God's Destiny for Your Nation

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Proselytizing and the Limits of Religious Pluralism in Contemporary Asia

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This volume brings together a range of critical studies that explore diverse ways in which processes of globalization pose new challenges and offer new opportunities for religious groups to propagate their beliefs in contemporary Asian contexts. Proselytizing tests the limits of religious pluralism, as it is a practice that exists on the border of tolerance and intolerance. The practice of proselytizing presupposes not only that people are freely-choosing agents and that religion itself is an issue of individual preference. At the same time, however, it also raises fraught questions about belonging to particular communities and heightens the moral stakes in involved in such choices. In many contemporary Asian societies, questions about the limits of acceptable proselytic behavior have taken on added urgency in the current era of globalization. Recognizing this, the studies brought together here serve to develop our understandings of current developments as it critically explores the complex ways in which contemporary contexts of religious pluralism in Asia both enable, and are threatened by, projects of proselytization.

God's Destiny for You

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The Lion of Judah

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Fatimah's Kampung

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A Malay-English dictionary

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The Judgment Against Imperialism, Fascism and Racism Against Caliphate and Islam

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Where are Judges or Judgments with human conscious and high moral when about half of Iraqi population vanished since recent war against Iraq including millions children of Iraq for illegal sanction? Which means there is no justice for those who do not have WMD to attack or to defend own land or dollars or pounds to bribe or to buy few real Judges or Judgment with human conscious or moral. And without money you cannot buy a Judgment. Illegal Governors of present illegal Muslim or Arab client States are also responsible to host most powerful countries on earth with their army, air force and navy with deadly WMD in Muslim land, sea and air to invade Muslim land like Iraq and Afghanistan or to threaten Iran. There were no independent states like Iraq before First World War since those present illegal client States became part of Caliphate/Khilafah 1400 years ago. World Muslims never accepted those illegal Muslim or Arab client States which were created after First European War known as First World War. A policy of attacking the idea of the Caliphate by linking it with the political violence of the jihadi movement cannot eliminate its Koranic authority. The Islamic world may not totally agree with the armed method of the jihadi movement, but the Caliphate s linkage with the Koran is not in dispute. The political and non-violent aspect of the Islamic movement, considered the godfather of reviving the Caliphate idea, has deeper and wider appeal. An attack on the Caliphate is in effect considered an attack against Islam.[i] Readers also must judge on following fact prior to World War as Desert storm in 1991 and subsequent sanction against Iraq which killed millions children was wrong and it was internal matter of destroyed Caliphate. What about genocide in Iraq since 2003 for which half of Iraqi population are gone? What about millions killed in Indonesia after Sukarno was ousted? What about coup in Iran in 1953 which ousted democratic elected Prime Minister of Iran? What about genocide in Bangladesh in 19171 by same Pakistanis Army who is now doing same genocide in Northern Pakistan at this moment? And yet in another recent book 'THE SECRET HISTORY OF SADDAM'S WAR UNHOLY BABYLON BY ADEL DARWISH AND GREGORY ALEXANDER' published by Victor Gollancz Ltd, London, it is mentioned in pg. 3-4 that 'Britain had recognized Kuwait's independence on 19th June 1961, abrogating an agreement signed in 1899 which had made the emirate a British protectorate-..... the 1899 Anglo-Kuwait agreement signed by the former Sheikh of Kuwait for 15,000 Indian rupees from the British commissioner in Abadan.., in pg. 6 it is mentioned 'Britain proceeded to establish posts and naval bases along the trade route to India via the Suez Canal, which was opened in 1866, and also signed exclusive agreements with Arab rulers throughout the Gulf. The first was with Bahrain in 1880, prohibiting the sheikhdom from making any treaties or agreements with any state other than Britain or establishing diplomatic relations with other countries without British consent. "there have been 7,000 madrassas built ... and that's where bin Laden lives and we will go at him if we have actually (sic) intelligence."Seven thousand? Where on earth does this figure come from?It's an odd situation. Obama and Biden want to close down Iraq and re-conquer Afghanistan. The Palin College of Clich s characterised this as "a white flag of surrender in Iraq" while continuing to warn of the dangers of Iran, the name of whose loony president Ahmadinejad defeated McCain three times in last week's pseudo-debate.But it's the same old story. All we have learned in America these past two weeks, to quote Joan Littlewood's Oh! What a Lovely War, is that the war goes on.