Satan's False Prophets Exposed

Book Description

A shocking expose' of the Word of Faith movement, Toronto Blessing revivals, and Prophetic Movement, like none written before. Gold dust, feathers, glory clouds, out of body trips, are some of the signs and wonders that are "strong delusion" from false prophets. Some are actually in league with Satan. The evidence is shocking, and names are given.

The Deception

Book Description

ABOUT THE BOOK We are currently seeing the rise of the false prophet which has taken the Body of Christ like a storm, particularly in Pentecostal and Charismatic circles. We have also seen the rise of the false teachers who have perverted the true gospel and replaced it with a lie. These prophets and teachers, whether they know it or not are the servants of Satan and are furthering Satan's interest not God's. I began to write everything I saw and checked the scriptures about every teaching or new doctrine I heard. It is sad to see how many people have embraced this new age religion with its false anointing and false Christ. "But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them" (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). The Bible warns us to be vigilant always because our adversary the devil is seeking whom he may devour. Equip yourself with knowledge and understanding and; be focused. On the highway there are thousands of cars all heading somewhere, you cannot just follow any car you must know where you are going and follow your own route. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rev Merica Cox is a renowned stewardess of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, born in the city of Bulawayo in Zimbabwe she has ministered for more than 25 years. In 1993 She went to Zambia as a missionary and that was when her deliverance and healing Ministry really took off as signs and wonders began to follow her. Before that she was serving in Victory Fellowship Bulawayo under the watchful eye of Apostle Ken Haskins where her Prophetic Ministry was birthed. It was there where she was released to start her own Ministry. Thus Balm of Gilead World Ministries was birthed in their home lounge in 1996. To date Balm of Gilead has 3 branches in Zimbabwe and 3 in the UK, with one in the pipeline in Australia. Rev Merica is the author of Protecting Your Greatest Asset: Your Mind a book which has blessed many. She has other published books currently on Amazon. Rev Merica is known for her passion for the word, worship and prayer ministry. She is a great believer in equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, her passion for God and missions is contagious. Rev Merica is married to Pastor Joel Cox and they work together in Balm of Gilead World Ministries. She is a mother to Fredrick, Adrian, Rose-Angela and Daniel and grandmother to Marley. As if that's not enough she's a qualified Social Worker and businesswoman. This qualifies the statement in the Word that it's not by might or by power but by the Spirit because no one person can achieve all this in their own strength. In spite of all these achievements, her commitment to the Gospel is undeniable.

Bible Prophecy Exposed

Book Description

As time goes by, words can evolve and take on new meanings. Examining words from the first century can help us understand how definitions have changed. This book tries to determine how the people of that era recognized what the prophets were saying. As you learn to interpret their language, you may find the Bible takes on a whole new flavor. The following are just a few issues we will address: Are signs of the end times revealed in Scripture? Is there a rapture and when does it happen? Does the Bible disclose when Jesus' return is near? When does the tribulation occur? Is the key to decoding prophecy found in the Bible? Can secular history help us unlock some of the mysteries?

False Prophets and Their Blind Followers

Book Description

In this brief treatise, the authors attempt to describe modern false prophets in the light of God's Word. The so-called evangelical but unbiblical messages are also clearly exposed. Instead of recognizing false prophets and preachers for what they are by their evil fruits (Matthew 7:16), some think highly of them. They assume they are genuine and blindly follow them without questioning their credibility. Jesus called them "ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing" (Matthew 7:15). The Apostle Paul calls them "deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:13). The only way to identify such is through their evil fruits which cannot escape the notice of spiritually discerning eyes of those who are truly converted and have God's Holy Spirit dwelling in them. Jesus' call to beware of false prophets based on their evil fruits is redundant if we choose to remain careless by tolerating in our midst such false prophets claiming to be God's anointed servants. Pastor Kamthian Vaiphei, B.A., M.B.S., is the founder and pastor of Christian Fellowship Assembly in Kalina, Mumbai, India. He earned his M.A. in biblical studies at Providence Evangelical Bible Seminary, Panvel, Maharashtra, India. Joaozinho da S. F. A. Martins is a budding Christian author and freelance writer proclaiming the power of the true gospel through the written word. He is a member of Divine Life Communion, Biblical Christian eFellowship International, Goa, India. Publisher's website: http: // Author's website: http: //

Killing Kryptonite

Book Description

You Can Destroy What Steals Your Strength Just like Superman, who can leap over any hurdle and defeat every foe, followers of Christ have the supernatural ability to conquer the challenges we face. But the problem for both Superman and us is there’s a kryptonite that steals our strength. Of course, both Superman and kryptonite are fictional. But spiritual kryptonite is not. This book offers answers to why so many of us are unable to experience the divine strength that was evident among first-century Christians. In Killing Kryptonite, John Bevere reveals what this kryptonite is, why it’s compromising our communities, and how to break free from its bondage. Not for the faint of heart, Killing Kryptonite is anything but a spiritual sugar high. This is serious truth for any Christ-follower who longs to embrace the challenging but rewarding path of transformation. Includes discussion questions for group study


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The Book of Signs

Book Description

From one of the world’s most beloved Bible teachers comes a timely, compelling, and comprehensive biblical interpretation of Bible prophecy, the end times, and the apocalypse viewed through the lens of current world events. Many Christians struggle to understand the Book of Revelation. “The end times.” “The apocalypse.” “The day of judgment.” These terms are both fascinating and frightening – but what do they really mean? Drawing from decades of study, Dr. Jeremiah explains every key sign of the approaching apocalypse and what it means for you, including international, cultural, heavenly, tribulation, and end signs. With his engaging writing style and clear analysis of how current world events were foretold in the Bible, The Book of Signs is an encouraging guide to the Book of Revelation. In The Book of Signs, Dr. David Jeremiah offers answers to questions including: What does the Bible tell us about the future? How much can we understand about biblical prophecy and its application in our lives? What signs and signals will precede the end of everything as we know it? Which of those signs and signals have already come to pass, which are we experiencing now, and which are still to come? An epic and authoritative guide to biblical prophecy, The Book of Signs is a must-have resource for Christians seeking to navigate the uncertainties of the present and embrace God’s promises for the future with a renewed sense of hope and purpose.

Escape the Coming Night

Book Description

No one can deny that the world is in trouble. Tragedy stalks our streets. Violence and bloodshed fill the news. How do we explain so much chaos? Is there any hope for peace in our time? Dr. David Jeremiah's dramatic narrative on the Book of Revelation answers these and many more challenging questions, by unraveling the imagery and explaining the significance of the events described in the last book of the Bible. Within its pages are the hope and encouragement we need to lift us from the gloom of present events to the promise of a brilliant future.

The Beast and False Prophet Revealed

Book Description

(Version 3.5, August, 2020) Now with important new information and insights. Michael D. Fortner takes a fresh new look at Bible prophecy and presents strong evidence that the coming beast and false prophet of the book of Revelation are based solidly in Islam and Muhammad. When the head of the beast has a fatal wound, it represents the death of the Ottoman Empire in World War 1. Which means it will come back to life again to wage jihad upon the world. The second beast of Revelation is Islam, the two horns representing the two factions: Sunni and Shite. Islam has encoded in its teachings- murder, lying, plunder, slavery, rape, warfare, and even terrorism as part of its official religious doctrine. Jesus said that the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy, and this is exactly what Islam has done from its beginning. No other religion so completely fits the description in the Bible of the beast and false prophet than Islam. Islam is different from all the other religions that do not believe in Jesus, because Islam officially declares that Jesus is not the Son of God (Quran 4:171; 18:4-5), which is the Biblical definition of Antichrist: "Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the Antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22). Islam ruled the second largest empire in history that stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the borders of China. Millions of Christians have already suffered and died under Islam's armies of conquest, and Christians are still dying today in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Sudan, and many other places. The spread of Islam has left a trail of blood, suffering, and destruction like no other ideology in world history. This book includes a history of Islam's war on Christianity. No one could invent a more evil cult. For hundreds of years the Muslims of North Africa captured European ships, and then American ships, and enslaved the passengers and crews. They even raided coastal towns and dragged people out of churches and into slavery where they were beaten and abused in order to pressure them to convert to Islam. This new book presents the history of Islam's war against Christianity to show how and why it is the beast of Revelation. It also includes Daniel 11. The details presented is like no other book.