A Homeopathic Love Story

Book Description

At last we have a serious and enchanting book which approaches the story of these extraordinary people in a historical and critical light. The clarity of Rima Handley's careful and fascinating research allows us to see homeopathy as its founders saw it, from within their own time and without the dogma or interpretations of the gurus which have colored it since. This book is a must for any lover of biography as well as anyone interested in the history of medicine or homeopathy.

Materia Medica Pura

Book Description

Lesser Writings of Samuel Hahnemann

Book Description

This is the first book to pull together all of Hahnemann's other writings. It contains a number of valuable essays including his first major essay that defined homeopathy "essay on new curative principles for ascertaining the curative power of drugs " and many more. Experience for yourself Hahnemann's genius and genuine philanthropy in "Similia similibus curantur".

Organon of Medicine

Book Description

Samuel Hahnemann

Book Description

Samuel Hahnemann, 1755-1843, founder of homoeopathic system of medicine.

Organon of the Medical Art

Book Description

A new translation of the Organon, this book contains a new format, complete with table of contents, index, and glossary, making the Organon easier to use and understand than ever before. Based on treating the whole patient rather than isolated symptoms, this pioneering text on homeopathy remains the foundation for study in this field.