Scientific Visualization of Physical Phenomena

Book Description

Scientific Visualization of Physical Phenomena reflects the special emphasis of the Computer Graphics Society's Ninth International Conference, held at the MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA in June, 1991. This volume contains the proceedings of the conference, which, since its foundation in 1983, continues to attract high quality research articles in all aspects of Computer Graphics and its applications. Visualization in science and engineering is rapidly developing into a vital area because of its potential for significantly contributing to the understanding of physical processes and the design automation of man-made systems. With the increasing emphasis in handling complicated physical and artificial processes and systems and with continuing advances in specialized graphics hardware and processing software and algorithms, visualization is expected to play an increasingly dominant role in the foreseeable future.

Visualization of Natural Phenomena

Book Description

by David C Nagel In the last five years visualization has gone from the lab to become a desktop technology for many scientists. Images and 3-D renderings of data sets and mathematical models have evolved from the high-priced hardware and customized software of graphics professionals to low-cost, off-the-shelf commercial software running on personal computers. fu such, scientific visualization has taken its place beside mathematical modeling as an everyday means of interacting with one's data. This has significantly changed both the amount and the quality of information that scientists are able to extract from raw data, and has effectively established a new paradigm for scientific computing. In addi tion, new, low-cost hardware and software technologies such as CD-ROMs, digital video, and Apple's QuickTime time-based media of image and and compression technologies have enabled large amounts animation data to be easily accessible to the average researcher or teacher through the personal computer. However, little has been done in the way of providing a context within which the researcher or teacher could learn which approaches might be best suited for a given problem. Furthermore, most scientists are unfamiliar with the terminology and concepts in modern computer graphics, which simply steepens the learning curve for them to apply the new technologies to their work. fu a result, researchers and teachers are not yet taking full advantage of the new paradigm.

Visualization in Science Education

Book Description

This book addresses key issues concerning visualization in the teaching and learning of science at any level in educational systems. It is the first book specifically on visualization in science education. The book draws on the insights from cognitive psychology, science, and education, by experts from five countries. It unites these with the practice of science education, particularly the ever-increasing use of computer-managed modelling packages.

3D Scientific Visualization with Blender

Book Description

This is the first book written on using Blender (an open-source visualization suite widely used in the entertainment and gaming industries) for scientific visualization. It is a practical and interesting introduction to Blender for understanding key parts of 3D rendering that pertain to the sciences via step-by-step guided tutorials. Any time you see an awesome science animation in the news, you will now know how to develop exciting visualizations and animations with your own data. 3D Scientific Visualization with Blender takes you through an understanding of 3D graphics and modeling for different visualization scenarios in the physical sciences. This includes guides and tutorials for: understanding and manipulating the interface; generating 3D models; understanding lighting, animation, and camera control; and scripting data import with the Python API. The agility of Blender and its well organized Python API make it an exciting and unique visualization suite every modern scientific/engineering workbench should include. Blender provides multiple scientific visualizations including: solid models/surfaces/rigid body simulations; data cubes/transparent/translucent rendering; 3D catalogs; N-body simulations; soft body simulations; surface/terrain maps; and phenomenological models. The possibilities for generating visualizations are considerable via this ever growing software package replete with a vast community of users providing support and ideas.

Visualization in Scientific Computing

Book Description

Visualization in scientific computing is getting more and more attention from many people. Especially in relation with the fast increase of com puting power, graphic tools are required in many cases for interpreting and presenting the results of various simulations, or for analyzing physical phenomena. The Eurographics Working Group on Visualization in Scientific Com puting has therefore organized a first workshop at Electricite de France (Clamart) in cooperation with ONERA (Chatillon). A wide range of pa pers were selected in order to cover most of the topics of interest for the members of the group, for this first edition, and 26 of them were presented in two days. Subsequently 18 papers were selected for this volume. 1'he presentations were organized in eight small sessions, in addition to discussions in small subgroups. The first two sessions were dedicated to the specific needs for visualization in computational sciences: the need for graphics support in large computing centres and high performance net works, needs of research and education in universities and academic cen tres, and the need for effective and efficient ways of integrating numerical computations or experimental data and graphics. Three of those papers are in Part I of this book. The third session discussed the importance and difficulties of using stan dards in visualization software, and was related to the fourth session where some reference models and distributed graphics systems were discussed. Part II has five papers from these sessions.

3D Scientific Visualization with Blender

Book Description

This is the first book written on using Blender (an open-source visualization suite widely used in the entertainment and gaming industries) for scientific visualization. It is a practical and interesting introduction to Blender for understanding key parts of 3D rendering that pertain to the sciences via step-by-step guided tutorials. Any time you see an awesome science animation in the news, you will now know how to develop exciting visualizations and animations with your own data. 3D Scientific Visualization with Blender takes you through an understanding of 3D graphics and modeling for different visualization scenarios in the physical sciences. This includes guides and tutorials for: understanding and manipulating the interface; generating 3D models; understanding lighting, animation, and camera control; and scripting data import with the Python API. The agility of Blender and its well organized Python API make it an exciting and unique visualization suite every modern scientific/engineering workbench should include. Blender provides multiple scientific visualizations including: solid models/surfaces/rigid body simulations; data cubes/transparent/translucent rendering; 3D catalogs; N-body simulations; soft body simulations; surface/terrain maps; and phenomenological models. The possibilities for generating visualizations are considerable via this ever growing software package replete with a vast community of users providing support and ideas.

An Introductory Guide to Scientific Visualization

Book Description

Scientific visualization is concerned with exploring data and information insuch a way as to gain understanding and insight into the data. This is a fundamental objective of much scientific investigation. To achieve this goal, scientific visualization utilises aspects in the areas of computergraphics, user-interface methodology, image processing, system design, and signal processing. This volume is intended for readers new to the field and who require a quick and easy-to-read summary of what scientific visualization is and what it can do. Written in a popular andjournalistic style with many illustrations it will enable readers to appreciate the benefits of scientific visualization and how current tools can be exploited in many application areas. This volume is indispensible for scientists and research workers who have never used computer graphics or other visual tools before, and who wish to find out the benefitsand advantages of the new approaches.

Inductive Learning of Feature-tracking Rules for Scientific Visualization

Book Description

Abstract: "Numerical simulation and scientific visualization are often used by scientists to help them understand physical phenomena. One approach taken by some visualization systems is to identify and quantify coherent features in a simulation and track their trajectories as they evolve over time. Such feature-tracking systems operate either by relying on manual (human) efforts, or by utilizing ad hoc programs embodying heuristics that are computationally expensive to use. Our research demonstrates the use of inductive learning to construct feature-tracking programs for fluid flows. Our approach uses manually generated feature trajectories as training data, and applies inductive learning to construct feature-tracking rules that can then be incorporated into a feature- tracking program. This results in a more efficient system that can match up objects across large time steps without inspecting intermediate steps. We demonstrate our approach on the problem of tracking vortices in turbulent viscous fluids."