Satan Wants Me, God Has Me.

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After the death by fire of my 3-1/2-year old son, our house became haunted. Voices in closets.Footsteps walking up and down stairs. Lights going off and on. I was ripe to accept Satan's invitation to a spiritualist church, where I could visit with my dead son. Satan's devices are subtle, disguised as God in heaven. I was Satan's puppet for five years. Ouija boards, Tarot cards, tea leaf readings, seances, necromancers. Lev. 19:31 referred to me as a medium with familiar spirits, difiling those I channeled for. Duet 18:10-12 said I was an abomination to the Lord, as I sought information from the dead. Later, I realized these loved ones were demons. My three spirit guides were taking me down the wide road to Hell. As a child I grew up in poverty. I was molested, raped, and conceived through rape. A life of rejection has given me compassion for those going through the same thing. Being a pastor, I have asked God for the outcasts. I'm reminded of the fishermen who were unclean and stank of fish. Then Jesus said to them, "Follow me." These men are still making history. With unconditional love, we are seeing lives change. At the end of five years serving him, Satan tried to kill me, but God saved me. Now I share my story in hopes of helping others. Cora Grace (Kirby) Goldman born in Blanchard, Michigan. Residing in Perrinton, Michigan. 6 Biological children-Darrell, Wendell, BarryLynn, Tamera, Theresa, William - foster parents to 7 now grown children - 13 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren. Ordained licenenced pastor of a country church. 20 years missionary to the Appalachen Mountains- these people are more than family-Chaplin-Diliverance Ministry setting the Captive free. Dedicated and sold out to. The Father Son and Holy Spirit. Lover of God's Created, Speaker.

Help Lord-The Devil Wants Me Fat!

Book Description

Now get set for fabulous experience. When it's over, you're going to look differenct, feel differenct and be differenct. It is going to be exciting for you to watch the changes take place in your body as the techniques of this book become yours to use.

When I Don't Desire God

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Explaining how to become a Christian hedonist, a bestselling author offers guidance on how to find spiritual joy to readers who are unsure of where to seek it.

The New England Primer

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Why Does God Allow Evil?

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"If you are looking for one book to make sense of the problem of evil, this book is for you." Sean McDowell Grasping This Truth Will Change Your View of God Forever If God is good and all-powerful, why doesn't He put a stop to the evil in this world? Christians and non-Christians alike struggle with the concept of a loving God who allows widespread suffering in this life and never-ending punishment in hell. We wrestle with questions such as... Why do bad things happen to good people? Why should we have to pay for Adam's sin? How can eternal judgment be fair? But what if the real problem doesn't start with God...but with us? Clay Jones, an associate professor of Christian apologetics at Biola University, examines what Scripture truly says about the nature of evil and why God allows it. Along the way, he'll help you discover the contrasting abundance of God's grace, the overwhelming joy of heaven, and the extraordinary destiny of believers.

Prayers That Rout Demons

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This book contains powerful warfare prayers and decrees taken from Scripture that will break the powers of darkness and release the blessings and favor of God.

Walking Through Fire

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The astonishing, Job-like story of how an existence filled with loss, suffering, questioning, and anger became a life filled with shocking and incomprehensible peace and joy. Vaneetha Risner contracted polio as an infant, was misdiagnosed, and lived with widespread paralysis. She lived in and out of the hospital for ten years and, after each stay, would return to a life filled with bullying. When she became a Christian, though, she thought things would get easier, and they did: carefree college days, a dream job in Boston, and an MBA from Stanford where she met and married a classmate. But life unraveled. Again. She had four miscarriages. Her son died because of a doctor's mistake. And Vaneetha was diagnosed with post-polio syndrome, meaning she would likely become a quadriplegic. And then her husband betrayed her and moved out, leaving her to raise two adolescent daughters alone. This was not the abundant life she thought God had promised her. But, as Vaneetha discovered, everything she experienced was designed to draw her closer to Christ as she discovered "that intimacy with God in suffering can be breathtakingly beautiful."


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What Can You Do When You Feel You're Just Not Good Enough? Do the voices in your head say you're not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough...or just not enough, period? It's time to stop listening to lies that sabotage your confidence and embrace the truth of who God says you are. Popular author and speaker Sharon Jaynes exposes the lies that keep you bogged down in shame, insecurity, and feelings of inadequacy. By recognizing the lies and replacing them with truth, you'll be able to silence the voice inside that whispers you're just not good enough accept God's grace and move past failures that have defined and confined you preload your heart with truth to fight your deepest insecurities Your confidence and faith will grow when you trade self-defeating thoughts for God's truth. Today is the day to embrace your incredible worth as a woman who is uniquely fashioned and spiritually empowered.


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What if you promised God you would do anything . . . and he took you up on it? Anything is a prayer of surrender that will move you to stop chasing happiness and start living a surrendered life that matters. If you’ve ever felt lonely, lost, or like there must be more to life than constantly keeping up with the Joneses, then this book is for you. Previously caught in the dizzying haze of worldly happiness and empty pursuits, Jennie had had enough. She and her husband Zac prayed a courageous prayer of surrender: "God, we will do anything. Anything." They went on to begin living out the adventure God had written for them. This revised edition is updated throughout to include a new introduction and an in-depth Bible study component for those who have been wanting to lead a study on this topic. Join Jennie on an adventure to discover your anything, including: Factors that inhibit us from living a life of surrender to God What praying "Anything" really means What your life might look like having prayed it Jennie Allen shares the biblical truth that our lives are not meant to be safe and comfortable, but radical and profound. Discover how little worldly pursuits mean until you know the God who’s truly worth giving up everything for. And when you do. . . everything will change. Anything is also available in Spanish, Lo que me pidas.

The Joy of a Word Filled Family

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