Savage Scorpio

Book Description

Somewhere in the unmapped regions of Kregen, beneath the two suns of Antares, alpha star of the Constellation Scorpio, lies the hidden city of the Savanti. The Savanti were the ones responsible for tearing Dray Prescot away from his native Earth for their struggle against the Star Lords. And Dray had long sought the locale of his original landing because it would help solve the mystery of his transition. Now the time had come when the search must be completed without delay, for the father of his beloved Delia was a victim of assassins, and only the Savanti could undo the evil that could shatter all that Dray held dear in his second planetary homeland. Savage Scorpio is the thrilling novel of a mission that would involve powerful forces far beyond all Prescot's personal desires.

Secret Scorpio

Book Description

The brightest star in the Constellation Scorpio is the brilliant double sun Antares, around which orbits the inhabited planet called Kregen. Kregen is an Earthlike world, but strange, far stranger, than ours. For it is the scene of a conflict between galactic powers who utilize its many human nations and its astonishing variety of humanoid peoples as their battleground. Dray Prescot of Earth had been a tool of those powers, but courage and ingenuity had won him a high role in the Vallian Empire and a certain independence of his own. Thus when a mysterious monster cult began to undermine the empire and when his own beloved princess became a victim of those secret schemers, Prescot had to go into action. Secret Scorpio launches a new cycle in the magnificent history of Kregen and brings Prescot at long last into direct confrontation with the forces that had once dared make him their pawn.

Warrior of Scorpio

Book Description

Once again in the grip of the Star Lords of the Constellation Scorpio, Dray Prescot finds himself torn from the battles of the Inner Sea for a mission in the air. For it is now his mission to carry his beloved Delia by airboat to that far kingdom, Vallia, from whence she had come. But the route lay across the gaunt mountains and the shadowy jungles of the Hostile Territories -- and there Dray will be plunged among stranger peoples and more fantastic challenges than even his Kregen princess has known. Warrior of Scorpio is the third book in the epic saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen.

Captive Scorpio

Book Description

Dray Prescot, Earthman of Kregen, that wonderful world circling the twin suns of Antares, had risen high in the empire of Vallia, but luck could not always sustain him. When, at last, all the forces opposed to his lands, his princess, his emperor, and to him personally, converged, it was to produce the darkest hour of his long career. For treason struck at the court, while rebel armies marched from the backlands, the war fleets of enemy nations were aloft, and the uncanny wizardry of a master scientist launched a spell of doom for all Prescot held dear. With his back to the wall, Dray Prescot faced that time of peril with unflinching will... until the cruelest blow of all was struck: his warrior daughter Dayra rode in the vanguard of his foes!

Scorpio Assassin

Book Description

The Star Lords require that a high spirited lady called Kirsty be queen, and have ordered Leone killed so that she cannot return through reincarnation. With the aid of the kregoinya Mevancy nal Chardaz and of the kregoinye Caspar the Peaker, and with the assistance of Trylon Kuong and of Llodi the Voice, Prescot decides to risk all to defy the all-powerful Star Lords... Scorpio Assassin is the thirty-ninth book in the epic fifty-two book saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen by Kenneth Bulmer writing as Alan Burt Akers. The next book in the series is Scorpio Invasion.

Scorpio Triumph

Book Description

Down in the continent of Loh many expeditions have ventured below the City of Eternal Twilight into the Realm of the Drums in search of one of the rubies of the Skantiklar. A Wizard of Loh, Na-Si-Fantong, is collecting the rubies, and it is believed he wants them for no good purpose. He has succeeded in obtaining a ruby and vanishes into the maze of tunnels under the city. Not really convinced of the importance of the Skantiklar, Prescot has to go in pursuit. Alone, he threads his way through the labyrinth, already feeling he will never catch Na-Si-Fantong... This edition includes a glossary to the Lohvian cycle. Scorpio Triumph is the forty-third book in the epic fifty-two book saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen by Kenneth Bulmer, writing as Alan Burt Akers. The series continues with Intrigue of Antares.

Swordships of Scorpio

Book Description

What does a man do when fate makes him the protector of the royal head of the land of his enemies? If he is Dray Prescot, Earthman on Antares, he sets aside his quest to do his duty. His duty is to reach Vallia and his princess Delia and help her claim her throne. His duty is to defend Vallia's ancient foe and place its rightful heir on its throne -- sworn to attack Vallia. So when the third force, the pirate fleets known as the swordships, come between the two contending demands, Dray sees that only by following his own personal star could the contradiction be resolved. Swordships of Scorpio is the fourth book in the epic fifty-two book saga of Dray Prescot of Earth and of Kregen.

The Witch War Cycle

Book Description

On the magnificent and mysterious, beautiful and terrible world of Kregen, a planet orbiting Antares four-hundred light-years from Earth, much may be achieved and much lost. Far more than merely a strong sword arm is required for victory. Far more than a cunning and devious brain is needed to secure success. The island Empire of Vallia, sundered by internal dissension and invasion, is gradually reestablishing itself after the Times of Troubles, but the grouping of continents and islands called Paz are threatened by the Shanks, fish-headed reivers from over the curve of the world. Dray Prescot’s task is to unite all of Paz in alliance against the aggressors, but not all the people of Paz are willing to forget their old enmities. But in the passionate, shrewd, charismatic figure of Delia of Delphond, and his family and blade comrades, Prescot possesses riches past the mundane dreams of empire. Werewolves of Kregen: Having at last returned to his home empire, to his wife and his friends, Dray Prescot will learn that the vengeance of his defeated enemies has unleashed nine occult curses against Vallia. The first curse, the plague of murderous werewolves, takes Dray by surprise. Could his valor and courage stand up against an unprecedented onslaught of warring witchcraft? Witches of Kregen: When his new army was ready to march against the witch hordes, it rained frogs! That's the sort of thing Dray Prescot is up against in the war of the Nine Unspeakable Curses! He was struggling to gather together his shattered empire when the witchcraft hit. But he has wizards on his side, too, and very soon it becomes a battle of sheer courage, quick wits, and fast flying. Storm over Vallia: Drak, Crown Prince of Vallia, Dray Prescot's son, was sore beset on three sides. For one, he was leading an army of liberation against the usurper Alloran who had seized part of Vallia. For two, he was the target of a marriage plot by an allied queen, whose forces he needed desperately. For the third, he was in love with Silda, daughter of his father's loyal friend, Seg the Bowman. And Silda was now in Alloran's camp... Omens of Kregen: Dray Prescot must conquer the bloodthirsty forces of the would be king of North Vallia, while at the same time protecting the realm from the evil witch Csitra. Journeying to the witch's dark Maze of Coup Blag, Dray and his comrades must meet the challenge of this realm of traps and treasures, where death waits around every turn, and a wizardly battle of destruction is the price of winning free... Warlord of Antares: His empire endangered by the diabolical schemes of Csitra, Dray Prescot has been summoned by the powerful Star Lords who warn of a dread menace approaching from the South. Dray must take on all challengers to become the Warlord of Kregen, uniting his people against the dual threat of Csitra's deadly magic and a seemingly unstoppable invasion by the Shanks... This edition contains a glossary to the Witch War cycle.

A Sword for Kregen

Book Description

The most popular game among the many peoples of Kregen, world of Antares, is one that resembles chess, called Jikaida. Jikaida is a battle of wits and war game pieces that suited well the tension charged atmosphere that enveloped Dray Prescot. For reconquering Vallia was assuming the aspect of such a game - move versus countermove, horde against horde! Then Dray Prescot found himself no longer in control of just a game - he had become a living chessman on a real-life board at the dreaded arena of Jikaida City. There every move was accompanied by bloodshed and behind every game might hang the fate of a city, an island, or even a nation!

The Pandahem Cycle II

Book Description

Four hundred light years from Earth, Kregen is a marvelous world, peopled by wonderful beings, filled with the light and clamor and furor of life lived to the hilt. But Kregen has its darker side, where horror and terror bind innocent people, where sorceries rend reason, where injustice denies light. Down in the island of Pandahem, Prescot and his comrades, having burned a temple or two, must now press on and open a fresh campaign against the Silver Wonder. Of course, life is not as simple as that, particularly on the horrific and fascinating world of Kregen where, under the mingled streaming radiance of the Suns of Scorpio, the unexpected is always to be expected. Talons of Scorpio: Finishing the job of destroying the hideous cult of the Leem is just one of the problems confronting Dray Prescot. For he must also rally all the world's forces to combat the onslaught that is on its way from the unexplored Southern Hemisphere. While rescuing kidnapped children from the altars of sacrifice, Dray finds himself fighting side by side with his own worst enemy, his renegade daughter, Ros the Claw, who has pledged his death. Masks of Scorpio: The task of burning out the cult of the Silver Leem had been given Star Lords priority. Although Dray Prescot was emperor of Vallia, still he has to work incognito on an enemy island until that task is done. Aided by a valiant crew of piratical swashbucklers, Dray invaded the capital of the secret order only to find treachery and terror where he had thought to find treasure and triumph. It became a battle of golden masks against silver masks, and behind each facepiece could be hiding the bony features of the Grim Reaper himself! Seg the Bowman: Dray Prescot's fighting comrade, Seg, is the finest archer in two worlds. Seg is a wild and reckless fellow, courageous in the face of any adversity, and this is the account of his greatest challenge. On an enemy island, Seg becomes knight-protector of the mysterious lady Milsi, and by her side he beats off frightful beasts and inhuman foemen intent on blocking her path to a rightful royal inheritance. This edition includes a glossary of the Pandahem cycle and the short story “Green Shadows”