Osmoregulation in Birds

Book Description

The approach of this treatise is physiological throughout. In the eyes of the author it answers the rhetorical question raised by Maurice B. Visscher at the Physiology Congress in Washington D. C. in 1968: Does physiology exist? What he meant by this question was whether the fields of cellular physiology and physiology of the various organ systems had become so large that physiology as such had vanished. The firm answer is that physiology does indeed exist. Although it is important to study physiological problems at the subcellular level, it is importan- and equally difficult - to study organ regulation at the cellular level, organ interaction, and integration into the whole organism. An account of avian osmoregulation from an integrated point of view is attempted in this book. Since reading Homer W. Smith's From Fish to Philosopher and August Krogh's Osmoregulation in Aquatic Animals verte brate osmoregulation has been in the center of the author's interest. The focus was set on avian osmoregulation after personal contact with the School of Krogh when working in the laboratory of Bodil M. Schmidt-Nielsen. The fundamental concepts and isotope techniques introduced by Hans H. Ussing have been of constant inspiration. An excellent example for the study of osmoregulation at the cellular level was given by the late Jean Maetz. The writing of this book was suggested by Donald S. Farner who is thanked for thorough editorial assistance, and especially with help in the subtle semantic peculiarities of the English language.

Salt Glands in Birds and Reptiles

Book Description

The aim of the authors in writing this monograph has been to provide a comprehensive and critical, but personal account of salt glands. Papers on salt glands are scattered through a great many different journals. There is therefore a great need for a synthesis of what is known about salt glands. The means by which salt glands perform their vital function of forming and excreting a concentrated salt solution is of great biological importance in understanding salt and water relations in the cells of all living things. In addition to the basic physiology of salt glands there is consideration of their ecological importance, their interaction with other systems of the body, their role in non-marine birds and reptiles and their evolution. Salt glands have interested biologists from a wide range of disciplines. This book brings together the scattered literature and will be a convenient source of reference to those working in the field, as well as providing information for comparative studies and for teaching purposes.

Special Section

Book Description

Endocrines and Osmoregulation

Book Description

From a review of the previous edition: "I strongly recommend it as an essential reading and reference book for younger and older workers alike". Nature

Ionic Regulation in Animals: A Tribute to Professor W.T.W.Potts

Book Description

This book draws together the most relevant and recent advances in the area of ionic transport in animals. In particular, it describes the role of modern cell and molecular biology research techniques in this rapidly advancing field. These techniques have led to important advances in our knowledge of cellular mechanisms of ion transporting epithelia, the role and expression of osmoregulatory hormones and a new understanding of whole body salt and water balance.

Avian Physiology

Book Description

Since the publication of earlier editions, there has been The new edition has a number of new contributors, a considerable increase in research activity ina number who have written on the nervous system, sense organs, of areas, with each succeeding edition including new muscle, endocrines, reproduction, digestion and immu chapters and an expansion of knowledge in older chap nophysiology. Contributors from previous editions ters. have expanded their offerings considerably. The fourth edition contains two new chapters, on The authors are indebted to various investigators, muscle and immunophysiology, the latter an area journals and books for the many illustrations used. Indi where research on Aves has contributed significantly vidual acknowledgement is made in the legends and to our general knowledge of the subject. references. Preface to the 'Third Edition Since the publication of the first and second editions, pathways of birds and mammals. New contributors in there has been a considerable increase of research activ clude M. R. Fedde and T. B. Bolton, who have com ity in avian physiology in a number of areas, including pletely revised and expanded the chapters on respira endocrinology and reproduction, heart and circulation, tion and the nervous system, respectively, and J. G. respiration, temperature regulation, and to a lesser ex Rogers, Jr. , W. J. Mueller, H. Opel, and D. e. Meyer, who have made contributions to Chapters 2,16, 17, tent in some other areas. There appeared in 1972-1974 a four volume treatise and 19, respectively.

Ecophysiology of Desert Birds

Book Description

In the Preface to his volume on Ecophysiology of the Camelidae and Desert Ruminants in this series, Trevor Wilson mentions his hesitation at the invitation from John Cloudsley-Thompson to write the book, because he had been out of direct touch with desert biology for some years. My response to John's invitation to write Ecophysiology of Desert Birds was much the same, and for the same reasons. However, with his encouragement and, taking account of the fact that a colleague of mine who is much better suited to do the job had turned it down because of pressure of work, I accepted the challenge and have enjoyed it immensely. It has been my privilege to spend much time in the deserts of North and South America, southern Africa and Australia, some of it with my wife, Cherie, whose editing of the entire text has improved the work immeasurably. Indeed, I believe it would have been proper for her to accept coauthorship, but she graciously declined the offer! I owe her a debt of gratitude which I hope will be repaid in part by her seeing the text finally between covers. The chapters on water regulation (Chap. 5) and thermo regulation (Chap. 6) have benefited from the refereeing of my colleague, Dr. Barry Lovegrove, of the Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg.

Sturkie's Avian Physiology

Book Description

Sturkie's Avian Physiology is the classic comprehensive single volume on the physiology of domestic as well as wild birds. The Fifth Edition is thoroughly revised and updated, and includes new chapters on the physiology of incubation and growth. Chapters on the nervous system and sensory organs have been greatly expanded due to the many recent advances in the field. The text also covers the physiology of flight, reproduction in both male and female birds, and the immunophysiology of birds. The Fifth Edition, like the earlier editions, is a must for anyone interested in comparative physiology, poultry science, veterinary medicine, and related fields. This volume establishes the standard for those who need the latest and best information on the physiology of birds. Thoroughly updated and revised Coverage of both domestic and wild birds New larger format Only comprehensive, single volume devoted to birds