Salute the Toff

Book Description

Fay worked for James Draycott in his estate management company. Then, one day, Draycott didn’t turn up. She consulted The Honourable Richard Rollison (aka ‘ The Toff’), London’s legendary private detective. ‘The Toff’ found himself in conflict with a notorious underworld gang who had no hesitation in ‘disposing’ of awkward enquirers.

A Salute

Book Description

A young employee of a Gallery is suspected of stealing jewellery. The crimes she is accused of then grows to include arson, and even murder. John Mannering (aka ‘The Baron’) comes to her aid and believes she is being framed, but the evidence grows and as Mannering draws closer to the truth, those he suspects start to die - the intrigue deepens.

Introducing the Toff

Book Description

Whilst returning home from a cricket match at his father's country home, the Honourable Richard Rollison - alias The Toff - comes across an accident which proves to be a mystery. As he delves deeper into the matter with his usual perseverance and thoroughness , murder and suspense form the backdrop to a fast moving and exciting adventure.

The Toff Down Under

Book Description

‘The Toff’ is involved in a case involving an inheritance and a search for a lost relative. Then, the aunt of the beautiful heiress is found murdered and the trail leads to him travelling to Australia. There, the mystery deepens and there is clearly significant danger. An exciting finish to the hunt brings this adventure to a surprising finale.

Follow the Toff

Book Description

In an unusual case, the Honourable Richard Rollison (aka ‘The Toff’) finds himself investigating a series of frauds in the art world of Paris, including the use of counterfeit currency. Not all is as it seems, however, and it is not long before the investigation widens to one of murder. Can ‘The Toff’ succeed where others might fail?

Vote for the Toff

Book Description

‘The Toff’ usually steers clear of politics, but when a Member of Parliament is murdered he is urged to stand in his place. All does not go well, as people believe he is just interested in finding the murderers and exposing a ring of dangerous drug peddlers. Attempts are made on his life and perhaps more is going on than even he realises ...

The Toff and the Deep Blue Sea

Book Description

The Honourable Richard Rawlinson (aka ‘The Toff’) is in Nice for seemingly the most innocent of reasons – engaging girls for M. Rambeau’s new Cabaret. An attempt on his life, however, reveals the real reason for his presence – to track down a missing girl. All enquiries appear to lead to the elusive Chico, who may act the clown, but is no fool.

Poison For The Toff

Book Description

Richard Rollison, otherwise known as the Toff, has become lethargic. Aunt Gloria arranges a birthday party to cheer him up, but it ends in disaster as one of his souvenirs - a tube of arsenic - disappears, with the contents later re-appearing in the ice-cream. The Toff is spurred into action to solve one of his most difficult cases ever.

The Toff among the Millions

Book Description

The Toff is visiting Easton Hall, a quiet country hotel. It is more suited to the retired looking for rest than excitement, but upon this occasion does not live up to its reputation. A man is found dead in the swimming pool, and ‘The Toff's’ friend Teddy Merchant disappears. He must solve what turns out to be a multi-layered mystery.

The Toff and the Great Illusion

Book Description

A man was overheard stating that ‘The Toff’ was amongst those he would like to murder. ‘The Toff’ wonders if it was Charmion, who was released from prison two weeks before. However, there were many others who might seek revenge. It is a case of too many killers who might ‘spoil the murder’, but if The Toff is the next victim ...?