Science Enlights

Book Description

This book is part of the scI-Q Program from the Inde Ed Project Non-Profit Organization. Science ideas open our minds. They explain how our everyday items work. ScI-Q, personalizes Science by making it practical, fun and easy to understand. With urgency and energy, we see the Science inside elements, objects and ourselves!

scI-Q Science Enlights -Teacher Guide

Book Description

Science Enlights Teacher’s Guide is part of the Inde Ed Project Non Profit Organization Science Quotient (scI-Q) 3rd to 6th Grade Integrated Science Curriculum.

COMPUTERS and Science

Book Description

This book is the Science of Computers for 3rd to 6th Grade Teachers. We see the Science inside the billions of digital devices that we use daily. With Science, we look at how bits and opposites link into worldwide networks. We answer, Where have computers come-from? How do we will better understand our emerging future with computers?


Book Description

This book is for everyone who wants to know the secret science inside airplanes. From bird flaps to flying planes, we learn about 4 forces. Air is important to why planes fly too. There are connections between wedge-shaped tools and jet wings. When we understand Science, we soar!

CAR Science - For 3rd to 6th Grade Teachers

Book Description

This book is Car Science for 3rd to 6th Grade Teachers. We see the Science inside the billion cars that are in use on our planet. With Science, people, pour, pound and push to make car parts. Science enables us to work together to make future cars green and fly!

Easy Science with Ideas, Flows & Powers

Book Description

Inside this book is Easy Science: Ideas; Flows and Powers for 3rd to 6th Grade Teachers. Science Ideas open our eyes from atoms alone to galaxy glue. Science flflows all around us. Its in our air, water and food. Science flflows from separate atoms into life systems like us. Science is in the applied energies of powers that move our machines and digital devices. Our world is complicarted but basic Science is easy to understand!

AIRPLANES - For 3rd to 6th Grade Teachers Indē Ed Project Non-Profifit

Book Description

This book is Airplane Science for 3rd to 6th Grade Teachers. From bird flflaps to flflying planes, we learn about 4 forces. Air is important to why planes flfly too. There are connections between wedge-shaped tools and jet wings. When we understand Science, we soar!

FOOD Science

Book Description

If there are no plants, then there is no food! Inside this book, we see how our planet, plants and people are all connected. Like magic, seeds turn sunshine, CO2 and wet soil into our food. We see how plants give to us. We learn to share with others too.

scI-Q FOOD Science - For 3rd to 6th Grade Teachers

Book Description

If there are no plants, then there is no food! Inside this book, we see how our planet, plants and people are all connected. Like magic, seeds turn sunshine, CO2 and wet soil into our food. We see how plants give to us. We learn to share with others too.

Science - Food and Forces for ages 8 and up

Book Description

SCIENCE - Food and Forces 0) (Intro) Welcome to Science -Foods and Forces Easy Science with Alford For ages 8 and up. 1). (Air, Water and Food) Where does my energy come-from? Why do I breathe, drink and eat? 2). (Good Food, Goes Bad Why does food spoil? What can we do about it? 3). (No Plants, No Food) - Nature has Networks. Why do I care about plants? 4). (Cozy Clozy) -From Fibers to Fabrics What actions turn cotton into clothes? 5). (Money Math) What are the 4 math actions that make money move? 6). (Shape Math) How do points and lines become shapes all around me? Why does Shape Math matter to me? 7). (Sand Sea) How does life live in a dry desert? 8). (Tad’s Tale) How can nature change a swimming tadpole into a hopping frog? 9). (Moon Race) What forces enable feet from earth to walk on the moon? 10). (Too Much Tech) How do our digital devices educate as well as entertain us? 11). (Airplanes) What are the Forces of Flight? How do airplanes fly with their can-shaped bodies and swept-back wings? 12). (Cars) What actions turn piece parts into complete cars? CONCLUSION With Science… We eat food, for energy. We use math to move our money. We learn to adapt to nature! We understand life`s changes. We apply actions to make airplanes and autos.