Book Description
"This is a story of how I got started on meth and how quickly things spun out of control until I was living on the streets which eventually progressed into crime while living out of stolen cars. The cycle of drugs, crime, and prison goes on for years, finally I hit treatment. After treatment I find success and a new way to live until I relapse but I look at addiction through a new set of eyes. I humanized the addict but would never ask for the reader’s sympathy because this is a story solely written to exploit the underground drug world and property crimes of addicts. This book is meant to give society a raw and uncut look into a car thief’s world. Exposing reasons of why cars are stolen, how they are stolen, and what happens to cars after they are stolen. An inside look into street crime. This story is engaging from the very first page and leaves the reader always wanting more. Targeting anyone who has had someone close to them with a meth addiction and more importantly, for those who live in cities and own a vehicle."