Celestial Sleuth

Book Description

For a general audience interested in solving mysteries in art, history, and literature using the methods of science, 'forensic astronomy' is a thrilling new field of exploration. Astronomical calculations are the basis of the studies, which have the advantage of bringing to readers both evocative images and a better understanding of the skies. Weather facts, volcano studies, topography, tides, historical letters and diaries, famous paintings, military records, and the friendly assistance of experts in related fields add variety, depth, and interest to the work. The chosen topics are selected for their wide public recognition and intrigue, involving artists such as Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet, Edvard Munch, and Ansel Adams; historical events such as the Battle of Marathon, the death of Julius Caesar, the American Revolution, and World War II; and literary authors such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Joyce, and Mary Shelley. This book sets out to answer these mysteries indicated with the means and expertise of astronomy, opening the door to a richer experience of human culture and its relationship with nature. Each subject is carefully analyzed. As an example using the study of sky paintings by Vincent van Gogh, the analytical method would include: - computer calculations of historical skies above France in the 19th century - finding and quoting the clues found in translations of original letters by Van Gogh - making site visits to France to determine the precise locations when Van Gogh set up his easel and what celestial objects are depicted. For each historical event influenced by astronomy, there would be a different kind of mystery to be solved. As an example: - How can the phase of the Moon and time of moonrise help to explain a turning point of the American Civil War - the fatal wounding of Stonewall Jackson at Chancellorsville in 1863? For each literary reference to astronomy, it was determined which celestial objects were being described and making an argument that the author is describing an actual event. For example, what was the date of the moonlit scene when Mary Shelley first had the idea for her novel “Frankenstein?” These and more fun riddles will enchant and delight the fan of art and astronomy.

The Sleuth Book for Genealogists

Book Description

Originally published: Cincinnati, Ohio: Betterway Books, 2000.

Science Sleuths

Book Description

Building on the growing public interest in forensics, the three cases featured in Science Sleuths: Solving Mysteries Using Scientific Inquiry merge science and literacy, requiring students to be critical and active readers as they conduct their investigation. Beginning with an evaluation of the crime scene photos, the student investigators will analyze lab reports, phone messages, and interviews to extract key information. Students will sort through the evidence to formulate their initial hypothesis (being alert to red herrings) as they work to identify the person responsible for each crime. Students are given additional sets of information as they make their way through the case, requiring them to reformulate their initial hypothesis until they arrive at a final conclusion. The students' final write-up consists of a chart explaining the means, motive, and opportunity for each of the suspects, in addition to a thorough analysis of the evidence and a recreation of the case. Eventually, students are able to determine which suspect should be charged with the crime! Students will: solve fun mysteries using science skills, sort through evidence to develope hypotheses, and use critical thinking to identify the suspect. Grades 6-9

Detective Science

Book Description

Children/Science Become a super science sleuth with . . . Detective Science 40 Crime-Solving, Case-Breaking, Crook-Catching Activitiesfor Kids Search for evidence, gather clues, and discover how science canhelp solve a mystery. From dusting for fingerprints to analyzinghandwriting, these easy, fun-filled activities give you a firsthandlook at how detectives and forensic scientists use science to solvereal-life crimes. Make a plaster cast of a shoe. Identify lip prints left on aglass. Examine hair and clothing fibers. Practice chemistry toidentify mystery substances, and much more. In no time at all, you'll be thinking like a detective andperforming experiments like a real forensic scientist!

Science Super Sleuths

Book Description

Develop students' problem-solving skills as they become "detectives" of science. Fun-filled experiments involve data, tables, graphs, and conclusion-drawing questions.

Science Sleuth - Einstein

Book Description

Einstein Anderson, Science Sleuth, Shocks His Friends

Book Description

Einstein Anderson uses his scientific knowledge to solve a variety of problems, including getting rid of a bully and preserving a snow sculpture.

Science Sleuth

Book Description

Show off your science skills with the Science Sleuth Book Set. This set includes the two One Minute Mysteries Science books: 65 Short Mysteries You Solve With Science! and 65 More Short Mysteries You Solve With Science! from the award-winning authors Eric Yoder and Natalie Yoder.

Basher Science Mini: Forensics

Book Description

Learn how to collect the evidence and crack the case in Basher’s eye-opening guide to the world of forensic science. - What secrets do Tyre Track, Fingerprint and Bloodspatter hold? - How do DNA Collection and DNA Profiling help identify criminals? - Why are maggots, flies and beetles Forensic Entomologist’s best friends? With age-appropriate real-world examples, Basher’s world of forensic science has the answers to these questions, and more. Every crime scene is laced with traces left behind by the people doing wrong. Bagged, tagged and analysed, these traces help investigators work out how a crime unfolded. From Protective Clothing and Ballistics to Facial Recognition and Fire Investigator, Basher introduces the key players at the crime scene, back in the lab or out in the field. Look inside to get the lowdown on their crime-solving skills! Perfect for home or school, Basher's highly original books have sold over 3 million copies worldwide. They make difficult concepts tangible, understandable and even lovable. Chatty first-person text and stylish, contemporary character illustrations give a voice, personality and story to each topic – a brilliant way to communicate science.

BSCS Science T.R.A.C.S.: Investigating the changing earth

Book Description

Four modules explore topics in physical science, earth and space science, life science, and science and technology with hands-on activities designed to engage students in the processes of scientific inquiry and technological design. Modules within a developmental level may be taught in any sequence.