Satan's 10 Key Military Tactics

Book Description

We are at war. The devil endlessly comes to kill, steal, and destroy our lives. If we choose not to fight in an intelligent way then we, and those we love, will be needlessly wounded. However, lucky for us, His tactics are not entirely secret nor un-defendable. His uses for tried and true military strategy is seen throughout Scripture and in today's secular world. By garnering such insight, it provides opportunity to deal with each tactic. Learn to be better equipped for his inevitable attacks, so you and the ones you love are not insnared by his traps.

Exposing the Enemy

Book Description

Destroy the devil’s works! As a former high-ranking satanic priest, John Ramirez is well-acquainted with the enemy’s strategies. Now, as a liberated follower of Jesus, Ramirez offers exclusive intelligence on discerning and demolishing satan’s schemes. Today, so many lives are destroyed by addiction, isolation...

How Satan Fights

Book Description

How Satan Fights offers a unique military intelligence analysis of how Satan and his demonic army will wage war against mankind, using the same unclassified intelligence process that is used by the US Army's military intelligence corps today. Author Mark Kelly is a Christian who served as a tactical intelligence officer for thirteen years; he now presents an investigation of the war from biblical times through today, providing a deeper knowledge of our enemy, Satan. He explains the combat strength of Satan's demonic army, their arrangement on the battlefield, their political and military command structure, their strengths and weaknesses, and their mission on earth. With analysis based on information found in the Holy Scriptures, How Satan Fights considers what Satan intends to do with God if he wins the war. Kelly reveals Satan's military doctrines and explores how he has used these doctrines from the time of Adam to the present day. More important, he demonstrates that Satan uses the same tactics of yesterday against the faithful Christians of today. Through this study, you can gain increased understanding of the war that Satan waged against Jesus and the apostles. This war is real, and it is being waged all around us. We must understand our enemy and his tactics if we, through the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, are to defeat him.

The Strategy of Satan

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Dr. Wiersbe zeroes in on Satan's attacks as deceiver, destroyer, ruler, and accuser. He emphasizes that conquering the enemy comes by obeying God's truth.

Satan's Strategy to Curse Christ's Congregation

Book Description

Dr. Sherlin has worked diligently to show the importance of elder rule. What he has done is restore us to sound principles that come straight from the Bible. His book is a must for every assembly that wants to remain strong rather than go the way of the culture. I cannot recommend his book enough. Dr. Mal Couch In this work, the author sets out the biblical case for congregations being ruled by a plurality of Godly men, known as elders. This work is meticulously footnoted and documented making it an invaluable resource for the layman and scholar alike. Dr. Andy Woods Keith writes in a manner that is precise and with a fluidity of understanding of current day church leadership. The tone of his writing is shared in love and there are no judgmental undertones that permeate his thoughts. I would wholly recommend this reading to all who profess Christ as their Lord. Pamela Rogers Dr. Keith has presented a solid case for authoritative leadership in the church. His book is a call for us to return to biblical leadership and be presbyters instead of politicians. Dr. C.V. Varnado Do you believe that your local assembly is full of conflict, confusion, and/or compromise? Are you familiar with the strategy of Satan and his methods to undermine the grace, love, and truth of Christ's body? This work makes a clear and convincing case that many problems in congregations occur because the body has adopted a flawed foundation of church government and doctrine that is more political than biblical. How much or to what degree has Satan made inroads into your spiritual family and leadership body? Read and judge for yourself and if necessary seek to apply the prescribed remedy to the problem.

Satan’s Strategy to Torment through Physical Ambush

Book Description

God's soldiers are under attack by Satan through sickness and disease. Many sit like Job with the mentality that God has forsaken them. Due to a lack of knowledge of what is included in the Atonement, some believe that their sickness and disease is the will of God. Why is there so little difficulty believing that we have freedom from sin's power in the Atonement, and so much controversy believing that it includes freedom from the power of sickness and disease? God has impressed my heart that his soldiers are settling for less than what he has promised in his word. Many are deficient in a knowledge of Scripture. Others have been taught wrong doctrine and are ignorant of God's promises (which belong to his children). This book is meant to give the understanding that it is God's will for us to recognize what the devil is doing and overcome his lies by faith. The Holy Spirit has been trying to set the captive free from sickness and disease, but wrong doctrine, misunderstanding of Scripture, and medical science have God's soldiers tormented by Satan's lies. This book addresses the devil's lies and is meant to once and for all set the captive free.

12 Enslavement Tricks Of Satan And How To Escape Them

Book Description

From the year 2014 to 2016, I was the worst gambler imaginable. I had zero self-discipline, living in fear and timidity. A victim of gambling addiction one of the 12 tricks of the wicked one against the children of God. If Jesus the Son of the Living God can be tempted by Satan, no mortal man is immune to temptation, trials, darts, tricks, schemes, plots and attacks of Satan. Every true Christian all over the world is going through some kind of spiritual, emotional and physical attack by Satan and his forces because of our faith in God. So, if you have been caught in any of these 12 tricks of the devil, just know that you are not alone. In view of the above, this book is carefully written to help the readers, Christian students and teachers, to unravel Satan’s battle plans and discover the outlined victory strategy over him. Through this book, you are sure to gain: ● Knowledge of how Satan entangles a Soul with emphasis on the P.E.A.I - syndrome: Pride, Envy, Anger and Ignorance. ● Exposition of Satan's major assignment which is to steal, kill, and destroy souls using the 12 Enslavement Tricks in his arsenal. ● Understanding of the six pieces of God's armour also called spiritual protection which are available tools in the hands of the believer to combat the wiles of the devil. ● 10 spiritually fortified verses to remember as you face the battles of entanglement ahead with victory in mind. All humans have a supernatural enemy whose aim is to use pain and pleasure to make us blind, stupid, and completely miserable forever. The Bible calls him “the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world and accuser of the brethren” (Revelation 12:9-10), “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31), and “the god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4). The aim of this book is to learn how to combat the wiles of the devil. Every Christian must discover how to stay clothed in the armour of God. We must stay immersed in His Word so that we recognize the deception strategy of Satan. And when we realize we have been caught in the wiles of the devil, we must quickly repent and seek godly accountability. This book has 5 Chapters in total: It is important to learn how Satan entangles a soul, the 12 tricks he uses and the escape plan so that you can become fully armed as a watchman of Christ. Read and save a soul with this book!

Satan's Tactics: How to Destroy a Growing Church

Book Description

In this Mini Book, Mike describes several ways that Satan attempts to destroy a growing congregation.

101 Tactics for Spiritual Warfare

Book Description

What To Do When All Hell Breaks Loose Let's face it, when the enemy attacks, it can be hard to remember which way is up. Demonic forces can come in like a flood and disorient your mind. They can drown you in hopelessness. Or you may be tempted to turn a blind eye to the spirits that intend to kill, steal, and destroy you. But let it be known, the devil still wreaks havoc on the earth today, and followers of Christ must use Spirit-inspired strategies to drive him out. You need a battle plan. You need specific tactics for specific skirmishes because whether or not you know it, you are in a war. Offering both scriptures and prayers, 101 Tactics for Spiritual Warfare will empower you to take on an offensive rather than a defensive stance against the enemy. This book addresses how to: Deal with demons from your past Break the stronghold of worry Submit your emotions to the Holy Spirit Take authority over the enemy Jennifer LeClaire offers a practical battlefield manual that will remind you of the things one often forgets in the face of an enemy onslaught. Find rest in the midst of spiritual storms, break the power of Satan's devices, and live a life of victory.

Strategies and Tactics of Satan

Book Description

God the Father, Jesus Christ (God the Son), and the Holy Spirit make up the Godhead who have been in existence since eternity past. They constitute the Divine Trinity, consisting of three distinct persons working in unity. They then created the heavens and the earth (out of nothing) in the dateless past. Among their creations were angels and pre-Adam beings. One of the chief angels created by God was called Lucifer. He was an anointed cherub, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. He was made ruler of the earth and was perfect in his walk until iniquity was found in him. He became proud, exalted himself, and wanted to be like the Most High (God). This iniquity that originated from his heart led him to rebel against God, making him the originator of sin. He then slandered God, causing numerous angels and the pre-Adam beings of the earth to join him in the rebellion against God. He and the rebellious angels were thrown out of heaven by God, and he lost his position as ruler of the earth, which had been destroyed as a result of the rebellion. Lucifer became Satan (adversary) or the devil. God recreated the heavens and the earth (universe) and formed man to rule over all the earth. The universe formed by God was again perfect. Since Satan's rebellion, his main goal has been to incite all beings to join him in rebelling against God. To achieve such objective, he uses various strategies, tactics, and methods to cause man to join him in rebelling against God. The strategies, tactics, and methods that Satan uses to deceive human beings are largely similar. It is, therefore, important for us to understand them so that we can effectively resist him. That has been the focus of this book. Beginning with the causes of Lucifer's sin, we have examined his strategies and tactics as he has applied them on some selected persons in the course of history. These include his encounters with Adam and Eve, Job, Jesus Christ, and Paul the apostle. The aim of this approach has been to identify Satan's strategies, tactics, and methods which he employs as his tools of warfare against human beings. Such knowledge will help us resist him.