Sai Grace And Recent Predictions

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Memoirs of the author, devotee of Sri Sai Baba, 1836-1918, spiritual leader from India.

The Divine Grace of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba

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Sri Shirdi Sai Baba (18381918), the first one in the trinity of Sai Baba Avatars (incarnations), was the incarnation of Lord Shiva. He led the life of an ideal Sufi saintbegging for alms; helping all, teaching the basics of morality and spirituality in his typical rural, rustic, simple, and lively manner, telling true stories of many births of his devotees and other creatures, and by his very brief and heart-penetrating comments and pieces of advice. He taught all to believe in God, who is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, and the One Malik (Master) of all and who is present in every creature. Gods grace can be achieved by anyone by earnestly remembering Him; by being moral, kind, and loving to all creatures, and by doing ones duties honestly and sincerely. Sai Baba always gave genuine assurances to those who called upon him for his miraculous grace and helped the distressed ones instantly. It is a well-known fact that Sri Shirdi Sai Babas grace is being experienced by countless people throughout the world, but only a few of such incidents are published in Sai journals and on the Internet. This book is a collection of invaluable articles on Sri Shirdi Sai Babas legendary grace and thrilling record of over two hundred testimonies of post-Samadhi period (after 1918 till now) beneficiaries of his grace. His temples are in India, USA, UK, Canada, China, South Africa, Mauritius, and many countries. Thousands of pilgrims visit daily his Dwarka Mai Masjid and Samadhi Mandir in Shirdi (India) and Sai temples in their countries daily to obtain his gracious help. All those who are eager to receive Sri Shirdi Babas divine grace for getting instant solution of and relief in their problems and seek proper guidance shall find this book a boon.

Sai Spiritual Mystic Wisdom

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In the literature published about Sai Baba of Shirdi, his divine sports are generally described overlaid with the emphasis on Hindu orientation and euology so as to create devotion in the readers' mind for him as a Hindu God or Deity. This has led to creation of his idolatory. There is hardly any literature available that deals with his spiritual mystic wisdom, which can be seen interspersed in his conversations and occasional seemingly, bizzare utterances on certain occasions. He used to suggest certain books to his close devotees for Shravan, Manan and Nidhidhyasan in the conclave of the learned ones among them, and also at times himself making their expositions in his conversations. In the present book an authoritative attempt is made to delineate The Spiritual Mystic Wisdom of Sai Baba based on integration of Sahaj Raj Yoga, Karm Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga as he used to refer to devotees for their spiritual pursuits. Acharya Purushottamananda, former Professor of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, was born on 28" January, 1935 in a Jat Zamindar family with historic tradition of valour and patriotism in Tehsil Iglas of Aligarh District. He came in contact with the Revolutionary movement for the independence of India, and the Arya Samaj Movement under the legendary leadership of Raja Mahendra Pratap of Mursan. He received his education leading to the post-graduation in Political Science at Aligarh. He joined the government of India service in the Ministry of Rehabilitation, but later went for further education. He received Master's degree in Education from the University of Aligarh and also from the University of Manchester, UK. Presently, he is engaged in peripatetic mission by joining spiritual congregation of different orders, where he is welcome; but has no organizational links with any religious or cult organizations.

Life Profile & Biography of Buddha

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Unique Spiritual Philosophy of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba

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Sri Shirdi Sai Baba (1838–1918) was the first Sai Avatar (incarnation) in the Sai Trinity. His name and fame have been spreading like wildfire throughout the world. He is venerated and worshipped by billions of inhabitants on this planet. His life as a Sufi fakir, simple yet penetrating teachings, countless astounding miracles, blessings to everyone who simply chant His name, "Sai" and His great impact as the unique Jagat Guru (Universal Master) are duly acknowledged by billions of people from all races, religions, cultures and nations. Many Shirdi Sai Baba temples have been built not only in India, but also in many foreign countries like the UK, USA, Russia, Africa, Mauritius and eastern countries. Almost fifty-eight websites and twelve journals propagate His name. Still, most Sai devotees in the world do not know many crucial facts about Him. The book contains valuable information about prominent Shirdi Sai organizations, web sites, temples and books.

Chess For Pleasure

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Health In Your Hands

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101 Rasht Geet

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