Nuclear Security

Book Description

In April 2008, the Dept. of Energy's (DoE) security inspection at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL) found significant weaknesses, particularly in LLNL's protective force's ability to assure the protection of weapons-grade nuclear material. LLNL is overseen by the Nat. Nuclear Security Admin. (NNSA), a separately organized agency within DoE. This report: (1) characterizes security deficiencies identified in the 2008 inspection; (2) determines the factors that contributed to these deficiencies; (3) identifies LLNL's corrective actions to address security deficiencies; and (4) assesses LLNL's plan to permanently remove the riskiest special nuclear material from its site. Charts and tables.

Managing for High-Quality Science and Engineering at the NNSA National Security Laboratories

Book Description

The three National Security Laboratories-Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)-are managed by private-sector entities under contract to the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). The FY2010 Defense Authorization Act mandated that NNSA task the National Research Council (NRC) to study the quality and management of Science and Engineering (S&E) at these Laboratories. This study (addressing a total of 5 tasks) is being conducted in two phases. This report covers the first phase, which addresses the relationship between the quality of the science and engineering at the Laboratory and the contract for managing and operating the Laboratory (task 4), and also addresses the management of work conducted by the Laboratory for entities other than the Department of Energy (task 5). The study's second phase will evaluate the actual quality of S&E in key subject areas. Managing for High-Quality Science and Engineering at the NNSA National Security Laboratories presents assessments of the evolution of the mission of the NNSA Labs and the management and performance of research in support of the missions, and the relationship between the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program and the ability of the Labs to fulfill their mission. The report examines the framework for managing science and engineering research at the Labs and provides an analysis of the relationships among the several players in the management of the Labs-the NNSA, the site offices, the contractors, and the Lab managers-and the effect of that relationship on the Laboratories' ability to carry out science and engineering research.

Security Issues at the Department of Energy and Records Management

Book Description

In order to discuss the connection between security issues within the Department of Energy and records management, the author covers a bit of security history and talks about what she calls ''the Amazing Project''. Initiated in late May 1999, it was to be a tri-laboratory (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory of Livermore, California, Los Alamos National Laboratory of Los Alamos, New Mexico, and Sandia National Laboratories of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Livermore, California) project. The team that formed was tasked to develop the best set of security solutions that still enabled weapon mission work to get done and the security solutions were to be the same set for everyone. The amazing project was called ''The Integrated Security Management Project'', or ''ISecM' for short. She'll describe why she thinks this project was so amazing and what it accomplished. There's a bit of sad news about the project, but then she'll move onto discuss what was learned at Sandia as a result of the project and what they're currently doing in records management.

DOE this Month

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