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"Cerré mis ojos un instante frente al cielo despejado; soplaba el viento libre, deslizándose en mi rostro, acariciándome. Me invadió una sensación de ternura, imagine despegar desde la tierra hast alas Alturas; eschuche el sonido de las aves y el crujir de las hojas como un concierto que disfrute en silencio. Ese día suspire, proque sentí EL ULTIMO LATIDO DE MI MADRE, en efecto ella había muerto me quedé a su lado recordando su bella sonrisa; cerci junto a dos hermanos y una hermana, fue sensacional. Mi madre supero dos capturas, vivimos momentos de angustia; la repression y la impunidad reinaban en la década de los 70. Siendo unos pequeños, el dolor se apoderó de nuestra inocencia, la Guerra era inminente, años más tarde entraría a nuestro hogar. Nos quedamos como en un naufragio, solos en medio del terror, burlados y pisoteados por un sistema que institucionalizó la repression y atentaba contra las libertades fundamentals de la población. La guerra no solo destruye lo físico sino también el tejido social de una nación. Han pasado tantos años de la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz y es necesario que las nuevas generaciones conozcan los hechos lamentable de esa época. Las cicatrices de la guerra aún no han sanado, siguen ahi recuperándose lentamente." Roldán Alfredo Quintanilla Dimas

Sanando la herida materna

Book Description

Limpia el espejo de tu linaje femenino, cultiva tu verdadero ser. Las mujeres podemos tener futuros felices si sanamos nuestro pasado. ¿Has experimentado el síndrome de la impostora? ¿Te has sentido insuficiente? ¿Culpable por querer más? ¿Tienes vergüenza? ¿Crees que necesitas ser pequeña, estar callada y bien portada para ser amada? Si la respuesta a estas preguntas es afirmativa, sufres de una herida que va más allá de tu madre, tu abuela, e incluso de tu familia. Es una lesión generacional del colectivo femenino. La buena noticia es que la puedes trabajar y curar a nivel personal. Desde su experiencia como terapeuta, Aura Medina de Wit te guiará para atender el pensamiento de ser "menos" que has internalizado para así evitar pasarlo a tus hijas. Con su ayuda podrás dejar de tolerar el trato abusivo, parar de competir compulsivamente con otras mujeres, abandonar comportamientos tóxicos como el autosabotaje, la rigidez y el control absurdo. Aprende, de la mano de Aura, a reconocerte en tu individualidad, agradecer tu femineidad y fluir siendo completamente tú.

Spanish and the Medical Interview

Book Description

Focusing on communication needs in real-world clinical situations, Dr. Pilar Ortega's updated edition of this practical text helps you address today's growing demand for Spanish-speaking physicians and healthcare workers. This pocket-sized resource provides basic Spanish skills, sample interview questions, relevant cultural information, and more, in addition to online videos of physician-patient interactions, interactive self-assessment tools, and clinical vignettes. You'll find exactly what you need to develop better physician-patient communication skills, increase your cultural competence, and make better clinical decisions in your practice. Understand the nuts and bolts of better communication through Spanish grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, sample interview questions, and helpful interview techniques. Pocket size allows for quick reference in an easily accessible format. Improve your skills with new and expanded content including more practice exercises for self-assessment, information on cultural issues, grammar tips and practice, complex clinical scenarios, and how to best use interpreters in your practice. Stay up to date with new chapters on pediatric health; common procedures and informed consent; the physician's impression and plan; diabetes medication; travel history and special exposures; adult immunization history; exercise and adult health safety screening; and specialized physical examination. Gauge and hone your doctor-patient communication skills with interactive self-assessment tools and practice exercises. Watch video of real-time physician-patient exchanges (with English and Spanish subtitles), complete interactive practice exercises, and learn from clinical vignettes-all online at Student Consult. eBook version included! Access the entire book online or offline across all devices with the Student Consult eBook.

Español Para la Vida

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A Complete Spanish course for the Caribbean This popular Spanish course has an up-to-date communicative approach that will help students to learn to use the language in everyday situations. This books has the following important features: " Emphasis is given to all the language skills, including culture " Grammar structures are introduced and recycled in natural real-life situations " Pronunciation practice in included in every chapter " Caribbean Spanish-speaking contexts make learning relevant and practical Book 4 is written for students preparing for the CXC examination in Spanish. It provided opportunities for students to revise and practice their speaking, reading and writing skills in context specifically modelled on the CXC test formats.

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Old Las Vegas

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Oral history.

The Heroine's Journey

Book Description

The Heroine’s Journey describes contemporary woman’s search for wholeness in a society where she has been defined according to masculine values. Drawing on cultural myths and fairy tales, ancient symbols and goddesses, and the dreams of contemporary women, Murdock illustrates the need for—and the reality of—feminine values in Western culture. This special anniversary edition, with a new foreword by Christine Downing and preface by the author, illuminates that this need is just as relevant today as it was when the book was originally published thirty years ago.

A Companion to Magical Realism

Book Description

The Companion to Magical Realism provides an assessment of the world-wide impact of a movement which was incubated in Germany, flourished in Latin America and then spread to the rest of the world. It provides a set of up-to-date assessments of the work of writers traditionally associated with magical realism such as Gabriel Garc a M rquez in particular his recently published memoirs], Alejo Carpentier, Miguel ngel Asturias, Juan Rulfo, Isabel Allende, Laura Esquivel and Salman Rushdie, as well as bringing into the fold new authors such as W.B. Yeats, Seamus Heaney, Jos Saramago, Dorit Rabinyan, Ovid, Mar a Luisa Bombal, Ibrahim al-Kawni, Mayra Montero, Nakagami Kenji, Jos Eustasio Rivera and Elias Khoury, discussed for the first time in the context of magical realism. Written in a jargon-free style, and with all quotations translated into English, this book offers a refreshing new interdisciplinary slant on magical realism as an international literary phenomenon emerging from the trauma of colonial dispossession. The companion also has a Guide to Further Reading. Stephen Hart is Professor of Hispanic Studies, University College London and Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. Wen-chin Ouyang lectures in Arabic Literature and Comparative Literature at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. CONTRIBUTORS: Jonathan Allison, Michael Berkowitz, John D. Erickson, Robin Fiddian, Evelyn Fishburn, Stephen M. Hart, David Henn, Stephanie Jones, Julia King, Efra n Kristal, Mark Morris, Humberto N ez-Faraco, Wen-Chin Ouyang, Lois Parkinson Zamora, Helene Price, Tsila A. Ratner, Kenneth Reeds, Alejandra Rengifo, Lorna Robinson, Sarah Sceats, Donald L. Shaw, Stefan Sperl, Philip Swanson, Jason Wilson.

Y DiscutÍan Por el Camino

Book Description

¿Quiénes discutían? ¿Por qué discutían? ¿Sobre qué discutían? Novela contemporánea y de entretenimiento, con personajes de diversas creencias, quienes te cautivarán por su personalidad y con quienes te identificarás. Al mismo tiempo, irán provocando en ti emociones y cuestionamientos que quizá no te has atrevido a confrontar. La novela te mantendrá enganchado de principio a fin y te permitirá ir haciendo conciencia con respecto a las necesidades de todo ser humano en sus aspectos físico, intelectual, familiar, social, emocional y espiritual a lo largo de toda la lectura.