Sandy Claws Slay

Book Description

When the residents of recently downtrodden and always sodden Surfland, Oregon, gather for the annual Christmas festival, every kid in town shows up, many waiting for the only gift they’ll get this season. It’s been a rough year in town—and it’s about to get rougher. The gifts have disappeared, the tree tilts at a dangerous angle, and as a restaurant full of diners with crab mallets gets angrier and angrier, Sandy Claws, the town mascot, fears he’s about to get whacked. Once again, the town counts on Jackson Poe to save the sleigh. Volunteering to get the gifts, he ends up alone in the dark with a gorgeous supermodel. Trapped on the side of the road with her and a dog whose behind is perpetually at half-staff, Poe and Christmas are running out of time. In Jackson Poe’s first family-friendly adventure, the message is sweeter, but the humor and mystery are still killer: How can a truckload of toilets save the town from a SANDY CLAWS SLAY? “I giggled my way from on end of this short book all the way to the other. ... Love it.” —Ionia Martin, Amazon Top 500 Reviewer, on Parrot Eyes Lost “Oregon’s answer to Carl Hiaasen and Dave Barry.” —Sheldon McArthur, North by Northwest Books “Move over Carl Hiassen, Tim Dorsey, Steve Berry and all the other Florida humor satire writers. A new voice and a very accomplished one I predict will be around for a long time, Howe does for the Oregon Coast what Hiaasen and the others have done for Florida.” —Sheldon McArthur, North by Northwest Books, on Beach Slapped “A non-stop laugh you cannot put down.” —Sheldon McArthur, North by Northwest Books, on The Beach is Back

Sandy Claws Slay

Book Description

A crapstorm of a catastrophe threatens Christmas in Surfland, Oregon. The town musician suffers from singer's block, angry parents stalk the Yuletide mascot, while Santa Claus and his fire truck of toys lie broadside across a deserted highway. But the people of Surfland have one shot at a Christmas miracle: Santa and the toys are with unlikely hometown hero Jackson Poe—a man with a plan, and a whole lot of toilets.

Santa Claws (The Dragon Story) (Christmas Special)

Book Description

Kurtiss Branta is the Sand Dragon spy for the king and queen of Iceberg Kingdom, a cold, tundra-like area of land much like the North Pole. The citizens know him as the tough, never-back-down, trust-no-one type of dragon. Which could very well be why he's the royal spy. He's stopped many terrorists, prevented wars, and kept the kingdom running smoothly with no fighting or misbehaving in any violent way. So when he successfully captured a group of three Fire Dragon terrorists, he took them to the law with pride and never gave them any thought of compassion. But little did he know that this year, his heart was going to change more than he ever thought possible. You see, Wintfes, the annual winter festival to celebrate the Coldest of Days, was never his thing. It made no sense to him why the Ice Dragons chose to celebrate the freezing weather, give out presents, spread unconditional love, and decorate a large pine tree full of colorful lights. Why should he care about it when he could just continue his life and scoff it away completely? But after he fights with a young Ice Dragon named Holly, the queen punishes him by assigning him a present giving task. He gives the festival more thought and apologizes to Holly for his outlandish behaviour. But an evil arises as the three terrorists escape. Ramrage, the leader of the group, skillfully causes him to betray the kingdom entirely and almost ruin Wintfes for all of Iceberg Kingdom. Will Kurtiss be able to stop the terrorists, change his heart, and become a gentle present-giver all before Wintfes is over? Or will his new adventure put him through the test, and prove that his kind heart may not exist at all?

Total Beach

Book Description

When Oregon’s most famous weatherman comes to Surfland, Oregon, in the world’s most expensive RV to meet America’s most famous whale, Jackson Poe knows his ability to find a parking space is pretty much shot to hell. But when a psychotic driver perpetually double-parked in an erogenous zone begins stalking one of Poe’s oldest friends, Poe once again throws down his laptop and dives into his latest mystery. Who wants to kill “Stormy” Steele? And why does Stormy’s boss seem so intent on letting them do it? In Poe’s biggest adventure yet, he searches for the answers—along with a science teacher with a MacGod complex, a drag queen with a fluctuating number of breasts and a vomiting dog—and discovers that, once again, life is a TOTAL BEACH. “Oregon’s answer to Carl Hiaasen and Dave Barry.” —Sheldon McArthur, North by Northwest Books “Move over Carl Hiassen, Tim Dorsey, Steve Berry and all the other Florida humor satire writers. A new voice and a very accomplished one I predict will be around for a long time, Howe does for the Oregon Coast what Hiaasen and the others have done for Florida.” —Sheldon McArthur, North by Northwest Books, on Beach Slapped “A non-stop laugh you cannot put down.” —Sheldon McArthur, North by Northwest Books, on The Beach is Back

Parrot Eyes Lost

Book Description

What begins as a morning of non-compensating for Surfland, Oregon’s Jackson Poe ends with a hyper-carnivorous eagle, a non-flying parrot and a mystery for Poe: Why are the coast’s birds of prey suddenly making snacks of Surfland’s pets? Following the trail from the beach to a daycare center for the perpetually hyper, Poe finds the truth: A perverter of the wild kingdom, whose need for greed is mutual with anyone willing to pay. So, Poe works with a beautiful marine biologist and a not-so-beautiful guy named ScubaPoop, to set a trap. But when everything goes wrong, and even the normally unflappable Jackson Poe seems to have gone off the deep-end, it looks like it just might be PARROT EYES LOST. “I giggled my way from on end of this short book all the way to the other. ... Love it.” —Ionia Martin, Amazon Top 500 Reviewer “Oregon’s answer to Carl Hiaasen and Dave Barry.” —Sheldon McArthur, North by Northwest Books “Move over Carl Hiassen, Tim Dorsey, Steve Berry and all the other Florida humor satire writers. A new voice and a very accomplished one I predict will be around for a long time, Howe does for the Oregon Coast what Hiaasen and the others have done for Florida.” —Sheldon McArthur, North by Northwest Books, on Beach Slapped “A non-stop laugh you cannot put down.” —Sheldon McArthur, North by Northwest Books, on The Beach is Back

The Beach is Back

Book Description

After facing a rain of bouncing boulders the size of Volkswagens, an exploding whale forty years in the making, and the worst latte in the history of the world, Jackson Poe no longer believes in coincidence. Someone wants him dead. Taking a break from his free— far more often than he’d like —lance writing career, Poe finds himself on assignment to the Surfland, Oregon, tourism bureau, where the director seems to do everything possible to kill Poe and business. So Poe teams up with a tchotchke-loving cyber geek, a barista with a wicked fastball and a narcoleptic dog in a race against time and escalating explosives as Poe fights to save his town, the coffee shop he loves, and his own skin. The BEACH is BACK, and so is America’s wettest, weirdest town, as a rain of mystery and hilarity falls once more. “Oregon’s answer to Carl Hiaasen and Dave Barry.” —Sheldon McArthur, North by Northwest Books “A non-stop laugh you cannot put down.” —Sheldon McArthur, North by Northwest Books, on The Beach is Back

Beach Slapped

Book Description

A sea lion getting randy with a marine biologist off the coast of Surfland, Oregon, marks only the beginning of Jackson Poe’s strangest week ever. Teaming up with a nudist mascot with a penchant for cooking seafood in exploding butter, Poe takes a break from his freelance writing non-career to find out why a ruthless developer seems hell-bent on making crossing the street unsafe for little old ladies. Following leads throughout the byzantine streets of Surfland, with the top down on his convertible rain or shine, Poe finally puts it all on the line to solve the mystery as everyone in town buckles up or dives for cover. BEACH SLAPPED: It’s wild and weird insanity on America’s wettest edge, where the only thing crazier than the people is the truth. “Move over Carl Hiassen, Tim Dorsey, Steve Berry and all the other Florida humor satire writers. A new voice and a very accomplished one I predict will be around for a long time, Howe does for the Oregon Coast what Hiaasen and the others have done for Florida.” —Sheldon McArthur, North by Northwest Books