Safe Motion Planning for Mobile Agents

Book Description

The problem of motion planning for multiple mobile agents is studied. Each planning agent independently plans its own action based on its map which contains a limited information about the environment. In an environment where more than one mobile agent interacts, the motions of the robots are uncertain and dynamic. A model for reactive agents is described and simulation results are presented to show their behavior patterns. 18 refs., 2 figs.

Motion Planning for Dynamic Agents

Book Description

This book, Motion Planning for Dynamic Agents, presents a thorough overview of current advancements and provides insights into the fascinating and vital field of aeronautics. It focuses on modern research and development, with an emphasis on dynamic agents. The chapters address a wide range of complex capabilities, including formation control, guidance and navigation, control techniques, wide-space coverage for inspection and exploration, and the best pathfinding in unknown territory. This book is a valuable resource for scholars, practitioners, and amateurs alike due to the variety of perspectives that are included, which help readers gain a sophisticated understanding of the difficulties and developments in the area of study.

Field and Service Robotics

Book Description

Joe Engelberger, the pioneer of the robotics industry, wrote in his 1989 book Robotics in Service that the inspiration to write his book came as a reaction to an industry-sponsored forecast study of robot applications, which predicted that in 1995 applications of robotics outside factories - the traditional domain of industrial robots - would amount to less than 1% of total sales. Engelberger believed that this forecast was very wrong, and instead predicted that the non-industrial class of robot applications would become the largest class. Engelbergers prediction has yet to come to pass. However, he did correctly foresee the growth in non-traditional applications of robots. Robots are now beginning to march from the factories and into field and service applications. This book presents a selection of papers from the first major international conference dedicated to field and service applications of robotics. This selection includes papers from the leading research laboratories in the world together with papers from companies that are building and selling new and innovative robotic technology. It describes interesting aspects of robots in the field ranging from mining, agriculture, construction, cargo handling, subsea operations, removal of landmines, to terrestrial exploration. It also covers a diverse range of service applications, such as cleaning, propagating plants and aiding the elderly and handicapped, and gives considerable attention to the technology required to realise robust, reliable and safe robots.

Mobile Robot: Motion Control and Path Planning

Book Description

This book presents the recent research advances in linear and nonlinear control techniques. From both a theoretical and practical standpoint, motion planning and related control challenges are key parts of robotics. Indeed, the literature on the planning of geometric paths and the generation of time-based trajectories, while accounting for the compatibility of such paths and trajectories with the kinematic and dynamic constraints of a manipulator or a mobile vehicle, is extensive and rich in historical references. Path planning is vital and critical for many different types of robotics, including autonomous vehicles, multiple robots, and robot arms. In the case of multiple robot route planning, it is critical to produce a safe path that avoids colliding with objects or other robots. When designing a safe path for an aerial or underwater robot, the 3D environment must be considered. As the number of degrees of freedom on a robot arm increases, so does the difficulty of path planning. As a result, safe pathways for high-dimensional systems must be developed in a timely manner. Nonetheless, modern robotic applications, particularly those requiring one or more robots to operate in a dynamic environment (e.g., human–robot collaboration and physical interaction, surveillance, or exploration of unknown spaces with mobile agents, etc.), pose new and exciting challenges to researchers and practitioners. For instance, planning a robot's motion in a dynamic environment necessitates the real-time and online execution of difficult computational operations. The development of efficient solutions for such real-time computations, which could be offered by specially designed computational architectures, optimized algorithms, and other unique contributions, is thus a critical step in the advancement of present and future-oriented robotics.

Real-time Motion Planning and Safe Navigation in Dynamic Multi-robot Environments

Book Description

All mobile robots share the need to navigate, creating the problem of motion planning. In multi-robot domains with agents acting in parallel, highly complex and unpredictable dynamics can arise. This leads to the need for navigation calculations to be carried out within tight time constraints, so that they can be applied before the dynamics of the environment make the calculated answer obsolete. At the same time, we want the robots to navigate robustly and operate safely without collisions. While motion planning has been used for high level robot navigation, or limited to semi-static or single-robot domains, it has often been dismissed for the real-time low-level control of agents due to the limited computational time and the unpredictable dynamics. Many robots now rely on local reactive methods for immediate control of the robot, but if the reason for avoiding motion planning is execution speed, the answer is to find planners that can meet this requirement. Recent advances in traditional path planning algorithms may offer hope in resolving this type of scalability, if they can be adapted to deal with the specific problems and constraints mobile robots face. Also, in order to maintain safety, new scalable methods for maintaining collision avoidance among multiple robots are needed in order to free motion planners from the "curse of dimensionality" when considering the safety of multiple robots with realistic physical dynamics constraints. This thesis contributes the pairing of real-time motion planning which builds on existing modern path planners, and a novel cooperative dynamics safety algorithm for high speed navigation of multiple agents in dynamic domains. It also explores near real-time kinematically limited motion planning for more complex environments. The thesis algorithms have been fully implemented and tested with success on multiple real robot platforms.

Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments

Book Description

Computer Science Workbench is a monograph series which will provide you with an in-depth working knowledge of current developments in computer technology. Every volume in this series will deal with a topic of importance in computer science and elaborate on how you yourself can build systems related to the main theme. You will be able to develop a variety of systems, including computer software tools, computer graphics, computer animation, database management systems, and computer-aided design and manufacturing systems. Computer Science Workbench represents an important new contribution in the field of practical computer technology. TOSIYASU L. KUNII To my parents Kenjiro and Nori Fujimura Preface Motion planning is an area in robotics that has received much attention recently. Much of the past research focuses on static environments - various methods have been developed and their characteristics have been well investigated. Although it is essential for autonomous intelligent robots to be able to navigate within dynamic worlds, the problem of motion planning in dynamic domains is relatively little understood compared with static problems.

Principles of Robot Motion

Book Description

A text that makes the mathematical underpinnings of robot motion accessible and relates low-level details of implementation to high-level algorithmic concepts. Robot motion planning has become a major focus of robotics. Research findings can be applied not only to robotics but to planning routes on circuit boards, directing digital actors in computer graphics, robot-assisted surgery and medicine, and in novel areas such as drug design and protein folding. This text reflects the great advances that have taken place in the last ten years, including sensor-based planning, probabalistic planning, localization and mapping, and motion planning for dynamic and nonholonomic systems. Its presentation makes the mathematical underpinnings of robot motion accessible to students of computer science and engineering, rleating low-level implementation details to high-level algorithmic concepts.

AGARD Lecture Series

Book Description

Safe and Efficient Motion Planning Through Chance-constrained Nonlinear Optimization

Book Description

Uncertainty is the harsh reality for robots deployed in the real world. Outside of a carefully-structured laboratory environment, neither the locations of obstacles nor the true state of the robot can be known with perfect certainty. This makes planning safe maneuvers challenging, particularly for robots with many degrees of freedom and rich geometry. Existing uncertainty-aware planners fall short by considering only uncertainty in the environment or uncertainty in the robots' state. In this thesis, we develop a chance-constrained trajectory optimization framework to address this gap in the state of the art, which we call Sequential Convex Optimization with Risk Allocation (SCORA). This planner is capable of solving challenging, high-dimensional motion planning problems while managing the risk due to uncertainty in the environment and in the robots own state. In addition, SCORA supports robots with nonlinear dynamics and arbitrary geometry, and it outperforms state-of-the-art planners in terms of both safety and planning time on a range of robotics tasks, including autonomous parallel parking, control of a mobile robot arm, and planning for multi-agent manipulation tasks.