Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2023)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the September 2023 issue of Sathya Sai–The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba with love, reverence, and gratitude. This issue contains a divine discourse Swami gave on September 4, 1996, on the auspicious occasion of Sri Krishna Janmashtami (birthday of Lord Krishna). He explains that our real wealth is Love for God, which grants permanent and supreme bliss, while all worldly pleasures are fleeting and illusory. Through examples, Bhagawan highlights how Sri Krishna personified bliss, captivated the hearts of all devotees, and could be captured only through pure love. Finally, He urges everyone to follow His teachings implicitly as the Lord Krishna and His words are not different. The editorial, The Ganesha Principle, expounds on the inner significance, principles, teachings, and stories of Lord Ganesha. Such understanding and practice increase one’s joy and help in the path to Self-Realization. The publication contains beautiful stories of Lord Ganesha and the unique personal experiences of devotees with Sri Sathya Sai Baba. It also features articles on the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, Sathya Sai Education, and loving services rendered by the SSSIO in war-torn Ukraine. A brief overview of the growth of the SSSIO in Switzerland shows how Swami’s universal and eternal message has spread over the decades.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2023)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. With love, reverence, and gratitude, the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the December 2023 issue of Sathya Sai – The Eternal Companion commemorating the sacred and joyous occasion of Christmas 2023 at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. PLEASE DOWNLOAD the December 2023 issue. PLEASE VISIT THE WEBPAGE to access past issues (available in several languages). PLEASE SUBMIT articles and pictures for consideration for publication in future issues. This issue features: A divine discourse by Swami on December 25, 1978, about Lord Jesus Christ and His mission An inspiring letter written by Bhagawan in September 1971 on how to enter the Abode of Bliss and enjoy peace forever An editorial highlighting how we can follow in the footsteps of Lord Jesus by studying the inspiring examples of saints of Christianity who lived in divine love The publication also contains unique personal experiences of devotees with Swami, articles on service activities of the SSSIO in Greece, Italy, Thailand, and Uganda, the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, and Sathya Sai Education. The SSSIO History section features a pictorial of New Zealand's journey in Sai's path beginning in 1980 and how their love for Sai blossomed over decades in the island nation.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2023)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the October 2023 issue of Sathya Sai–The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba with love, reverence, and gratitude. This issue contains the first divine discourse given by Swami on October 17, 1953, about His divine mission for the redemption of humanity. He explains the true purpose of human life and how we can reach the ultimate goal by worshipping the Guru in our minds. He exhorts us to realize our true nature, which leads to permanent, supreme bliss – Brahman Itself. The editorial, Silence – The Path & The Goal, explains the importance and benefits of silence in spiritual practice, as taught by Swami and other great masters. Such understanding and practice will give us joy and take us to the ultimate goal of Self-Realization. The publication contains unique personal experiences of devotees with our beloved Baba. It also features articles on the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, Sathya Sai Education, and loving services rendered by the SSSIO worldwide. A pictorial history of the growth of the SSSIO in Greece shows how Swami’s love, message, and works have spread over the decades. To underscore the importance of the environment, this issue features an article on massive tree planting in Africa as part of the SAI-100 initiative, illustrated with beautiful pictures.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2023)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the November 2023 Special Birthday issue of Sathya Sai–The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba with love, reverence, and gratitude. This issue contains a divine discourse given by Swami on November 23, 1996, urging us to fill our hearts with love and be happy. He explains how love can overcome all obstacles and lead one Godward. Swami emphasizes that God can be won only through divine love and not through anything else. The editorial, Loving Service–The Way to Self-Realization, explains why service is the easiest and most effective means of expressing love, leading to Self-Realization, the ultimate goal of human life. Through examples and anecdotes, the editorial expounds on the various aspects of service, its practice in daily life, obstacles to service, and the benefits of service. The publication contains unique personal experiences of devotees with Bhagawan. It also features articles on the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, Sathya Sai Education, and an illuminating letter written by Swami. An in-depth article describes the widely-acclaimed recent International Conference held in Sri Lanka. A heartwarming overview is presented on the medical camp held in Fiji, serving over 2,500 needy residents.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2023)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the August 2023 issue of Sathya Sai–The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of our Guru Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba with love, reverence, and gratitude. This issue features a divine discourse by Swami given on November 20, 1990, where He explains the characteristics of a devotee who is dear to the Lord. Swami explains the ancient and immortal message of the Bhagavad Gita in practical terms for the purification of our hearts and spiritual progress. He urges us to recognize our innate divinity, live in unity, keep away from narrow-mindedness, and serve all creation selflessly. The editorial, Bhakti – The Path of Devotion For Self-Realization, delves into the qualities of a true devotee given by Lord (Sai) Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 12, Slokas 13–20. It expounds on the nature of devotion and explains in detail each quality that we can adopt and practice on the path of devotion to Self-Realization. The publication contains unique personal experiences of devotees with Sri Sathya Sai Baba and articles on the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, Sathya Sai Education, and a major medical camp held in Africa. A brief overview of the growth of the Sathya Sai School in Thailand shows how Sathya Sai Education has illumined the lives of children over decades.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2024)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. With love, reverence, and gratitude, Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the February 2024 issue of Sathya Sai – The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This issue features: A divine discourse given on July 28, 2007 at the World Youth Conference, in which Swami assures the ultimate experience of Self-realization or liberation if one contemplates on God for eleven seconds with a steady mind. An inspiring letter written by Bhagawan in July 1965 on the importance of earnestness in sadhana and steady faith for spiritual aspirants. An editorial based on Adi Shankaracharya’s Bhaja Govindam (Part 2) expounding that everything is Brahman. Two unique personal experiences of devotees with one reminiscing the golden days during the 1974 Summer Course and the other recollecting Swami's golden touch during challenging times. An article about a unique program in Australia, 1 Million Steps To Swami, to help devotees remain connected with Swami in a practical way by constant remembrance of His name and form. The publication also contains articles on service activities of the SSSIO in Australia, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, and the USA, the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, and Sathya Sai Education.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2024)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. With love, reverence, and gratitude, Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the June 2024 issue of Sathya Sai – The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This issue features: A Divine Discourse on Surrender delivered on September 12, 1960, where Swami delves into the inner meaning of surrendering oneself entirely to the Lord and why we should follow this path for Self-realization. He also shows us how to get rid of the ego and attain equanimity by taking refuge at the Lord’s feet. An inspiring message from Bhagawan explaining why the ego is the root cause of all troubles. An editorial on acquiring God’s grace, which is true wealth, and why one should use wealth wisely in the service of the Lord and the society. Personal heartwarming experiences of three devotees. In the first article, the devotee describes how Swami came into his life even before he even saw Swami. The second devotee recounts how Swami helped her face challenges in life and overcome them by His grace. The third spiritual aspirant presents her experiences with Swami from an early age and how He always responded to her prayers. Two beautiful pictorials describing the chronological history of the SSSIO–U.K. beginning in 1969 and the growth of the Sathya Sai School in Uthiru, Kenya, which is a paragon of love and service. The publication features articles on the activities of Sai Young Adults and beautiful compositions by children of the Sathya Sai Education program. It also includes heartwarming snippets of service rendered by SSSIO members in Benin, Brazil, Canada, Fiji, and Trinidad and Tobago.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2024)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. With love, reverence, and gratitude, Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the July 2024 Guru Poornima issue of Sathya Sai – The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of our Guru, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This issue features: A divine discourse delivered in Kenya on July 4, 1968, in which Swami expounds on divine love for the redemption of humanity. He urges everyone to share prema, the royal road to the one and only God, adored by different faiths. An inspiring letter written by Bhagawan on July 16, 1969, to the devotees in London, beautifully outlining the qualities of divine love and urging them to practice love for love’s sake. An editorial, ‘God is the only true Guru,’ as explained by Swami, who urges everyone to practice His teachings faithfully to reach the ultimate goal of life, liberation, or Self-realization. Personal heart-warming experiences of three devotees. One devotee shares how Swami, the Eternal Companion, protected their family in India from the 1950s and guided them along the spiritual path. The article is replete with rare, beautiful, and historic photographs of Swami with the author’s family from the early years. Another devotee from the USA shares his miraculous and mind-boggling experiences with the divine father and mother, designed to help him on the spiritual path. Another spiritual aspirant writes about the significance of Swami’s teachings on nature, and how God can be experienced through nature by following His teachings and His advice. A touching account of a large medical camp in Africa recently held by SSSIO healthcare professionals and volunteers, bringing love, hope, and an opportunity for better health to more than 5,500 needy people of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. An uplifting story about a Sathya Sai School in Argentina, established and nurtured through Swami's blessings and personal guidance. Over the past two decades, the school has served thousands of students, bringing them values-based integral education. An illustrated pictorial on the divine legacy of the growth of the SSSIO in many countries since the 1960s, under the direction of Bhagawan Himself. The publication features snippets on selfless service rendered by the SSSIO in Australia, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and the USA. It also includes articles on the inspiring programs and activities of Sai Young Adults and beautiful compositions by children in the Sathya Sai Education program.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2024)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. With love, reverence, and gratitude, Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the April 2024 Aradhana Mahotsavam issue of Sathya Sai – The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This issue features: A divine discourse delivered in May 1974 about who is Sathya Sai Baba, and how to enjoy true bliss. Swami reveals rare, precious facts about how He rescues devotees from worldly challenges and proclaims His glorious, divine mission to liberate all humanity. The remaining portion of the discourse will be published in next month's issue of the magazine, as part 2. An inspiring letter written by Bhagawan on August 11, 1965, to Charles Penn from the USA, outlining His divine mission for the whole world. An editorial on how to transcend the vicious cycle of birth and death and be free, based on Adi Shankaracharya's famous poem, Bhaja Govindam, as expounded by Swami. Personal heart-warming experiences of three devotees. Two devotees shared how Swami, the Eternal Companion, protected and guided them long before they became aware of Him and dedicated their lives to serve in Baba's mission. Another spiritual aspirant recalls how Swami established a heart-to-heart connection with her long ago and guided her to serve the organization as part of her sadhana. A beautiful poem also highlights the love and devotion of the author for Lord Sai. A heartwarming article about the 'Tiny Homes' project, homes built by devotees in the USA to offer love, hope, and a chance for the homeless to live in dignity. A touching story about a magnificent abode of Sai's love, 'Sai Prema Nilayam' in Riverside, California, USA, made possible only by His grace, love, blessings, and the dedicated, hard work of devotees. The publication also features articles on the inspiring programs and activities of Sai Young Adults and beautiful compositions by children in Sathya Sai Education.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2024)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. We wish you, your family, and your friends a very Happy New Year filled with love, peace, and bliss. With love, reverence, and gratitude, Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the January 2024 New Year’s issue of Sathya Sai – The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This issue features: A divine discourse by Swami on January 1, 1992, on the manifestation of our innate divinity for Self-realization An inspiring letter written by Bhagawan in May 1973 on realizing the presence of God (Sai) within us An editorial discussing the path to liberation as expounded by the sage Adi Shankaracharya centuries ago Three unique personal experiences of devotees with Swami An article describing the SSSIO Conference in Barbados on the power of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values The publication also contains articles on service activities of the SSSIO in Azerbaijan, Canada, Thailand, and countries of Zone 8, the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, and Sathya Sai Education.