Searching for Tomorrow

Book Description

Some people are blessed to find that one certain person who completes them. Wrynn's yesterdays were what others only dream of having. She and Tripp were the best of friends before they even thought about love. They had the fairy tale life where 'like' turns into 'love', and 'love' becomes 'happily ever after'. What happens when life conspires against you, and snatches your soul mate from your arms? ...only her forever love ended much too soon. Broken beyond her own ability to repair, Wrynn boxes up her grief and attempts to raise her three girls the best she can on her own. As time slowly passes, Wrynn relives her life with Tripp while struggling most days to get out of bed. She is reminded of him at every turn. How do you set your grief and anguish aside? How do you pick up the shattered pieces, put those pieces back together again, and try to move on? Wrynn tries to find the joy in life every single day through her daughters, family, and friends. Her twin brother Liam has dedicated himself to helping Wrynn put her life back together after losing his own love. On the other hand, her mother-in-law lives to torment her at every turn. Wrynn can't even find a chance to breathe, much less a desire to somehow search for her tomorrow.

Search For Tomorrow (Book One)

Book Description

With one quick, tragic car accident, Abigail loses her family and fiance and finds herself desperately alone. Broken in body and in spirit but hoping nonetheless for a new beginning, Abigail accepts a job as a housekeeper for the Stevens family on their farm outside Brisbane, Australia. She also assumes a new identity: Perhaps as Gail Brand she can face the future unafraid. Through the patient and loving understanding of Jim Stevens, his mother, and aunt, Gail is forced to relive her nightmares amid a maze of puzzling coincidences. Will Gail ever accept the past for what it is? Will her search for a new tomorrow ever end?

In Search of Tomorrow

Book Description

Dimensions In Health Research: Search For The Medicines Of Tomorrow

Book Description

Dimensions in Health Research: Search for the Medicines of Tomorrow is a collection of papers presented at the 1977 Symposium on Dimensions in Health Research: Search for the Medicines of Tomorrow, held in Basel, Switzerland, sponsored by the Roche Research Foundation for Scientific Exchange and Biomedical Collaboration. This symposium is organized in honor to Professor Alfred Pletscher, a known neurobiologist who led the discovery of drugs for the treatment of various central nervous disorders. This book is organized into three section encompassing 28 chapters. The first section covers the molecular biological aspects of gene expression; the biosynthesis of human interferon; the concept of DNA damage and repair; and the link between advances in molecular genetics and medicine. The second section discusses the pertinent advances in understanding the mechanism of immune system and its components. The third section surveys the trends in pharmacotherapy based on monoaminergic, adenosine triphosphate, gamma-amino butyric acid, amino acid, and peptide mechanisms. This book will prove useful to researchers in the fields of molecular biology, immunology, and neurobiology.

Searching Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Book Description

This book of poems is from life lived. People the world over struggle to find something, anything that will bring them closer to finding laughter, to find love, to be in good health, to have a decent shelter, or even to escape from constant abuse. People are searching for what will make them happy, fulfilled, and loved. I am hoping this book of poetry will reflect my own struggles and trials through the years that I have faced and continue to face even now on this journey to find love, and acceptance and ultimately God. I hope that people reading this book will find compassion, understanding, and faith as I myself did. The poems are about happiness, strength, fear, depression, chipmunks, humorous situations, tag sales, God, sorrow, birds and many more too numerous to list. I remind people through my poems to continue questioning and asking, to search till you find, and to keep knocking on Gods door because he will open it to you if you would but call to him and accept his love and grace. I hope my poems speak to your heart!

Issues and Trends in Nursing: Essential Knowledge for Today and Tomorrow

Book Description

Issues and Trends in Nursing synthesizes the scientific, technical, ethical, and organizational issues that are essential for nurses to understand in order to work in today’s ever-evolving healthcare arena. Arranged into four major units to provide a comprehensive examination of issues impacting the nursing metaparadigm—person, environment, health, and nursing, this relevant, timely text covers issues pertinent to everyday practice, including safety, confidentiality, technology, regulatory compliance, and global health.

TOMORROW IS TODAY, A behavior modification methodology, guide, and workbook to manage the job search process

Book Description

This 240-page workbook is a highly effective, no nonsense, self-marketing instrument to facilitate and manage the entire job-search campaign. Contained in its pages are all the tools and information necessary to help your terminated employee win and keep their next job. Whether or not you provide Outplacement support to your separated employees, our workbook would be an excellent tool to augment their job search. It provides a complete resource to help the discharged worker achieve and keep their next position. FINDING A JOB IS HARD WORK. It has been estimated that as many as one out of every three workers attempts to change jobs annually in the United States. Out of a labor force of 153 million, that represents almost 50,000,000 job seekers who are seeking new employment each year. As a result, the job search process is highly competitive at all levels. It can be lengthy, frustrating, prejudicial, and unfair. Older, more traditional job finding techniques have become less productive. The traditional resume no longer has the same impact in generating the all important and often elusive interview. Both the Wall Street Journal and USA TODAY have highlighted the fact that only about 15% of all professionals find a new position through responding to published advertisements or online postings, another 10% through placement agencies or search firms, and only 5% through unsolicited direct mail. Why then, would anyone focus 90% of their time and effort in areas that represent only about 30% of all potential opportunities? It is not uncommon for 200-300 people to respond to help wanted advertisements. Yet seldom do more than 6 to 10 people achieve interviews, and after an often lengthy process, only one person gets the job. Everyone else starts the whole process again. Older Americans, women, and minorities can often face an even more difficult road due to unspoken, but ever-present biases. There is a better way. Tomorrow Is Today dispels the myth that the most qualified candidate always gets the job. It points out that the person who is hired is usually the one who is liked the best. This book can be a major factor in how you differentiate yourself from other candidates when the hiring decision is almost always based upon subjective factors such as the individual’s personality style, body language, and manner of being interviewed. It is an invaluable resource in helping you to achieve your next position with added features that assist in effectively managing both career growth and family issues.

Information Services Today

Book Description

This essential overview of what it means to be a library and information professional today provides a broad overview of the transformation of libraries as information organizations, why these organizations are more important today than ever before, the technological influence on how we provide information resources and services in today’s digital and global environment, and the various career opportunities available for information professionals. The book begins with a historical overview of libraries and their transformation as information and technology hubs within their communities. It also covers the various specializations within the field emphasizing the exciting yet complex roles and opportunities for information professionals. With that foundation in place, it presents how libraries serve different kinds of communities, highlighting the unique needs of users across all ages and how libraries fulfill those needs through a variety of services, and addresses key issues facing information organizations as they meet user needs in the Digital Age. The book then concludes with career management strategies to guide library and information science professionals in building not only vibrant careers but vibrant information organizations for the future as well.

Three Go Searching

Book Description

Everyone knows a person like Waffi—mischievous, willful, and having a knack for getting others into trouble. David, whose father is a missionary doctor in Africa, is Waffi's friend. Although Waffi occasionally gets David into some difficult situations, David is learning to be a witness for God. When Waffi and David find a sick servant girl and a mysterious boat, an exciting adventure begins for them.

The Search for Tomorrow

Book Description

This is a new release of the original 1938 edition.