfill. That purpose is enlightenment, a state of awareness of the Self, the one Absolute beneath all forms and names. The height of enlightenment is the realization that God is within. The path to enlightenment is sadhana.

Mastering Sadhana

Book Description

A close friend and associate of Anthony de Mello shares for the first time not only personal conversations and reminiscences, but also de Mello's own words as recorded during a 15-day retreat in India.

Chup Sadhana

Book Description

The original Guru, the Self, is present in everybody's heart as Silence. This Silence can be recognized in the gap between two thoughts, two actions, two breaths, two moments. This Silence may also just appear spontaneously, when one is simply at rest, at peace. Chup Sadhana is an effortless no-practice practice, which reveals this ever-present, underlying Silence in which all the events of life are experienced. This is the missing link, which connects different spiritual traditions.

Sharing Sadhana

Book Description

Sadhana of Service

Book Description

"Sadhana of Service" reflects Eknathji's thoughts on the personality of an ideal worker. Swami Vivekananda said in one of his speeches that our country had always to wait for the birth of a great man. He leads us for some time and there is no continuity. A grand idea should be sufficient to thousands of people to take it up and follow it. But if that grand idea is not propogatedd by a great man, it has no chance of flourishing in our country. His dream was to reverse this trend.