School Teachers Review Body

Book Description

The School Teachers' Review Body makes recommendations for the level of pay and conditions of employment for teachers in England and Wales. The Review Body's 14th report contains recommendations to reform the way teachers' pay is set and reviewed, including the introduction of a new framework of allowances from September 2005 to cover specific additional responsibilities for teaching and learning (TLRs) in place of the current management allowance system, ranging from a minimum of £2,250 to a maximum of £11,000; and the introduction of an Excellent Teacher Scheme from September 2006 designed to reward high standards in classroom teaching and promote professional development, with four baseline rates based on geographical bands.

School Teachers' Review Body seventeenth report, part one - 2008

Book Description

The School Teachers' Review Body makes recommendations for the level of pay and conditions of employment for teachers in England and Wales. This report, divided into 9 chapters, and an appendix, covers the following areas: teachers' pay: consultees' analysis; Review Body's analysis; teachers' pay in the current period; teachers' pay from September 2008; starting salaries and the four pay bands. It also examines further pay matters, looking into pay for: leadership groups; excellent teachers; advanced skills teachers; TLR payments; SEN allowances, and provides recommendations. Also one chapter focuses on Unqualified teachers.

School Teachers' Review Body Seventeenth Report, Part Two - 2008

Book Description

The School Teachers' Review Body makes recommendations for the level of pay and conditions of employment for teachers in England and Wales. This report, the second for 2008, covers: teachers' professional responsibilities; leadership group; short notice (supply) teachers; "unattached" teachers. It also reports on the Secretary of State's responses to the recommendations in the first part of the 2008 report (Cm. 7252, ISBN 9780101725224).

School Teachers' Review Body Eighteenth Report, Part One - 2009

Book Description

This is the 18th report from the School Teachers' Review Body (Cm. 7546, ISBN 9780101754620), which is an independent body established in 1991 to examine and report on such matters relating to the statutory conditions of employment of school teachers in England and Wales to the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Education. Tne report is divided into 6 chapters with 4 appendices. The Review Body has set out a number of recommendations, including: that teachers' pay be increased by 2.3% from 1 September 2009 pending the outcome of a review in June 2009; that there be an adjustment to the main and upper pay scale for inner London (as proposed in the 17th Report: Part One, Cm.7252, ISBN 9780101725224), of £26,000 for teachers in Band A, with consequential adjustments to the main pay scale from September 2009. In respect of teachers' professional responsibilities and conditions of employment, the Review Body recommends, that: the Department consult all interested parties on the Review Body's draft statement of purposes and professional responsibilities; that the Department should re-structure the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD, ISBN 9780112711988) to make it more coherent and user-friendly; that the Department should investigate long working hours for teachers and head teachers. There are also recommendations in respect of leadership in schools, special educational needs allowances and excellent teachers.

School Teachers' Review Body - Cm. 8813

Book Description

In this report the Review Body considers wide-ranging changes to the teacher pay framework, focussing on three issues: pay for the leadership group; allowances and safeguarding; and non-pay conditions. The report builds on principles set out in its 21st Report on pay for classroom teachers: increased autonomy for schools to respond to local circumstances within a broad national framework; appropriate reward allied to accountability; and simplification of the existing pay system so governing bodies can use it effectively and with confidence. School-led improvement is creating a variety of new roles, including leadership of multiple schools; and encouraging wider collaboration to spread best practice. The impact of academies is beginning to shape the market for able leaders. The recommendations in this report: (a) provide a clear and usable framework for setting the pay of school leaders, enabling governing bodies to match pay to accountabilities and the local needs of the school as well as offering appropriate reward to high quality leaders who are so crucial to raising standards; (b) provide greater freedom in setting the level of Teaching and Learning Responsibility payments; whilst retaining the main allowances used by schools and the existing safeguarding provisions; (c) remove unnecessary detailed guidance on non-pay conditions whilst retaining the core statutory protections on teachers' working hours and time for planning, preparation and assessment. These proposals will enable substantial simplification of the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document so it provides an accessible handbook for governing bodies, leadership teams and teachers to exercise professional judgement at local level.

School Teachers' Review Body Report

Book Description

The report from the School Teachers' Review Body contains recommendations for the level of teachers' pay and related matters. It recommends a general increase of 3.5 per cent to teachers' pay scales and allowances, to be implemented in full and without staging from April 2002. This will mean a new teacher's starting salary will be increased to £17,628. Other recommendations include: a restructured six-point main pay scale that allows all newly-qualified entrants to teaching to apply for the threshold after five years; and greater flexibility for school governing bodies in setting pay levels for headteachers. The report notes that the basic pay structure has to be sufficiently attractive to ensure high quality teachers are recruited and retained within the profession, and states its intention to keep the balance between basic and discretionary pay under review. A further review is being undertaken which will focus on teachers' workload.

School Teachers' Review Body Twenty-first Report - 2012

Book Description

The Review Body was asked to consider wide ranging changes to the teacher pay framework, focusing on three issues: market facing pay; more effectively linking pay progression and performance; and wider reforms to support the recruitment and retention of high quality teachers. The package of recommendations propose: (i) a pay framework that seeks to raise the status of the profession, support professional development and reward individuals in line with their contribution to improving pupil outcomes; (ii) greater autonomy for schools to set teachers pay, and (iii) recognised career stages for teachers alongside increased accountability for high professional standards and contribution to pupil progress. These changes are designed to encourage high calibre graduates and career changers to come into teaching and to help schools facing the greatest challenges. They are also intended to enable existing teachers to develop and improve their teaching skills. Among the key recommendations for change are: replacement of increments based on length of service by differentiated progression through the main scale to reward excellence and performance improvement; extension to all teachers of pay progression linked to annual appraisal (already established for senior teachers); abolition of mandatory pay points with the pay scales for classroom teachers to enable individual pay decisions but retaining present of points for reference only in the main scale to guide career expectations for entrants; retention of a broad national framework; local flexibility to pay salaries above the upper pay scale; more discretion in the use of allowances; a simplified pay and conditions document.

School Teachers' Review Body twentieth report - 2011

Book Description

The Review Body was asked to consider two issues: payment for teachers earning £21,000 or less, in the context of the two-year public sector pay freeze that will affect teachers from September 2011; and whether there should be a limit on the value of the discretionary payments that can be applied to head teachers' pay, and if so, what it should be and how it should be applied. The only teachers whose full-time equivalent pay is £21,000 or less are some of those on the unqualified teacher scale. The Department for Education proposed a non-consolidated payment of £250. The Review Body concludes that the non-consolidated payment of £250 in both years is appropriate for all full-time unqualified teachers, with pro-rata payments for those working part-time. Remuneration for head teachers is a crucial issue, and the Review Body concludes that the case has been made in principle for a limit to be put in place, and that effective governance is key to ensuring appropriate reward whilst maintaining proper oversight of public funds. There should be a 'base' Individual School Range (ISR) for a head teacher described in the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD). Any discretion above 'base' ISR pay must be clearly justified and should not exceed the limit of 25% above the individual's point on their 'base' ISR in any given year. The Department should redraft the STPCD to give effect to the recommendations and to draw together all existing discretions as they impact on head teachers.