Exposing Satan's Devices

Book Description

EXPOSING SATAN'S DEVICES is a spiritual tool chest of the many devices Satan uses to keep people under his lies and deceptions which eventually destroys them. It's very broad and yet specific in it's coverage of exposing Satan's devices. Some of the topics covered deal with things we all face in our day with the devil on the rampage. As long as Satan stays covered he is able to continue his evil works, but when the light of God's Word shines on his deeds, he can no longer use his deceptions. We certainly don't want to allow the devil to get an advantage over us by our ignorance of the devices he uses (2 Corinthians 2:11). This book is an expose of Satan and his methods and how to overcome him through spiritual warfare. As overcomers we have the victory!

The Believer's Victory Over Satan's Devices

Book Description

Reprint of the original, first published in 1876.

Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices

Book Description

First published in 1652, Thomas Brooks' "Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices" offers insights into the snares and schemes of the devil which are timely and relevant for today. Though centuries have passed since its writing, this timeless classic remains an amazing work of teaching on the thousands of ways Satan seeks to destroy every Christian and the thousands of ways God has provided every Christian to defeat Satan's nefarious schemes. In true Puritan style, this book is a serious tome in which the author minces no words and gets straight to the point. The good news is that, though Satan is vicious in his drive to destroy God's people, he can and must be withstood! As this book explain, God makes victory possible by strengthening His people to overcome the Tempter. An earnest, passionate, and deadly serious author, Brooks spared no effort or source to persuade and plead with his readers. His method is to lead off with one of Satan's devices (some lie that Satan seeks to impress upon us) and then show the reader various ways to combat that particular device (the remedies). Like other Puritan books of his day, Brook's writing is solidly Biblical. Almost every remedy Brooks offers reminds the reader of some Biblical truth-urging them to think on it, consider, ponder and soak it in. Instead of some magic mantra or special prayer tactic, Brooks simply shines the light of Scriptures on the problems each Christian will face. Brooks was fond of quoting "wise heathens" (such as Zeno and Seneca) in his writing. His willingness to draw from non-Biblical sources is a good example of just how broadminded the Puritans really were, even as they walked the straight and narrow. The free use of Biblical truth from the lips of pagan authors shows a breadth of thinking and outlook often unattributed to Christian authors of such unbending theology and purpose.

Don't Be Ignorant of Satan's Devices

Book Description

Don't Be Ignorant of Satan's Devices came to me in a night vision. The Lord literally showed me the book. It was around 2:30-3:00 a.m., and I awoke with a clear sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit. The book seemed to be suspended in air before my eyes. When I saw my name on the cover, a Holy Ghost thrill ran through me like fire. Then the Lord showed that DON'T was an acronym. D is for division, O is for offense, N is for negativity, and the T is for timidity. He gave me a base scripture for each letter, and I quickly wrote down the notes. Since there is so much scripture in the book, it is very possible that someone could be saved through reading it. Yet the purpose of the book is to educate Christians about Satan's schemes and tricks. In the writing of this book, I have attempted to compare scripture with scripture since only the Word is the absolute truth. At times, it may seem that I am pounding the nail right through the board, so to speak. Yet it is my heart's desire to teach the whole counsel of God on every subject which I attempt to teach. Even though it was written from prison and the incidents related in the book occurred in prison, the teachings contained in this book apply to all Christians. Paul wrote that "We are not ignorant of Satan's devices." Yet today, March 30, 2020, much of the church in America allows Satan to divide the church, to steal our power, to kill our effectiveness, and to destroy our witness. We must learn to work together as one body of Christ. Wake up, church! Don't be ignorant of Satan's devices!

Exposing Satanic Devices

Book Description

Satan will like to stop you from reading this book in which his schemes have been exposed in great detail. The revelations in this book will make the kingdom of darkness vulnerable to the onslaught of prayer-warriors. It is not enough to pray generally against satanic devices, but doing targeted prayer warfare against different satanic devices is the sure way to devastate Satans kingdom. You must read this book. Believe it and practice its truth. Pray the prayers that will turn around all your captivities and the bondage experienced in your environment now! Exposing Satanic Devices series will come in volumes. Each volume is packaged as a complete and separate book which can be appreciated with or without reference to previous or subsequent volumes. However, reading through all the volumes in the series will be a more complete study in dealing with varied satanic devices.