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Tiba-tiba saja Kamal Hanafi hendak kahwin! Dia nekad mahu menjadi suami terbaik. Sejak pertemuan secara tidak sengaja, puas dia mencari rumah si gadis. Tidak sangka, Sharina si gadis manis itu adik kepada kawan baiknya sendiri. Tanpa rasa malu, dia meluahkan rasa suka kepada Sharina melalui Hisham. Hisham yang sudah tahu hati budi Kamal, memberi jaminan bahawa adiknya pasti akan hidup bahagia di samping lelaki itu. Sebagai adik yang taat, Sharina setuju mengikut kehendak abangnya. Namun, terselit juga rasa ingin membalas dendam. Kenal pun tidak, macam mana hendak bertentang mata? Kamal Hanafi harus diuji. Selepas hidup bersama, ternyata Kamal suami yang baik, tetapi keluarga mertuanya cukup merimaskan. Kerana rasa sayangnya yang tidak ternilai, Sharina sanggup menjadi mangsa keadaan. “Dalam genggaman rindu, Kamal terus menunggu. Ke bahagiaan yang pernah dikecapi, mungkinkah hadir kembali

Satu Janji

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Balas dendam, pencarian keluarga kandung, keadilan, kasih sebuah percintaan, air mata dan kesetiaan seorang lelaki yang bernama suami, adalah satu janji yang melingkari hidup Luqman. Tragedi pembunuhan ayah Luqman, telah membuka satu rahsia yang menjadi hijab jalur pengkhianatan. Pada ketika inilah Luqman menemui Adelia Mustapha. Kasih dan cinta Luqman, rupa-rupanya menjadi racun berbisa di hati Adelia.

Tertulis Buat Kita

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AUNI SOFINA - gadis degil amat benci pada tentera. Namun, ada sesuatu yang mengusik perasaannya tentang Jimmy, seorang komando yang punya karisma tersendiri. Baginya, Jimmy itu cukup menyakitkan hati. Dia tidak boleh membiarkan dirinya jatuh cinta pada lelaki itu. Tidak! Tapi, kenapa lelaki itu sering mengejar bayang-bayangnya? Makin jauh dia berlari, makin dekat Jimmy di hatinya. “Awak tentera... takkan awak sendiri tak tahu apa yang tentera dah buat?” JIMMY@MEJAR NAJMI HARIRI – lelaki berbadan sasa agak sukar didekati. Siapa kata komando tidak ada naluri untuk bercinta? Dia sukakan Auni Sofina. Namun, dia perlu mencari sebab gadis itu begitu membenci pada tentera. Dia nampak api kebencian dan dendam kesumat di sebalik senyuman manis Auni Sofina. “Kalau saya peguam, doktor, petani atau tukang bawa bot ni sekalipun dan bukannya tentera... Auni masih benci saya?”


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Selamba badak! Muka tembok! Perigi cari timba! Sebutlah apa sahaja pun, Effa tidak peduli. Apa pun yang terjadi, hati Putera Kodok harus dimiliki. Siapa Putera Kodok? Rayyan Haikal bin Dato’ Khalid. Kacak. Kaya. Cukup serba-serbi. Buat Effa mabukkan cintanya siang dan malam. Tapi, harap muka saja handsome... penakutnya bukan main pada SI KODOK! Masalahnya, ego Rayyan tinggi melangit. Sedikit pun dia tidak teringin beristerikan Effa. Tidak mungkin jejaka pujaan Malaya seperti dia memilih minah sengal macam Effa. Simpang malaikat empat puluh empat! Namun, istilah putus asa tidak pernah wujud dalam hidup Effa. Sepuluh langkah Rayyan lari, seribu langkah Effa mengejar. Tragedi melanda melukakan hati Effa. Ternoktahkah cintanya buat Putera Kodok?

Blood Moon Over Aceh

Book Description

When military violence destroys his childhood and family, reluctant rebel Nazir and his peers rally against the injustice. A village at the center of one of the world's richest oil fields is the setting. This insightful novel reflects the lives of Acehnese who were silenced by crimes against humanity during military operations in Aceh.

Malay Grammar

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Reclaiming Adat

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In the early 1990s, the animist and Hindu traces in adat, or Malay custom, became contentious for resurgent Islam in Malaysia. Reclaiming Adat focuses on the filmmakers, intellectuals, and writers who reclaimed adat to counter the homogenizing aspects of both Islamic discourse and globalization in this period. They practised their project of recuperation with an emphasis on sexuality and a return to archaic forms such as magic and traditional healing. Using close textual readings of literature and film, Khoo Gaik Cheng reveals the tensions between gender, modernity, and nation. Khoo weaves a wealth of cultural theory into a rare analysis of Malay cinema and the work of new Malaysian anglophone writers. Reclaiming Adat makes an essential contribution to our knowledge of the complexities embedded in modern Malaysian culture, politics, and identity.

A Malay-English dictionary

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Panji's Quest

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Panji's Quest is a love story set before the reign of King Kameswara of Kadiri (r. 1135-1185). It is a part of the only original Indonesian stories that have been widely disseminated for centuries and were later combined into the Panji Tales. On October 30, 2017, UNESCO included The Tale of Panji in their "Memory of The World" documentary series. In Panji's Quest Panji, crown prince of the kingdom of Janggala and Sekartaji, crown princess of the kingdom of Kadiri, have been engaged since they were youngsters. However, the wedding does not proceed as planned by their parents. One month before the wedding ceremony Panji falls in love with Angreni, the daughter of the prime minister of Janggala. Panji and Angreni marry. Panji decides he wants only one wife and refuses to marry Sekartaji. Panji's father becomes enraged when he hears that Panji has canceled his marriage with Sekartaji. As the king of Janggala, Panji's father had planned to reunite the kingdoms of Janggala and Kadiri through this marriage. Faced with the dilemma that Panji's refusal to marry Sekartaji might ignite a war between the two kingdoms, the Janggala king orders the murder of Angreni and sends Panji to visit his aunt. When Panji returns from his visit and finds that his wife has been kidnapped, he immediately starts to search for his wife. When Panji finds his wife's dead body on a remote beach buried under angsana flowers, his pain is so deep that he goes crazy. He puts his wife's body on a ship and, with his shipmates, heads out to sea. A storm hits their ship, stranding Panji and his shipmates on a beach at the far eastern end of the island of Java. With great difficulty, Panji's shipmates finally persuade him to bury his wife. To help Panji overcome his grief, they suggest to Panji to become a warrior. They advise him to disguise himself. Panji changes his name to Kelana Jayengsari and becomes a well-known warlord. Word of his fame reaches the ears of Sekartaji's father, the king of Kadiri who is under the threat of an imminent invasion by King Metaun's army. King Metaun was scorned because Sekartaji had rejected his proposal of marriage. When the invasion of Kadiri occurs, Kelana Jayengsari, with his comrades, not only repel the invaders but also kill King Metaun. As his reward, Kelana Jayengsari is given Sekartaji to marry. The news of Kelana Jayengsari and Sekartaji's betrothal infuriates the king and lords of Janggala. In their minds, Sekartaji was still engaged to their missing crown prince. Janggala decides to attack Kadiri. But when Janggala's army arrives at Kadiri's borders, Kelana Jayengsari meets the generals of Janggala. It becomes immediately clear that Kelana Jayengsari is Panji. The story ends with the wedding of Panji and Sekartaji. In 1185 CE Panji is crowned king of Kadiri. He rules over the united kingdoms of Kadiri and Janggala and becomes known as King Kameswara.