Salient Fine External Morphology of a Ciliate Protozoa, Tintinnid from Coastal Waters of South China Sea

Book Description

The tintinnid, Tintinnopsis form a characteristic class of protozoa with very distinctive features found living in a rather bell-shaped 'house' which is usually of a jely-like nature. Its taxanomic classification is based upon the structure ornamentation of the cell wall of the house. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) technique is employed to elucidate the more detailed fine architectural and morphological aspects of the house . Tintinnopsis is a small cell (length 114 m width 35 m) with its well developed ornamented cell wall. [Author's abstract].

Ciliate Atlas: Species Found in the South China Sea

Book Description

This atlas aims to provide a ‘one-stop’ reference source of basic data on tropical marine ciliates that should be used for researchers worldwide. As one of main components, ciliates play vital roles in the microbial food web. Studies of ciliate diversity are, however, constrained by a lack of modern monographs and guides for the identification of tropical marine ciliates. Therefore, an image-rich guide or atlas like this book will undoubtedly be of great benefit for those who are not trained in ciliate taxonomy but who encounter ciliates in disciplines such as ecology, environmental biology, aquaculture and other related fields. We have carried out in-depth studies on ciliates along the coastal area of South China Sea for more than ten years and got a lot of ‘first-hand’ data. This atlas will assemble diagrams and photomicrographs of 315 free-living species of ciliate that have been found in the coastal area of the South China Sea. To be reader-friendly, habitats, ecological features and key references as well systematics will be provided for every species.

Kekal abadi

Book Description

Marine Algal Bloom: Characteristics, Causes and Climate Change Impacts

Book Description

In the marine environment, single-celled, microscopic, plant-like organisms naturally occur in the well-lit surface layer of any body of water. These organisms, referred to as phytoplankton or microalgae, form the base of the food web upon which nearly all other marine organisms depend. Algal bloom is a rapid increase in or accumulation of the population of about 300 species of algae due to excess nutrients (eutrophication), and is of major global interest as it causes reduction in species diversity, abrupt changes in water quality, and discoloration of the water (green, yellow, brown or red) depending on the species of algae and the type of pigments they contain. Dying blooms can also be an environmental concern as when the cells sink and decay, bacteria break down the organic material, which in turn strips oxygen from the water. This microbial oxygen demand at times leads to very low oxygen levels in the bottom waters, harming aquatic life. Documentation of this sporadic high abundance of algae, together with the significant species richness of the diatoms, requires comprehensive studies in the Sundarban coastal environment, which is facing severe degradation due to natural & anthropogenic stressors. In addition, a better understanding of the effects of algal blooms on seafood quality, the complex biological, chemical and physical interactions and subsequent effects on trophodynamics is needed to develop strategies for effective coastal zone management. The book discusses the occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HABs) caused by the dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium and Karenia, or diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia, which have large and varied impacts on marine ecosystems (such as large-scale marine mortality events that have been associated with various types of shellfish poisonings) depending on the species involved, the environment where they are found, and the mechanism by which they exert negative effects. HABs represent a major environmental problem in all regions of the U.S., and their occurrence is on the rise due to increased nutrient pollution. HABs have severe impacts on human health, aquatic ecosystems, and the economy. Such blooms, known colloquially as red tides due to their red or brown hues, are increasing in frequency and magnitude worldwide as a result of changes in oceanic climate, increased coastal eutrophication and enhanced long-distance dispersal in ballast water. As such, the book offers an in-depth account of the complex biological, chemical and physical interactions of the algal blooms (both innocuous and harmful ones). It also discusses the highly topical issue of the impact of global climate change on the frequency and severity of HABs in the context of alterations in temperature, stratification, light and ocean acidification. Focusing on both basic and applied limnology, this book is a reliable and up-to-date reference resource for students, teachers and researchers engaged in the field of coastal research/management at regional and global scales.

Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates

Book Description

"The third edition of Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates continues the tradition of in-depth coverage of the biology, ecology, phylogeny, and identification of freshwater invertebrates from the USA and Canada. This text serves as an authoritative single source for a broad coverage of the anatomy, physiology, ecology, and phylogeny of all major groups of invertebrates in inland waters of North America, north of Mexico." --Book Jacket.

Estuarine Biogeochemical Dynamics of the East Coast of India

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive overview of recent research on estuaries of the east coast of India, and how changing biogeochemical dynamics as a result of climate change and human activity have impacted estuaries and other open water ecosystems. Though estuaries only cover a very small portion of the earth’s hydrosphere, they are some of the most biogeochemically active regions among the global water bodies. As such, this book focuses on estuaries of the east coast of India going all the way to the Bay of Bengal, which is the world's largest freshwater input from perennial rivers and rain-fed estuaries, and is therefore a unique area of study. Through its unique coverage of the Bay of Bengal in particular, the book presents a new perspective not present in the literature on estuary biogeochemistry and ecosystem dynamics. Moreover, the book addresses SDG 13 (Climate Action) and 14 (Life below Water), with a focus on ecosystem services of the natural aquatic system.The book will be useful to researchers, policy makers, coastal managers and marine sustainability scientists and organizations.

The Physical Oceanography of Sea Straits

Book Description

Suppose one were given the task of mapping the general circulation in an unfamiliar ocean. The ocean, like our own, is subdivided into basins and marginal seas interconnected by sea straits. Assuming a limited budget for this undertaking, one would do well to choose the straits as observational starting points. To begin with, the currents flowing from one basin to the next, over possibly wide and time-varying paths, are confined to narrow and stable routes within the straits. Mass, heat and chemical budgets for individual basins can be formulated in terms of the fluxes measured across the straits using a relatively small number of instruments. The confinement of the flow by a strait can also give rise to profound dynamical conse quences including choking or hydraulic control, a process similar to that by which a dam regulates the flow from a reservoir. The funneling geometry can lead to enhanced tidal modulation and increased velocities, giving rise to local instabilities, mixing, internal bores, jumps, and other striking hydraulic and fine scale phenomena. In short, sea straits repre sent choke points which are observationally and dynamically strategic and which contain a full range of fascinating physical processes.