Scandalous Love with The Boss - Carmen LaBohemian - DarkRose Publisher

Book Description

Kisah sang bartender dengan bosnya. “Ini… apapun ini… kau tahu, antara kita. Apa ini?” Pria itu mengeratkan lengannya di sekelilingku lalu memutar kursi barku agar kami saling berhadapan dan lutut-lutut kami saling bertabrakan. Tangannya yang lain bergerak ke sisiku dan mengelus sepanjang lengan telanjangku, membuat seluruh bulu roma di tubuhku berdiri. “Aku tidak tahu,” bisik pria itu kemudian, tapi ekspresi wajahnya tampak lembut dan matanya menghangat, ada kilat di kedua kedalaman mata hijaunya itu. “Kau ingin mencari tahu?” “Yeah, Flynn,” bisikku lalu.

Under His Command - Domination #2 - DarkRose Publisher - Carmen LaBohemian

Book Description

The Girl Tak akan ada seorang gadis pun yang secara sukarela datang mencari Lucio Bartoletti – sosok paling menakutkan di seluruh San Silvado. Tapi sayangnya, Mia tidak memiliki pilihan. Demi ayahnya, ia harus pergi menemui pria itu, sang bos mafia yang terkenal kejam dan tak kenal ampun. Tadinya Mia pikir ia sudah siap dengan segala hal buruk yang akan terjadi padanya, tapi ternyata perlakuan Lucio Bartoletti berbeda jauh dari sangkaannya semula. Kini, Mia sama sekali tidak siap menghadapi sisi Lucio Bartoletti yang satu ini… “Apa kau peduli padaku?” The Mafia Orang-orang menyebutnya monster, kriminal paling berbahaya, pembunuh berdarah dingin dan penjahat keji, juga masih banyak julukan lain yang tidak ingin diingatnya. Mungkin seharusnya ia mempertahankan reputasi tersebut. Tapi pertemuannya dengan gadis itu telah mengubah sesuatu. Awalnya, Lucio hanya ingin menolong Mia agar lepas dari cengkeraman sang ayah yang ringan tangan, namun ia membuat kesalahan. Membawa Mia padanya adalah sebuah kesalahan, tapi Lucio pikir ia bisa mengendalikan situasi. Tapi nyatanya, ada hal-hal yang tak bisa dikendalikannya, rencana-rencana yang tak berjalan sesuai keinginannya. Lucio memang menginginkan Mia, tapi… “Kau tak berarti apa-apa untukku.”

Chahakti Shayari Sms

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Rasbhari Shayari Sms

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Psychoanalytical neuroscience: Exploring psychoanalytic concepts with neuroscientific methods

Book Description

Sigmund Freud was a trained neuroanatomist and wrote his first psychoanalytical theory in neuroscientific terms. Throughout his life, he maintained the belief that at some distant day in the future, all psychoanalytic processes could be tied to a neural basis: "We must recollect that all of our provisional ideas in psychology will presumably one day be based on an organic substructure" (Freud 1914, On Narcissism: An Introduction). Fundamental Freudian concepts reveal their foundation in the physiological science of his time, most importantly among them the concept of libidinous energy and the homeostatic "principle of constancy". However, the subsequent history of psychoanalysis and neuroscience was mainly characterized by mutual ignorance or even opposition; many scientists accused psychoanalytic viewpoints not to be scientifically testable, and many psychoanalysts claimed that their theories did not need empirical support outside of the therapeutic situation. On this historical background, it may appear surprising that the recent years have seen an increasing interest in re-connecting psychoanalysis and neuroscience in various ways: By studying psychodynamic consequences of brain lesions in neurological patients, by investigating how psychoanalytic therapy affects brain structure and function, or even by operationalizing psychoanalytic concepts in well-controlled experiments and exploring their neural correlates. These empirical studies are accompanied by theoretical work on the philosophical status of the "neuropsychoanalytic" endeavour. In this volume, we attempt to provide a state-of-the-art overview of this new exciting field. All types of submissions are welcome, including research in patient populations, healthy human participants and animals, review articles on some empirical or theoretical aspect, and of course also critical accounts of the new field. Despite this welcome variability, we would like to suggest that all contributions attempt to address one (or both) of two main questions, which should motivate the connection between psychoanalysis and neuroscience and that in our opinion still remain exigent: First, from the neuroscientific side, why should researchers in the neurosciences address psychoanalytic ideas, and what is (or will be) the impact of this connection on current neuroscientific theories? Second, from the psychoanalytic side, why should psychoanalysts care about neuroscientific studies, and (how) can current psychoanalytical theory and practice benefit from their results? Of course, contributors are free to provide a critical viewpoint on these two questions as well.