Scripturalizing Jewishness through Blackness

Book Description

While conversions to Judaism are generally understudied in France, conversions of Black persons go unnoticed. The past three decades witnessed an increasing number of claims to Jewishness in Africa and conversions in the African diaspora and Israel. Their diverse life stories reflect deep spiritual quests. Scripturalizing Jewishness through Blackness: Black Jews in France describes the multiple ways in which they practice and claim their Judaism, relate to their fellow Jews, and reconstruct their identities. Whether former Christians or native Jews, they (re)define their racial and ethnic identities as members of two minority groups in their interactions with Jewish texts and communities, to find their place in the French Jewry and the broader French society, where they have to face both anti-Semitism and racism. After fifteen years of fieldwork, Aurélien Mokoko Gampiot offers an original analysis of their individual and collective itineraries.

Black Zion

Book Description

This is an exploration of the interaction between African American religions and Jewish traditions, beliefs, and spaces. The collection's argument is that religion is the missing piece of the cultural jigsaw, and black-Jewish relations need the religious roots of their problem illuminated.


Book Description

This book is part of our Israelite series. There is much debate in the Christian community about who and where the Israelites are or if they even exist anymore. Here we answer those questions with empirical proof, we also provide irrefutable evidence showing that Africa is where the Biblical land Israel is located. Check out all the books in our series; most are available in the following formats: audiobook, eBook, paperback, and hardcover. "Proof Jesus is Not God" by Jeremiah Israel "The Law vs. Grace" by Jeremiah Israel "Did the White Man Invent Jesus?" by Jeremiah Jael Israel "How We Became Black Hebrew Israelites: A Story of Love" by Jeremiah Jael Israel "The Book of Acts" by Jeremiah Jael Israel "The Tithing Deception" by Jeremiah Jael Israel "Hidden Identity of Blacks in the Bible" by Jeremiah Jael Israel "Hidden Identity of Blacks in the Bible: 10th Anniversary Expanded Edition" by Jeremiah Jael Israel "Who Are the Gentiles?" by Jeremiah Israel "The Virgin Mary Deception" by Jeremiah Israel

The African American Guide to the Bible

Book Description

The African American Guide to the Bible makes the case for the relevance of the Bible from the perspective of people of color. It presents a comprehensive biblical view of topics of interest to African Americans and clarifies racial issues for white people. Part 1 addresses the inspiration of the Bible by giving evidence for its authenticity. A considerable amount of time is spent on examining the original text of the Bible, the archeological evidence, and the evidence from predictive prophecy to demonstrate the uniqueness of the Bible. Part 2 deals with the black presence in the Bible by demonstrating the prominence of people of color and black people in particular by highlighting their importance in the plan of God. It explains what it means to be black and demonstrates that the scientific and biblical evidence are both consistent with respect to race. Part 3 is a response to the arguments of racism used by critics of the Bible, for example, "Christianity is the white man's religion" and "Bible supports slavery and racism." These arguments are examined and evaluated in light of scripture and the context of history. Part 4 deals with the unity of humanity from a biblical perspective. It shows why racism is not only unbiblical but is evil when understood from the perspective of God.

African Zion

Book Description

Over the last hundred years, in Africa and the United States, through a variety of religious encounters, some black African societies adopted – or perhaps rediscovered – a Judaic religious identity. African Zion grows out of a joined interest in these diversified encounters with Judaism, their common substrata and divergences, their exogenous or endogenous characteristics, the entry or re-entry of these people into the contemporary world as Jews and the necessity of reshaping the standard accounts of their collective experience. In various loci the bonds with Judaism of black Jews were often forged in the harshest circumstances and grew out of experiences of slavery, exile, colonial subjugation, political ethnic conflicts and apartheid. For the African peoples who identify as Jews and with other Jews, identification with biblical Israel assumes symbolical significance. This book presents the way in which the religious identification of African American Jews and African black Jews – “real”, ideal or imaginary – has been represented, conceptualized and reconfigured over the last century or so. These essays grow out of a concern to understand Black encounters with Judaism, Jews and putative Hebrew/Israelite origins and are intended to illuminate their developments in the medley of race, ethnicity, and religion of the African and African American religious experience. They reflect the geographical and historic mosaic of black Judaism, permeated as it is with different “meanings”, both contemporary and historical.

Blacks in the Bible

Book Description

Blacks in the Bible. The first question the New Testament asks a Black man reading Scripture is, "Do you understand what you are reading?" God used dirt to "make man" in His image, the Imago Dei. He formed Himself as a soil colored man then placed that living image of Himself in Africa where His Garden began and where man's oldest bones are found. So, it is illogical to think that Adam, God's Image of Himself as dirt, was white. Do you know what book of the Bible is solely dedicated to a black woman? Do you know that Joseph was appointed an African wife by Africa's greatest king? Did you know that Ham was the only son of Noah that rode on the Ark and had land named after him? (Psalm 105:23 & 106:22) Did you know that Goliath that David slew was black? Did you know that every time God cursed skin, He turned it white, never black. Do you know the only verse in Scripture that God declares "I am black?. saith the LORD, and that there are no "I am white" Scriptures? Did you know the last person Jesus healed was black? Do you know the only non-Jewish apostle of Jesus Christ was black and he descended from Canaan, "and Ham is the father of Canaan." Do you know that Christ did no call any white apostles though Romans were all round Him? Do you know what Israelites passed as black royalty in Scripture? Do you know the two most powerful Queens in Scripture were black women. Do you know that Moses married an African woman? Do you know that the name of Ham's sons are on our maps today but their names in Scripture are hidden in Hebrew words? Do you know that there was no white blood in the children of Israel in the entire Old Testament and neither is there any white blood in the bloodline of Jesus the Messiah who has four infusions of black blood in His lineage. Do you know only one white man spoke in the Old Testament?

Reading While Black

Book Description

Reading Scripture from the perspective of Black church tradition can help us connect with a rich faith history and address the urgent issues of our times. Demonstrating an ongoing conversation between the collective Black experience and the Bible, New Testament scholar Esau McCaulley shares a personal and scholarly testament to the power and hope of Black biblical interpretation.

Blacks in the Bible

Book Description

From Volume I: Abraham and his wife made their African slave a surrogate mother and she bore Abraham a half-black heir. Later, God wished to use Moses and his Ethiopian wife and half-Ethiopian sons to raise up a new race of Jews to replace the twelve tribes of Israel. Let's not forget that the Almighty did not object when Jacob passed "the blessing of Abraham" on to his half-African grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh, in North Africa. In light of these facts it's amazing that early Americans wondered if blacks could be saved especially since it was big news to Jews that gentiles (Europeans) could be saved. Prior to the Apostles of Christ's debate about whether Europeans, called gentiles in Scripture, could be saved, Niger and Lucius were black Bible teachers at Antioch (where believers were first called Christians) and an Ethiopian eunuch had been saved and baptized. (Acts 13:1, 15:7) The first king, queen, prince, and princess in the Bible were black. It was an African princess who found Moses floating down the Nile in Africa. Later Esther a dark skinned Jew won a black beauty contest that stretched from India to Ethiopia. Blacks in the Bible Vol. I shows you truths stranger than fiction.

Black Judaism

Book Description

Throughout most black societies today, there are Jews who are not accepted by the worldwide community of Rabbinic Jews. They are known as Black Jews, and the movement they represent is known as Black Judaism. Originating in the post-Civil War southern states, the early leaders of this movement were motivated by oppression and racism to migrate north. They came into contact with Rabbinic Jews and the Judaism they represented, but Black Jews and Black Judaism were rejected. Black Judaism continued to spread and reached the continent of Africa where it became an integral part of the Independent Black Church Movement and an active component of the various struggles for independence. From New York it spread to Latin America, especially the West Indies, and is known there in its most varied form as "Rastafarianism." During the turbulent days of the Civil Rights era, an uneasy alliance developed between some Black Jews and Rabbinic Jews, but again rejection soon followed. Black Judaism has never been a large movement in numbers of adherents, but its influence far exceeds its numbers, making it recognizable, as Landing shows in this book, as one of the most important social movements in African-American history. "There is limited existing literature on the topic and Landing's book offers a much needed analysis of this little known religious phenomenon. The work includes an extensive annotated bibliography and photographic supplement. Recommended for academic and research libraries." -- Association of Jewish Libraries, September/October 2004