
Book Description

Alex Daugherty may be autistic, he may be dysfunctional, but he's a genius; and he's come up with a brilliant website that will match you--or anyone you've ever loved and lost--up with an exact double. With seven billion people on the planet to choose from, he's convinced he can do so with amazing accuracy. Ah, but what will happen to you and to your perfect double when they are found? Ben Atherton, the celebrated billionaire venture capitalist, a newly recruited backer of Alex's company, is about to find out. FaceMAte is a fast-paced tale of self-discovery populated by authentic, evolving characters and presented in polished prose that verges on the poetic without being baroque. It fits best into the upmarket fiction category, but is appropriate to and enjoyable by all segments of the reading public.

Real Characters

Book Description

Some of the most interesting and genuinely commendable people in the world are systematically overlooked by our celebrity-obsessed media. This book is a reminder of just what a mistake that is—here you will meet some truly extraordinary people, from subsistence farmers, cattle ranchers, rodeo rascals, a miraculous middle school teacher, and a munificent unlicensed auto mechanic, to Italian Franciscans, out-of-the-box college and university professors, an independent-minded British poet, and a northern timber wolf. All of these characters have something to teach, but they do it in eccentric ways that will challenge your expectations and reward your willingness to break a mold or two yourself.

A Comprehensive Russian Grammar

Book Description

The third edition of Terence Wade’s A Comprehensive Russian Grammar, newly updated and revised, offers the definitive guide to current Russian usage. Provides the most complete, accurate and authoritative English language reference grammar of Russian available on the market Includes up-to-date material from a wide range of literary and non-literary sources, including Russian government websites Features a comprehensive approach to grammar exposition Retains the accessible yet comprehensive coverage of the previous edition while adding updated examples and illustrations, as well as insights into several new developments in Russian language usage since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991


Book Description

Set in China, the United States,. Germany, and USSR, this is the powerful story of Vickie, a woman of indomitable will, who is yearning above all for a life of freedom and security and who must endure an autocratic mother, an alcoholic sister, a faithless, weak husband, and a fatally flawed lover. Driven by an overwhelming wish to survive, Vickie lives through the Japanese occupation of Shanghai, the death of her best friend the Jewess Sara in a refugee camp in the Philippines, and a wrenching choice between following her deluded French communist lover to the Soviet Union and marrying an American officer. She makes her choice and moves to San Francisco where she must adjust to a new way of life. In Heidelberg, where her husband Brian has been transferred, she runs into the Frenchman again, has an affair with him and bears his child, but through it all steadfastly refuses to follow him to the Soviet Union she hates. When tragedy strikes and Vickie is tormented by the discovery of a hidden family shame, this remarkable Russian woman is still able to find happiness and security in the United States.

Morning Blessings with Keriat Shemɑ Birkhot Hashahar Im Keriat Shema Bilingual Hebrew/English Linear Transliteration with Translated Laws Ben Israel Inc.

Book Description

Birkhot Hashahar are a series of blessings that are recited at the beginning of Jewish morning services. The blessings represent thanks to G-d for a renewal of the day. The order of the blessings is not defined by Halakha and may vary in a Siddur, but it is generally based on the order of activities customary upon arising. The purpose of all the blessings we say is to intensify our awareness of Hashem's presence in every aspect of our lives. When saying "Blessed are You," we therefore visualize in our mind as if we are actually speaking directly to the Infinite One. Clearly, the words "Blessed are You" indicate this. This book is geared for individuals who need to understand the text from Hebrew to English and pronouncing Hebrew words. The utilization of this booklet enables any person who does not understand Hebrew the proper concentration and meaning when they are praying. With the usage of this booklet hopefully people will be more successful in having their prayers answered. The text was developed in a way to produce a rhythmic flow, while allowing the reader to pronounce each letter, word and vowel with great ease in your native language.

McClure's Magazine

Book Description

Haggadah Shel Pesach

Book Description

The first night of Pesah (outside of Israel, the first two nights) is known as Lel Haseder. The word Seder refers to the orderly progression of fifteen steps that begins with Kadesh (sanctification of the day over wine), Urhats (washing the hands without a blessing), Karpas (eating less than a kazayit of this vegetable), etc., and culminates with Nirtsah (our prayer that after all the spiritual heights attained at the seder, we request to find favor in Hashem's eyes). The word Seder also hints to the fact that this is a different kind of progression.

Kriat Shema in Hebrew - English Linear Transliteration

Book Description

And whileֲ your eyes are covered, sayֲ Barukh Shemֲ with intense concentration. For if you do not concentrate at least on the meaning of what you are saying, you have not fulfilled your obligation, and you must go back and start again from the first verse” even if you realize this only after you complete the entireֲ Shֲma. If, however, you realize this after sayingֲ Barukh Shem, do not return immediately to say the first verse again. Rather complete the entire first paragraph, and only then return and begin again from the first verse with focused concentration. Be careful to whisperֲ Barukh Shemֲ very quietly, just loud enough for you to hear yourself. On the wordֲ malkhuto, bow your head slightly downward.

Tu-BiShvat Seder (order).

Book Description

Tu-B'Shvat is the New Year for the Trees. As in all other points in the Jewish calendar, Tu B'Shvat offers a unique opportunity for insight into living and personal growth. Throughout the centuries, Kabbalists have used the tree as a metaphor to understand God's relationship to the spiritual and physical worlds. Moshe Chaim Lutsatto, in his 18th-century classic The Way of God, teaches that the higher spiritual realms are roots that ultimately manifest their influence through branches and leaves in the lower realms. In the 16th century, the Kabbalists of Tzfat compiled a Tu B'Shvat Seder, somewhat similar to the Seder for Passover. It involves enjoying the fruits of the tree, particularly those native to the Land of Israel, and discusses philosophical and Kabbalistic concepts associated with the day. Among other things, the Seder is a great way to appreciate the bounty that we so often take for granted, and to develop a good and generous eye for the world around us. The Seder presented here is based primarily on the Kabbalistic work, Hˍemdat Yamim, later published separately under the title Pri Eitz Hadar.